meh, I don't think I spelt it right. anyway, remember Soulblade? that PS1 game got me hooked for months! I lo0ved that game so much! What about you guys???
i played it once, it was pretty good. i like the sequels better tho only because of the enhancements.
I never got to play Soul Blade. The only Reason I bought SCII was because Link was in it and I am a lover of all things nintendo, Zelda especially. Then I ended up falling in love with the series and buying Soul Calibur one and Soul Calibur 3. I can't get number 4 because I have a wii. and no ps3 or 360. >_> My favorite characters are Xianghua and Siegfried. It would depend on which game, as in SCI: Siggy was uber haxed, and so was X in SCIII. In number 2, I love Link the most, Hell, it took me 3 months to actually try out the other characters, he was just that awesome.
I've played both Sould Calibar II and IV I personally like them both. My favorite characters are Tailm and Tira.
Yeah, I guess you can say I have played the whole series...from the arcade versions to Soulcalibur 4.
I own SCII and III. I am getting an Xbox 360 soon, and then I will get IV. They're some of the best fighting games out there, in my opinion.