There's this small country in Noth America called Canadia. And Canadia has a really bad economies and their own problems. But people in canadia are really patriotic. Kind of like a murican. In canadia there's this little coffee maker named Aewin and she thinks that canadia isn't sad. But what she doesn't know is that canadia is going to be overpowered. by texmexicans. The texmexicans are coming for you Aewin. Their leader is nye. Bill Nye the sience guy
Come on guys, making fun of Canada isn't cool. It's just too easy, you need to pick a country that has very little to insult. I'd suggest America as a whole but well, you guys are the laughing stock of the rest of the normal world as is :P I mean come on, metric system. Get with it.
Let me recount a story for you about the Canadian and the Texmexican: Night has fallen Boredom, accompanied by the cold of the black sky, has settled in The small Canadian child, packing her room, pauses to listen Distantly, she can hear the sounds of gunshots and burgers frying Fear begins to set in, for she has experienced this monster before. Quickly running to her closet, she pulls out a box labeled "Liberal legislature" Opening the box and pulling out the glowing scroll, she pins it to her door just as the sounds draw closer Amidst the chaotic sounds of oil spilling and shots being fired, she can hear the sound of Pokémon theme music drifting up the stairs Quickly, she opens the false bottom in the box, pulling out her secret weapon. "Pikachu, I choose you." she whispers, tossing the small Pokeball towards the door Out emerges the yellow mouse, squeaking with rage He charges his attack as the Canadian child hides under the bed. The house explodes into a ball of light as the mouse screams its battle cry before charging the monster at the door And thusly, the Canadian child bested the Pokémon thieving, conservative, gun toting *******