Post here if you are tired today. I started shutting things down around 2:10 AM, went to bed around 2:30 AM, couldn't fall asleep until around 4:30 AM, and woke up around 6:30 AM. There were two times around 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM where I almost fell asleep, but the next thing I knew, I was having sleep paralysis briefly and I was awake again. Darn it!
I was up until 3am writing a cover letter and applying for three jobs at the same company. I then woke up a 7:50am to go to work (in a rush). After I got in, I worked our actual busiest day of the year while dealing with faux drama and actual physical labor that cut up my hands all while standing on a hard tile floor for eleven hours that left my feet so sore that after three hours of laying down I forgot how bad they were hurt until I stood up and thought I stood on a thumb tack. Retail life tempts me to do drugs.