The True Keyblade War

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Keyblade Master Matt, Feb 11, 2011.

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  1. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Nixk blocked Tracy and put a wall of darkness around like an arena, he didn't have time to deal with Tracy when he had to shut this girl up. He looked at Xero, "Fool, you can't even fool emotions, tricking yourself with anger. Infact, you are asking for your death currently. Lets get this ov-" he looked shocked, scared, pupils returning, "Fight!" was all that Nick could manage to choke out as he assumed the form of Nixk again.

    Nick could sense everything was going wrong, he was just hoping Xero wouldn't lose it again...that look on her face. He already knew Nixk was gonna lose control and kill him, so he kind of didn't need to question that.

    Nixk looked even more angered than he did before, and he looked at Xero, "This is going to be a waste of my time, let us get this over with." A whirlpool of darkness surrounded Nixk and when the whirlpool stopped he looked more like a guy trying to be a giant heartless for Halloween. His whole entire body was almost like darkness itself, with black smoke coming from him, his yellow eyes completely black like a wild animal. "Let the show begin." he shouted, charging toward Xero.
  2. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    With surprising speed. Mixt appeared behind Nixk, keyblade finally in hand. He didn't know what Tracy was doing, but he didn't like it. Mixt thrust the keyblade into his back, aligned with the heart. The blade however did not deal any physical damage, though that isn't to say it didn't hurt some. It instead disappeared into what was similar to a dark portal. "Maybe this will shut you up" he said and suddenly there was a pulse of darkness as Mixt turned the key. Dismissing the key again and jumped back away on the shoulder of a Darkside. "If you can interfere on Nick's behalf, I can interfere on Nixk's. It is only fair after all."
  3. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Xera was trying very hard to stop laughing and finally calmed down enough to speak. This was hilarious! "You might as well stop, Tracy. You do realize that even if you succeed, You yourself will end up lost in darkness? There's nothing you can do about it." Stupid boy. He might be rather noble, but he was still stupid. Did he really think he could stop the darkness with light? And Xero was trying to stop the darkness by using- more darkness! She wouldn't be able to fight fire with fire.
  4. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    OOC: Whaa soo many people attacking at once lol
  5. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    OOC: This is gonna get confusing of this many people keep attacking at once. o-o

    Xero made another demonic smile and the strands of darkness rushed infront of her protecting her from Nixk. It was almost like she didn't even move from that spot. The strands were doing most of the work.
    "I think you're going to need to do alot more than that." She said flash stepping above Nixk. The strands of darkness now acting like wings she quickly flew over him slashing at him with her weapons.
  6. jojojojo97 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 18, 2010
    in a galexy far far away.
    Everything was going black. Tracy was still trying to help Nick escape. "I have to do what I can, Xera. And Xero, Xera's right. You can't fight fire with fire. Now get out of here, you guys! If I'm going I can at least bring this Darkness down with me!" With a final effort, Tracy plunged his blades straight where he thought Nick still rested in the black heart of Nixk. Then he opened a dark portal to let the others out. And he again collapsed just like he had when he first fought Xera. Why couldn't he be a nobody?
  7. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    "I'm not going anywhere!" Xero said her voice mixed up with another dark being. She kept attacking Nixk.
  8. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    He felt something hit him where he thought Nick was, but shook it off almost immediatly, slashing at Tracy "STAY OUT OF THIS. THIS IS MY FREAKING FIGHT."

    Nixt smiled cruelly, "Hah, you actually think I'm trying?" he said, making an extension of darkness to his keyblade for extra reach. He also summoned out weapons that floated around him made of darkness, swords, knives, a particular keyblade, anything he had taken from his past victims. He charged the Heartless, quickly running up it's front while slashing his keyblade behind, jumping off it's head and charging straight toward Xero in a blur and whirlpool of darkness, spinning along with it.

    OOC: I know right..I'm like "WTF?"
  9. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Xero tried using the strands to protect her again. About half of that idea worked.
    "Dammit Xero! You're holding me back! Just let me kick this guy's ass and it'll all be done with!" A voice said inside of Xero.
    "Hell, no! I'm not letting you take full control over me again!" Xero said clenching her fist. She kept using flash steps to quickly get back up towards Nixk.
    "Nick! Find the light that's still left! I know that this is all my fault and you probrably hate me right now, but you gotta listen!" Xero shouted trying to reach Nick.
  10. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt stayed and watched. Tracy seemed to think he was afraid of something here. But the heartless obeyed him and he wasn't the focus of combat. He just wanted to give Nixk help as needed. It would be a shame for Nick to win because of outside interference.
  11. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    OOC: Stupid sharing a PC with my sister and having to log out and let her log in and then her log out so I can log in! I NEED A STINKIN' LAPTOP!!!

    IC: Xera moved in to help Master Mixt bring down Tracy. She couldn't let him bring Nick back. That just wouldn't do. So she summoned her Keyblade again, and was about to plunge it into his back alongside Master Mixts'. But... What? She couldn't do it. Try as she might, she couldn't bring herself to kill Tracy. What was going on? With growing dread, she realized what the problem was. Her emotions were getting the better of her. She couldn't kill Tracy because he had become a friend! She had never dealt with this kind of dillema before. Even when she had a heart, she had surrounded herself with people she despised. She had never had to deal with friendship. This was aweful! All her well-laid plans, gone to waste because of a friend. No wonder she never wanted one.
  12. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Nixk was already annoyed enough with Nick screaming and cursing at him, and now Xero is trying to reach him? "You know you'll never get to him, do you? After all, he's fading by the second."

    Nick slowly felt himself fading away, kind of like dieing, except a lot more slower and less painful, as if particle by particle is getting swallowed by darkness. "Xero!" he shouted, and continued cursing very loudly for Nixk.

    "I know your giving in. The darkness does no harm." he smirked, slashing at Xero.
  13. jojojojo97 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 18, 2010
    in a galexy far far away.
    A sudden voice rang in Xera's head. It was Tracy's voice. "I never imagined you actually liked me. I can communicate without talking now. Can all mind readers do this? Anyway, You need to get the others and get out. I mean it. Just leave me."
  14. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Xero quickly dodged Nixk's attack and then lunged at him full force with both of her keyblades. She collided with Nixk's weapon and she glared at him.
    "Let Nick go...!" She said as the strands of darkness began wrapping around Nixk.
  15. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Xera believed Tracy... but she couldn't just walk away... What should she do? what could she do? She could do nothing. Even if she tried to save Tracy, there was no hope. And if she tried to help Mixt, well, she couldn't do that either. So she ran. She had never run before. Never. She went through Tracy's portal, and, not even stopping to see where she was, she opened another one and stepped through it, closing it behind her. She was back in Radient Gardens, back in the castle, running through the once forbidden corridor to her secret study. She stopped and traced the door, and went into the hidden place. She needed to do some serious thinking. She needed to compose herself. She needed to regain her composure and take the situation back into her control. But she couldn't think about any of that. Tracy's gone...
  16. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Nick found the loophole, and got control, at least for a few seconds.

    Nicks eyes turned from yellow to blue, and his pupils returned. He looked at Xero pleadingly, his whole entire body giving off darkness left from Nixks transformation. He saw Xero transformed, and he feel to the ground, having a seizure, probably from Nixk trying to get out. "Light." he croaked, having a spaz, feeling pain he never felt before.
  17. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Xero took her keyblade of light and then just looked at Nick for a moment, "This will hurt..." She said stabbing it into Nick's heart infusing him with the light power it had. She then turned the blade as if she was locking something.
  18. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Nick blacked out..well...all he could see was light..but as far as he could tell he was either dreaming or dead. He felt worse pain than ever though.
  19. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Xero stood up taking the keyblade out of Nick's chest.
    "I think that should do it...for now at least..." She said as she transformed back into her original state. But she fell back down from exsaugtion.
    "Dammit...the darkness is starting to drain me now? Heh... Why? I'm the one who can control it."
  20. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Nick opened his eyes very little, and looked up as if staring into nothingness "I..can't.." he croaked, unable to move his body nor his mouth. His heart ached...not like he was sad...but he learned getting a keyblade stabbed into your heart? Not fun.

    OOC: I gotta start practicing for a big music I might not reply back as quick.
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