The True Keyblade War

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Keyblade Master Matt, Feb 11, 2011.

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  1. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    OOC: I'm just gonna jump in cause i dont know what else to do! XDD

    Xero suddenly jumped in front of Nick with a smirk.
    "So you're one of those guys huh?" She asked with a sly look on her face, "Well, I'm one too!" She summoned her two keyblades. "But I wouldn't say that I'm on your side."
  2. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Nick shrugged, considering he was a go-with-the flow-guy, "Well it mostly depends if you tare me apart limb from limb" he said, not sure if she was trying to intimidate him. "Well, I'm Nick, how 'bout you?" he said, gripping the hilt of his keyblade a little tighter, Is she asking for a fight or something?
  3. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    "Xero, but I'd rather skip the formalities. I don't have time to chat either, so I'll make this nice and quick." Xero said darting towards Nick holding her Keyblades back handed. She then jumped in the air and slammed her blades in the ground and a huge shockwave of pure darkness shot at Nick.

    OOC: Lol! Just had to put a Luxord quote in there!
  4. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    "Nice job. But thats nothing," Nick said, getting up in a flash and summoned a wall of fire around the area they were in. "Your not leaving anytime soon," he grinned, then coated his keyblade in fire, running at her and shooting several speeding balls of fire at Xero.
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree flicked her eyes open and glanced around the empty jungle. She could hear them...the Heartless. Standing, she brushed off her coat and lifted her hooded face to the new swarm of Heartless surrounding her. A tremble passed through her and she lifted Dark Void. A smile passed over her lips, "I know...not my job...but, what more can I do than to aid a greater cause while pushing them toward their destinies." Dark Void and Last Judgment, two Keyblades that served the Darkness. She moved in a blur of dark coat and Keyblade, cutting through the Heartless.
  6. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Xero dodged most of the flames, one just skimmed the back of her leg but she didn't really notice. She then used a Strike Raid move as she threw her blades at Nick then slammed him into the ground.
    Why does all this seem so familiar? Xero thought.
  7. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Xera, although somewhat irritated at the interruption, saw Master Mixt's point. "You are right." She put away her keyblade and opened a dark portal directly behind Zurinax. "You are very lucky, Boy. You can thank Master Mixt for your heart." She swiftly pushed him through the dark portal and closed it behind her, then turned to follow Master Mist through the exit. "Yes, there was a boy there who showed considerable skill with darkness. He was not a Keyblade wielder, but he definately had potential. He was with a group of Keyblade-wielders in Twilight Town, unfortunately, they are not likely to be there still. I suppose we could find them if we looked hard enough, but I'm not sure an apprentice is worth the search. What do you think we should do next?
  8. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Glen sat down,observing the fight Xero was in. "Hmm...interesting" he stated quietly.
  9. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Nick quickly recovered and saw someone looking out of the corner of his eye, but this girl seriously wanted to kill him, so he didn't have time to stop and chat.

    He found all of this quite amusing, considering he didn't plan on even touching her. Maybe just a little.. he thought as he jumped up in the air, and did a spinning attack surrounded by fire toward Xero. When he rammed past her he thought he might've knocked her on the ground at the most, he was going so fast he couldn't tell, but that was all he planned to do. He stopped, feeling a little bit dizzy but he quickly shook it off, and decided to defend again. Her's draining me..
  10. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "Well Twilight Town seems to be a good place to start" Mixt commented. "You're right, they are probably gone but it doesn't mean they didn't leave something for us to see." As to be expecting in a relationship like this, Xera's research was not Mixt's primary concern. Interesting as it may be keybladers of light were springing up all over the place. But the matter was not one to be delt with purely by assassination. If he did that it would just cause an immediate retaliation and as it stood they were out numbered. It was more delicate of a procedure. Zurinax did not hesitate to follow Xera through the dark corridor and into her lab. This did not definitively mark him as a threat or an asset, but they would need to be careful.
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Coming to a stop, she closed her eyes again, holding her Keyblade up still in the position of her last finisher. Exhaling slowly a tremor went through the ground, spreading from under her feet outwards. She relaxed and let her Keyblades fade away. Sitting around here isn't getting me any answers. I should check on that boy. If he dies, my efforts were wasted. Pushing her way slowly, as to not disturb any animals that consider her lunch, she returned to where Glen was. Observing him and the others around him. Keyblade wielders... she thought, her silver eyes flashing.
  12. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    "Twilight Town it is, then." Xera reopened the entrance and stepped through, back into the halls of the castle. She opened a dark portal. Although she had only seen it done once, Xera was a quick learner and had already mastered the trick. She stepped through and found herself again in Twilight Town, overlooking the sunset. She looked around, not sure what to look for. It was apparent that no other keyblade masters were at the station, but as she looked up, she saw smoke, lazily drifting over the sky. It looked like it had come from a courtyard a little bit away. "How about we start over there?"
  13. Key master Sora Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2009
    In everyone's hearts as the connection....
    Trixis destroyed a few more heartless in diliberate, smooth swings. Her mind wasn't on what she was doing anymore though. As she fought, she thought about her past. All of this started when she became an apprentice to Master Xehanort. She didn't or couldn't recall why she did it all she knew was she did. Fighting all these heartless reminded her of her destroyed hometown. She sighed after destroying the last heartless that was surrounding her. Clenching her teeth, she took a few deep breaths to calm herself. When she calmed down, she turned to the rest of them who were fighting.
  14. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Xero was knocked down but did a back flip to quickly recover from the fall. She then turned with a smirk.
    "Tch, is that really all you've got?" Xero taunted. She then rose both her keyblades up in the air and the world became black. Xero then disappeared in the blackness and started attacking Nick in all diractions at once.
  15. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "Smoke in the middle of a town like this. Like you even have to ask" Mixt said as he walked off to the crash site. When he got there he bent down and picked up a peice of what was once Trixis's ship. "Interesting. I've done some research on these. They have been dubbed 'gummi-blocks' for their ability to bond with other blocks. They are actually what composes the border between the worlds making Dark Corridors and the Lanes Between necessary. But what are they doing here? Even if a wall were to break the pieces should remain in space, and the fragments here don't even look like a wall. A ship maybe?"
  16. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    "Gummi blocks..." Xera had never heard of them. They were the walls that seperated the worlds? And they could be broken. How? What would be the effect on the worlds? Her inquisitive mind began to work. She examined the scattered fragmants around the crater. "They certainly look like they're from a ship." Someone had harvested these gummi blocks and used them to travel between the worlds. Could they, then, also be used to destroy the seperating walls? Oh well. That would have to be studied further. Right now she must concentrate on fulfilling the words she had spoken all those years ago before her research had been interrupted. "This world will perish under the might of Keyblades. With no survivors, Keyblades themselves will clash and all the worlds will be consumed by the Darkness." With all the Keyblade masters running around, it certainly looked like the world would perish under their might. She must find the place where Freed Hearts gathered. Since all hearts are born of Darkness, so all must end. Therefore, where would they gather but to the very Heart of Darkness itself? She must find this gathering and release the Darkness within.
  17. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.

    Nick was getting pounded with darkness So much for staying on defensive, heh. he thought, ready to take a nap while getting pounded in all directions. He knew he was gonna die, so he was just going to sit back and wait till the darkness swallows him. No, no no no. he thought, suddenly his anger rising. His keyblade and his whole body started to glow, suddenly he couldn't feel any pain. He smiled, "Time to get serious." he said, moving at quick speeds deflecting her attack and striking her at openings. Suddenly everything became very clear to him, Deflect 3 times, strike, dodge, repeat. For some reason this all feels so familiar..
  18. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Xero felt the Nick was now some how stronger as he figued out her attacks. Her eyes were now filled with excitment and blood lust. She started to get this almost insane look also.
    "Now we're talking!" She said with a laugh. Xero then switched from using most of the darkness from one of her keyblades, to useing both the power of light and darkness. She then darted towards Nick at a much higer speed than before.
  19. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    "Your not the only one who can use both," Nick said, a devious grin on his face, sounding more amused than he was. He used all his will power to summon an extra keyblade from an old friend that he linked to. It came in handy, fates being in twined with someone from the darkness. He split his body to half glowing light and half pure black darkness, it was painful, but he just had to hold her off until he dies. He now realized she was moving so quick toward him, but if she wanted speed, they were equally matched. Nick began charging toward Xero at the same speed she was going.

    OOC: this keyblade
  20. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    OOC: Lawl this ish gonna be epic, ya? xD

    Xero's eyes became big with pure insanity. But this wasn't like her, eaither she was using way too much dark power, or she was loosing control over it.
    As Nick came at her, Xero suddenly disappeared then reappeared behind him. It was almost like a warp but it was pure speed. She then swung at Nick's back.
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