The Tales of KHV

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Midnight Star, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009

    Eyes slowly flickered open to reveal a plain concrete room, the shaggy haired boy frowned as he sat up, “ughh, what’s going on? Where am I?” He rubbed his eyes; he certainly wasn’t in his little bedroom anymore. What had happened? But try as he might he could not remember.

    “Good, you’re awake” A female voice came from the right of him, “Welcome to the land of the living. And those are good questions you have there. Unfortunately, I don’t know either, I’d like some answers. I’m in the same situation as you, woke randomly in here with you unconscious on the floor.”

    He turned his head to look at the girl, focusing his blurry eyes on her. He hadn’t even noticed her before. She was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. Her ripped jeans and dark T-shirt gave her the look of a girl you would not want to mess with. “Who are you? Is there any way out?” He asked her

    “You have a lot of questions, not that I can blame you, I have too. But you think I’d still be here if I knew of a way out?” She shook her head as she stood up and walked over to him, “Name’s Saxima.” She offered a hand out to him, “It looks like we might be stuck together for a while”

    Without warning the door slammed open. Both of their heads instantly twisted around to look, “or not” she whispered as they stared at the open door. There was the sound of footsteps and someone stepped in. The two just stared at the girl who had appeared, momentarily forgetting all their questions. She had brown wavy hair, friendly eyes that you got the impression harboured no ill will, and with her little smile, she was actually quite pretty.

    “I’m awfully sorry about this: you shouldn’t have been sent in here, never mind left for this long. It’s hectic round here. Everything’s all messed up; not that you should worry about that. But anyway, welcome to KHV, I’m sure you’ll fit right in. Now let’s get you somewhere much more suitable. All your questions will be answered soon enough, I’m sure you have a lot. Oh, I’m Ienzo by the way. Pleasure to meet you; Now if you’d just follow me” She turned on the spot and walked out.

    “But, but…” The boy said before looking at Saxmia, “I guess we have to follow her. Oh and I’m Britishism by the way” She just grinned, grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the door after Ienzo. They noticed a marked change as they came out into the corridor, it was suddenly a lot brighter and as they rounded the corner, there were suddenly people everywhere.

    They came to a halt unexpectedly as a small creature darted in front of them, disappearing into the crowd, “Rat! Rat! Come back, you know I didn’t mean it!” A black haired guy shouted as he chased it, pausing only to briefly apologise to them as he ran in front of them, a tired and regretful expression on his face.

    Britishism watched in amusement, still not quite taking everything in it was so different and strange. As he looked back he realised Ienzo was already on the move again and ran to catch up, almost tripping himself up in the process. This caught the attention of the people around him, who looked at him with interest. “Ughh, hi?” He said to them before running off again after Ienzo.

    As he caught up he heard somebody shouting “Enzy!” and as he finally reached them, a small girl with blonde hair was talking to Ienzo. He looked curiously at them and moved closer so he could hear them “...looking for you for ages. But anyway, the powers that be request your presence” She said the last bit very seriously, that made him look at Ienzo, wondering if she was in a lot of trouble and why that might be. However his train of thought was interrupted when the girl burst into laughter.

    Enzy shook her head, smiling, “You never could keep a straight face, Midnight. But okay, I’ve just got to drop off the new recruits” She gestured to Britishism and Saxima, who just smiled nervously, “I’ll be there as soon as I’ve sorted them out.”

    Midnight shook her head, “I don’t think we have time for that, bring them along. You know as well as anyone we’ve got a bit of a situation here and they sounded pretty urgent. So yeah, bring them and hope they’re quick learners. Also after all this is sorted are you planning on heading to the voxli bar to hang out after? We miss you around there, you should go more often”

    Enzy laughed, “Maybe, I’ll think about it. But yeah…” She looked at the newbies, not sure about bringing them along before finally smiling at them and saying confidently, “Alright guys, there has been a change of plans. Sorry about this but your introductions are going to have to wait. Please try to stay quiet and out of the way, this is important.” She glanced at Midnight, “You’d better be right about this”

    Authors Note: At this point you can either read through the thread and see the updates as I posted them or if you don't want to look through the whole of the thread, here's the rest so far:

    They made their way quickly down a maze of tunnels and came to a door that had a large sign on it saying, ‘AUTHORISED PERSONEL ONLY’. On the side of the door were some very complicated security systems but currently none of them were in use and the door was constantly open. Ienzo, who had got out her security pass on the move, frowned at this. Midnight looked back, “Shows you how big it is when they’re letting everyone in here. I get to see what’s going on behind the scenes” She grinned clearly enjoying that despite the situation. “Though you’re going to have to lead the way in this bit, I haven’t a clue.”

    They moved quickly down some more corridors, following them down to reach the room where everyone appeared to be; so full everyone could barely fit in. Though people moved to let Ienzo in, which Midnight took advantage of by leading them straight in and to a space near the back, while Ienzo took her seat. The room was clearly not designed to have an audience and was arranged in such a way that showed a clear hierarchy.

    There were two people sat at the top of the room like a king and queen, clearly the ones in charge, they appeared calm and in control despite all the chaos around them. There did appear to be someone above them in the dark but they seemed to content to allow them to handle this. “That’s RvR and Misty” Midnight whispered to answer questioning gazes.

    “QUIET!!” yelled a woman that was sat to the right of them, as Britishism examined her, he shivered. He’d thought Saxima was intimidating but she had nothing on this woman. From the spikes she wore on her wrists and throat to her jet-black hair to the wolf emblem on her chest, everything about her told you not to get on her bad side. She did the job though and a hush came over the room.

    “Thank you Wolfie” RvR said before looking up at the awaiting audience, “I know we have gone through hard times but spdude is gone, and he’s not coming back. I can promise you that.” This caused a few cheers and ‘good riddance’s from the crowd, RvR smiled at this before continuing “But it appears he has not forgotten us. The reporters, Mike, Ty and Mixt have been watching his movements carefully and it appears now he does not rule us, he wants to destroy us. Last night we faced the first wave of bots, we believe this will only be the beginning.” As he stopped talking the room filled with noise and everyone talking among themselves.

    This was silenced though as Misty took over, “However he underestimates us, we will not be beaten so easily. Our security is already being increased and rest assured we are working hard for the safety of you all. But we cannot win this on our own; we need every one of you to help if we are to beat him completely and show him we are a community not to be fooled with.” With that last sentence the room erupted with applause.

    “Let’s go kick some robot ass then!” Somebody yelled within the crowd. There was silence as everyone turned to look at who had spoken before a roar of agreement filled the room. Wolfie started to open her mouth to quiet them, but paused, shrugged and joined in with them, it didn’t seem a bad idea to her at all, even if the actual war couldn’t be solved quite so easily. RvR and Misty didn’t join in but nor did they try to stop it, if it got everyone’s morale up then maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing. The agreement turned into a chant and most of the crowd marched out of the room and into the main area, still chanting. Although, Britishism noted, most of the ones on chairs stayed behind, to discuss this in more detail.

    The crowd got quite a lot of attention from everyone else wondering what was going on. This resulted in the news spreading like wildfire and soon everyone knew the situation they were in. Despite this, most people seemed to be in a good mood though. Decorations had been put up all around khv, especially in a building in an area of khv that was generally referred affectionately to as ‘The Spam Zone’. This was where everyone came after they’d finished all their work to relax and have fun.

    A lot of attention was around that one particular building where an event was being held; a huge banner was attached to the entrance announcing that the ‘KHV AWARDS 2011’ were taking place. Inside it was chaos, currently the less serious awards were being voted on and on the walls it showed who was currently winning each award. Among them there was the controversial ones, where there was lots of people talking about such as a woman was winning ‘Manliest Man’. Though there was a constant stream of people coming through to vote, changing the standings by the minute.

    To be Continued...
  2. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Oh Mi God! Another KHV Story xD This was crazy awesome Midnight. <3 I 'twas wondering if you would put me in the story :O Would you xD
  3. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Pretty awesome story.

    I especially loved the ending because of how "intense" it appeared to be.
  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Hah! I'm in here and that's good enough for me! Good job MS, I really liked it. I hope you continue!!
  5. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    That's pretty shallow of a reason to like it, isn't it? lawl

    Anyway, this sounds promising and interesting, I'm very interested in seeing where you can go with this KHV you have started creating. Colour me the colour of intriuged, aka cinnamon.
  6. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    The way the story is going so far, I can see a backstory about spdude's tyranny over KHV or something of the sort.

  7. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    I like it so far, as it seems you've got a mythology of some sort set up. It makes me want to read more, really great job. I also smiled at "The voxli bar". Keep it up.

  8. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    I love it. :3
    Its really well written,funny,and keeps the readers attention all the way through.
    Also,its about KHV,so whats not to love? xD
    Keep up the great work~
  9. Tienewman Like A Boss

    Jul 23, 2011
  10. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Keep writing.
  11. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Author's Note: Thanks for all the feedback. I'm going to try and put as many people as I can in it so please be patient. Also no offense intended in any of the discriptions, it is just a bit of fun. I'm sorry this is taking a while but I'm quite unsure about this next bit and I will probably edit it, so any kind of feedback is welcome. Anyway, into the staff zone we go.

    They made their way quickly down a maze of tunnels and came to a door which had a large sign on it saying, ‘AUTHORISED PERSONEL ONLY’. On the side of the door were some very complicated security systems but currently none of them were in use and the door was constantly open. Ienzo, who had got out her security pass on the move, frowned at this. Midnight looked back, “Shows you how big it is when they’re letting everyone in here. I get to see what’s going on behind the scenes” She grinned clearly enjoying that despite the situation. “Though you’re going to have to lead the way in this bit, I haven’t a clue.”

    They moved quickly down some more corridors, following them down to reach the room where everyone appeared to be; so full everyone could barely fit in. Everyone was talking at once and it was almost impossible to tell what was happening. However people moved to let Ienzo in, which Midnight took full advantage of by leading them straight in and to a space near the back, while Ienzo took her seat. The room was clearly not designed to have an audience and was arranged in such a way that showed a clear hierarchy.

    There were two people sat at the top of the room like a king and queen, clearly the ones in charge, they appeared calm and in control despite all the chaos around them. There did appear to be someone above them in the dark but they seemed to content to allow them to handle this. “That’s RvR and Misty” Midnight whispered to answer questioning gazes.

    “QUIET!!” yelled a woman that was sat to the right of them, as Britishism examined her, he shivered. He’d thought Saxima was intimidating but she had nothing on this woman. From the spikes she wore on her wrists and throat to her jet-black hair to the wolf emblem on her chest, everything about her told you not to get on her bad side. She did the job though and a hush came over the room.

    “Thank you Wolfie” RvR said, before looking up at the awaiting crowd...

    To be continued.
  12. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Another great chapter. I loved Wolfie's appearance. I wonder if Wolfie really does wear spikes....
  13. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Nicely done. I find it funny how you used the staff in the story.

    My only question, however, is why you decided to give Wolfie spikes, haha!
  14. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    ... Those are Wolfie's spikes. Please reread that paragraph.
  15. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Saxima doesn't do spikes.

    I think this version of Wolfie scares me. I wonder if she would eat me in real life. XD

    Great job MS. c:
  16. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Authors Note: Just a small bit here but it explains what is going on, predictable I know. Hope you guys like it, any kind of feedback is welcome, I just need to figure out where to go from here. Oh, and why did I give Wolfie spikes? It just seemed fitting I guess, trying to make her as intimidating as possible. (Also I know I repeated the first line from my last post, I just wanted to show where it followed on from)

    “Thank you Wolfie†RvR said before looking up at the awaiting audience, “I know we have gone through hard times but spdude is gone, and he’s not coming back. I can promise you that.†This caused a few cheers and ‘good riddance’s from the crowd, RvR smiled at this before continuing “But it appears he has not forgotten us. The reporters, Mike, Ty and Mixt have been watching his movements carefully and it appears now he does not rule us, he wants to destroy us. Last night we faced the first wave of bots, we believe this will only be the beginning.†As he stopped talking the room filled with noise and everyone talking among themselves.

    This was silenced though as Misty took over, “However he underestimates us, we will not be beaten so easily. Our security is already being increased and rest assured we are working hard for the safety of you all. But we cannot win this on our own; we need every one of you to help if we are to beat him completely and show him we are a community not to be fooled with.†With that last sentence the room erupted with applause.
  17. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    I quite like reading this. It's very interesting and i like how you used some of the people that are on KHV in it. Damn i coulda been a minor evil villain but oh well, life moves on. Anyway, i'll be sure to keep up to date reading this XD
  18. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    I really like this Rvr seems so RvRish and Misty seems so Mistyish. xD
    It's nice to see Misty not killing people xD
  19. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Haha, it totes figures that spdude is the bad guy, and now he wants to destroy us. XD
  20. program Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 8, 2009
    This is Seriously interesting! I like to think as everything looking Steam-Punk like, with a sense of our Modern world. Yes. Thats perfect 0u0.
    I shall keep reading!