The Super Elite Duelists Gaming League : The Super Elite Duelists Gaming League

Discussion in 'Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)' started by TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    I don't know about that...Have you seen his past Duels? This may not be true anymore but for awhile he had trouble using regular cards and had to resort to customs...

    I'm gonna have to see more of his skills first.
  2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    *remembers how well he held his own against pyroKyle*

    On second thought...I think I will let him in![​IMG]
  3. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    And I can thank you on adding me to your group, Jaden. As well as you, Xakota, I thank you both. *smirk* Still, I can handle my own, but pyroKyle's duel with me was a little different, the beginning was well done, and the middle of it as well, but near the end...I can actually see it now, he played 3 Heavy storms, don't know why, but he did, and set a facedown after that, with only one monster on the field after that, that's what he put down, and then I go and activated Mystical Space Typhoon on his facedown, and then Hinotama. It wasn't a bad duel, just got a bit dicey on what went wrong after I activated those cards, no joke.

    I can handle my own ground with a duel, but with bigger cards in the duel arena than my own, kind of hard to tell what they're doing.
  4. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Dude, I'm just throwing this out here, but I did not understand a word you said after "Hinotama".
  5. Yusei Fudo Banned

    Aug 22, 2009
    The Satellite
    Yeah jack I'm dueling you next..I wanna duel the jack atlas deck and see who wins
  6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Y'know what's weird Jack? As I read your message I had the Kingdom Hearts Menu Screen Theme playing in my head the whole time as I read it...
  7. Yusei Fudo Banned

    Aug 22, 2009
    The Satellite
    Yeah Jack face Kyle again for me and let's see who wins
  8. Yusei Fudo Banned

    Aug 22, 2009
    The Satellite
    I'm gonna go against Scarlett to see who wins..She's gotten better
  9. Yusei Fudo Banned

    Aug 22, 2009
    The Satellite
    Well I beat her but she let me go past the new limit
  10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Umm, No you didn't...She beat you.

    Also, That isn't allowed...=P
  11. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    *sigh* If you had a KH menu going through your head, Jaden, I don't know how that happened...
  12. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Okay guys, Time to get back to posting strategies![​IMG]

    I'll start:

    The new strategy is Demise OTK![​IMG]

    Demise OTK:

    Demise OTKs is using a Advanced Ritual Art or another ritual spell card to send monsters to the graveyard, activate Demise's effect, and summon another card which can use the cards sent to the graveyard to summon another monster which has at least 5600 ATK or has a effect that can reduce the opponent's life point to 0.

    One version of Demise OTK uses the following cards:

    * Demise, King of Armageddon
    * Advanced Ritual Art
    * Two Insect Knights and/or two Neo Bugs in your deck
    * Doom Dozer and/or Metal Armored Bug (or any normal monster with 2800 or more ATK).
    * Great Maju Garzett, Megamorph and/or Metamorphosis(the last one only in the Traditional Format).

    First, use Advanced Ritual Art, sending two Insect Knights or Neo Bugs in your Deck to your Graveyard to Ritual Summon Demise, King of Armageddon. Then, pay 2000 Life Points to use Demise, King of Armageddon's effect to clear the whole field. Next, Special Summon Doom Dozer by removing from play the two Insect Knights or Neo Bugs in your Graveyard. Next, either summon Great Maju Garzett or play Megamorph on Doom Dozer (you probably will have less Life Points than your opponent), or play Metamorphosis on Doom Dozer to Fusion Summon Cyber Twin Dragon (in the Traditional Format. Attack, and you win the Duel.

    The combo has been weakened with the Limiting of Advanced Ritual Art in the March 2008 Lists.However, Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands, Senju of the Thousand Hands and Sonic Bird may help to find the key cards for the combo. Trade-In and Common Charity are also good support-cards.

    Commonly used support-cards are Monster Reborn and Swing of Memories (also Premature Burial in Traditional) to bring back Metal Armored Bug and the other Insect monsters.

    A particular variation to the deck involves also Sky Scourge Norleras and many Fairy and Fiend monsters (such as Dunames Dark Witch and Archfiend Soldier which are put in the Graveyard by the effect of Advanced Ritual Art in order to summon Sky Scourge Norleras. However, this variation works best in the Traditional Format because of the possibilities given by Dimension Fusion, Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End and Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning. The deck also uses one copy of Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

    Yet another variation involves Geartown, Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon, and Blue-Eyes White Dragon, as well as the draw card Trade-In. Use Trade-In or Montage Dragon to dump Blue-Eyes White Dragon into the graveyard (Foolish Burial also works, but is not necessary to keep the speed of the deck. Play Geartown, and then use Advanced Ritual Art or End of the World (easily searched by Sonic Bird, Senju of the Thousand Hands, or Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands) to ritual summon Demise, King of Armageddon. Clear the field using his effect, and special summon an Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon due to Geartown's effect. Use Swing of Memories to summon a Blue Eyes White Dragon or two, then use support cards like Megamorph or even Limiter Removal for the OTK. This also can be supported with Great Maju Garzett. It is also wise to keep a Gorz the Emissary of Darkness in this deck in the rare case that you have nothing to play. You might also think about using Dark Coffin or Statue of the Wicked. If these cards are set when Demise, King of Armageddon uses it's effect, then you'll get an instant advantage over the opponent.

    Another variation, similar to the one above, involves Geartown, Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon, and Evil Hero Dark Gaia. First, play Geartown. Next, use Advanced Ritual Art to Ritual Summon Demise, sending one Archfiend Soldier and one Beta The Magnet Warrior. Use Demise, King of Armageddon's ability to clear the field and summon an Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon when you destroy Geartown. Finally, use Dark Calling, and remove from play the Archfiend Soldier and Beta The Magnet Warrior to create a Dark Gaia with an attack of 3600. The total damage these three monsters will do when they attack directly is 9000, enough for an OTK. This variant can make good use of the Spell card Trade-In to send extra copies of Demise or Gajiltron Dragon to the Graveyard to draw extra cards. One or two copies of Valkyrion the Magna Warrior is also recommended for use with Trade-In, and because it has one of the highest attack scores of any Rock-type monster, giving you the potential to create a powerful Dark Gaia and OTK even without the Ancient Gear Gajiltron Dragon or Geartown.

    Another variation of this OTK uses Dark Strike Fighter to win. This OTK uses Demise, King of Armageddon, "Black Salvo", Advanced Ritual Art/ Contract with the Abyss, and 2 monsters with at least 1 DARK Machine. Using Advanced Ritual Art to send 2 level 4 DARK Machine-type monsters(usually Mechanicalchaser or Blocker) to the graveyard and summon Demise, King of Armageddon. Then pay 2000 Life Points to destroy all cards on the field. Then summon "Black Salvo" and special summon one of the monsters you sent to the graveyard using ARA (Advanced Ritual Art) to synchro summon Dark Strike Fighter. Then attack your opponent directly with both monsters. Then, tribute Demise, King of Armageddon with Dark Strike Fighter's effect to inflict damage then tribute Dark Strike Fighter for it's own effect for a total of 8000 damage. If you had Contract with the Abyss in your hand, the OTK is more situational since it requires 2 Level 4 monsters with at least 1 DARK Machine. This combo, however, is now resticted to Traditional Format, now that Dark Strike Fighter is Forbidden.

    Because Demise itself is now Limited, due in part to several other poential new combinations that would make it deadly, the Demise OTK is even harder to do, and seems unlikely to become popular again.

    Demise OTK Decks:

    Demise OTK decks combine "Demise, King of Armageddon" with "Advanced Ritual Art" (ARA) to clear the field and attack with high ATK monsters summoned from your hand or the Graveyard to deal over, or just about, 8000 damage in one turn.

    There are four basic variants for the OTK in the Advanced Format:

    Demise / Doom Dozer OTK

    * Advanced Ritual Art
    * Demise, King of Armageddon
    * Doom Dozer
    * Insect Knight / Neo Bug
    * Megamorph / Great Maju Garzett

    The first one involves special summoning "Doom Dozer" by removing from play two insect monsters - "Insect Knight" and/or "Neo Bug" - in your Graveyard that were discarded there by "Advanced Ritual Art". You would then equip "Megamorph" on "Doom Dozer", doubling its ATK, or tribute it for "Great Maju Garzett", and attack directly with it and Demise.

    Demise / (Any LV8 Normal Monster with 2800+ ATK) OTK

    * Advanced Ritual Art
    * Demise, King of Armageddon
    * LV8 Normal Monster with at least 2800 ATK
    * Swing of Memories
    * Megamorph / Great Maju Garzett

    The second variant includes the use of any LV8 Normal Monster with at least 2800 ATK, by discarding it for advanced ritual art's effect and summoning it from the Graveyard with "Swing of Memories", and then equip it with "Megamorph" or tribute it for the "Great Maju Garzett" and attack for game.

    The advantage to playing "Great Maju Garzett" is that it isn't limited to one, unlike "Megamorph", however, summoning it takes up the normal summon for that turn, which could have been used for a ritual searcher such as "Sonic Bird", "Senju of the Thousand Hands", and "Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands" to gather the cards necessary for Demise. Likewise, the build around Normal Monsters can benefit greatly from "Swing of Memories"

    In the Traditional Format, one could substitute "Megamorph" with "Metamorphosis" to summon "Cyber Twin Dragon" to deal the same amount of damage. Because this OTK build uses several Lv.4 and 8 normal monsters, cards like "Trade-In" and "Common Charity" can be used for support.

    Demise/ Geartown Deck

    * Demise, King of Armageddon
    * Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
    * Trade-In
    * Megamorph or Limiter Removal
    * Geartown
    * Advanced Ritual Art
    * End of the World

    This variation uses the effect of Geartown when destroyed by the effect of Demise, King of Armageddon. Ritual summon Demise after playing Geartown. The effect will allow you to special summon an Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon from your hand, deck, or graveyard. Than use Megamorph or Limiter Removal for the boost. Also, this deck can be supported by Great Maju Garzett.


    * Demise, King of Armageddon
    * Black Salvo
    * Mechanicalchaser or Blocker (the strongest level 4 DARK Machine Normal Monsters)
    * Advanced Ritual Art
    * Dark Strike Fighter (DSF)

    In this variation you discard 2 level 4 DARK Machine Normal Monsters for ARA, and then use Demise's effect. After that you summon Black Salvo and revive one of them with his effect. Then you Synchro Summon DSF and attack with him and demise for 5000 damage, and after that tribute them both for DSF's effect and inflict (8+7)*200=3000 damage for 8000 total. This is treated today as the best variant, as it uses the lowest number of cards.
  13. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    One of my favorites is
    Summoner Monk>Summoner Monk>Rescue Cat>X-Saber Airbellum>X-Saber Airbellum> Dark Strike Fighter>Dark Srike Fighter.

    both dark strike fighters attack, then blow themselves up. exactly 8000 damage. too bad DSF is banned now.
  14. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Originally Posted by Xakota
    "One of my favorites is
    Summoner Monk>Summoner Monk>Rescue Cat>X-Saber Airbellum>X-Saber Airbellum> Dark Strike Fighter>Dark Srike Fighter.

    both dark strike fighters attack, then blow themselves up. exactly 8000 damage. too bad DSF is banned now."

    Yeah, It is a shame...I knew it was only a matter of time before they touched The Synchro Monsters considering how powerful alot of them are...I was kinda surprised Stardust Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend weren't touched...

    Perhaps it is because they are popular and are The Protagonists Cards?
  15. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    No, it's because those are fair and balanced cards, unlike DSF.
  16. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Stardust Dragon seems like a Pretty Powerful Card to me...I mean, It's second effect pretty much let's you negate it's cost...It might as well not have one...=P

    No. I am NOT saying that I want Konami to Ban that card. Because I sure as hell don't! XD

    I think that's a Great Card![​IMG] I like it alot![​IMG] It's definitely my favorite Synchro Monster that's for sure.[​IMG]
  17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Now then, Time for More Strategy Posting![​IMG]

    Next Strategy:

    Rescue Cat OTK

    Recommended Cards

    * Rescue Cat (x 1)
    * Milus Radiant (x 3)
    * A strong Level 3 Beast (Gyaku-Gire Panda, Des Koala)
    * Book of Moon/book of Taiyou (optional for Des Koala)
    * Last Will (Traditional only)
    * Monster Reborn (Traditional only)

    Start by summoning a Rescue Cat and send it to the Graveyard, adding two Milus Radiants to the field. Activate Last Will,or Monster Reborn targeting the Rescue Cat now in your Graveyard. Sacrifice Rescue Cat again for another Milus Radiant and either a Gyaku-Gire Panda (if they have any monster on the field) or a Des Koala (to inflict damage). Each monster on the field will gain an additional 1500 ATK, 1800 for the 3 Milus Radiants (a total of 5400) and 3000 for Des Koala, or 2800 for Gyaku-Gire Panda (assuming 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field).

    There's been an Advanced Format version of this combo, using Catapult Turtle to damage your opponent Special Summoned with Last Will and using Inferno Reckless Summon to bring 3 Milus Radiants.

    It would be recommended to clear the field with cards such as Lightning Vortex, Torrential Tribute, Black Rose Dragon, Giant Trunade and/or Heavy Storm before beginning the OTK.
  18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    I wish Yusei would post this one...

    But Anyway, Here Goes:

    Quillbolt Hedgehog OTK:


    The Quillbolt Loop revolves around using the effects of Quillbolt Hedgehog and Imperial Iron Wall to create a Loop that can be used to take out all of their opponent's Life Points.

    The following cards are required to perform the loop:

    * Quillbolt Hedgehog
    * Imperial Iron Wall
    * Mass Driver, Cannon Soldier, Toon Cannon Soldier, Catapult Turtle, or Dark Strike Fighter
    * Any Tuner Monster

    Simply have a Tuner face-up on the field, revive Quillbolt Hedgehog from the Graveyard with its effect, and Tribute it for Mass Driver's or Cannon Soldier's effect. By having Imperial Iron Wall active Quillbolt Hedgehog will not be removed from play and you can repeat the process until you've won.


    Chances are you won't have all the necessary cards to pull off the Loop at the start of the duel, so as you're trying to get them all together, you should take advantage of Quillbolt's effect and rapidly Synchro Summon strong monsters. Synchro Summoning many Level 5 to 8 Synchro Monsters is very easy if you can get 2 to 3 Quillbolts on the Field or in your Graveyard while Imperial Iron Wall is active.

    Best ways to get Quillbolt on the field or in the Graveyard:

    * Activate "Future Fusion" and send "Cyber Dragon" and all three Quillbolts to the Graveyard for the Fusion Summon of "Chimeratech Overdragon." Just keep in mind that when Chimeratech Overdragon is summoned it will clear your field and destroy Future Fusion, therefore destroying itself.
    o Chimeratech Fortress Dragon may also prove useful if the opportunity arises to summon it.
    * In the Advanced Format you can search out Quillbolt Hedgehog with Sangan, Giant Rat, or even dump it straight to the Graveyard with Foolish Burial.
    * When Quillbolt hits the field, it'll likely have been by Special Summon, either by its own effect, the effect of Giant Rat, etc.. When this happens, chain an Inferno Reckless Summon to pull them all out.
    o Bring out Quillbolt with Junk Synchron, do the above with Inferno Reckless Summon, then you can Synchro Summon for at least a 3900 ATK Junk Warrior.
    * Use Shrink or Alchemy Cycle to reduce Quillbolt's ATK, then activate Machine Duplication to bring out the other two.
    * With the release of the /Assault Mode monsters you can now summon even more powerful monsters while waiting for the right cards, so adding Assault Mode Activate and some /Assault Mode monsters into this deck could also be helpful.

    Suggestions and Ideas

    * Quillbolt Hedgehog doesn't have much use in the hand, so throwing in cards like Lightning Vortex or The Tricky that have discarding as a cost won't be as detrimental as they would be in other decks.
    * It's definitely not a bad idea to have a Burial from a Different Dimension or possibly even a Return from the Different Dimension handy in case you loose a Quillbolt or two because you didn't have Imperial Iron Wall setup when you needed it.
    * You can search out Cannon Soldier with Mystic Tomato or Sangan, however with only 1400 ATK it's not likely to remain around for long, so depending on how you build your deck it may be more advantageous to leave this card out and rely solely on Mass Driver, despite the fact that it can't be searched out, or on Dark Strike Fighter, depending on how reliably your deck can summon him.
    * You can use A Cat of Ill Omen to search out Imperial Iron Wall.
    * If Imperial Iron Wall gets destroyed you can retrieve it with Mask of Darkness.
    * You can use Revival Gift to bring back a Tuner Monster once you have all the appropriate cards on the field. Your opponent will get two tokens but at this point it shouldn't matter anyway.

    * You can use Magical Merchant to send cards to the graveyard, so may you send a Quillbolt Hedgehog to graveyard.

    * In the Traditional Format you can use Painful Choice to send Quillbolt Hedgehog to the graveyard.

    Recommended Cards

    Effect Monsters

    * Quillbolt Hedgehog
    * Cannon Soldier
    * A Cat of Ill Omen
    * Giant Rat
    * Morphing Jar
    * Mystic Tomato
    * Sangan
    * The Tricky
    * Magical Merchant
    * Spear Cretin
    * Cyber Dragon
    * Fox Fire

    Tuner Monsters

    * Dark Resonator
    * Junk Synchron
    * Krebons
    * Plaguespreader Zombie
    * Shiba-Warrior Taro
    * Nitro Synchron
    * Alien Ammonite


    * Mass Driver
    * Foolish Burial
    * Inferno Reckless Summon
    * Burial from a Different Dimension
    * Card of Safe Return
    * Hand Destruction
    * Call of The Haunted
    * Emergency Teleport
    * Pot of Avarice
    * Future Fusion
    * Painful Choice (Traditional Format only)


    * Imperial Iron Wall
    * Graceful Revival
    * Gravity Bind
    * Fake Trap
    * Limit Reverse

    Fusion Monsters

    * Chimeratech Overdragon
    * Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

    Synchro Monsters

    * Armory Arm
    * Black Rose Dragon
    * Colossal Fighter
    * Dark Strike Fighter
    * Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
    * Goyo Guardian
    * Junk Warrior
    * Magical Android
    * Red Dragon Archfiend
    * Stardust Dragon
    * Thought Ruler Archfiend
    * Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar
  19. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    I already posted that :X
  20. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Actually, I think this one is different from the one you posted...