The Soul

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by The Fifth Element, Jul 7, 2008.

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  1. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Symbiosis-any interdependent or mutually beneficial relationship between two groups
    That was the easiest way to describe what Melinda and I had achieved. She let me live in her body and control it and in return I granted her immortality. The perfect relationship...most of the time. Unlike most souls who were placed into human bodies, I, and a small group of others, were on the humans' side. The humans often referred to it as "going native". We helped them perform raids for supplies and they gave us a place to live. Native souls believed that what we were doing was wrong and our host humans vehemently agreed with us. Our host were captured after the rebellion began so their minds were much stronger. because of that they stay with us inside our heads. Most of the time we get along like brothers and sisters, however like brothers and sisters.....we have our fights as well. For as long as we could, we would fight to rid the world of corrupted souls one at a time.
    Ok so if you haven't noticed by now this is a sequel, somewhat, of The Host, by Stephanie Meyer. You don't have to have read the book to join though, because in this rp there will be like a history class for new humans to educate themselves about souls and the whole thing. I spent a lot of time on this and I hope people join.
    Cannon Characters(audition required, pm me for details)
    Melanie Stryder-
    Jared Williams-
    Jamie Stryder-
    Ian O'brea-

    Oc Characters

    (I'll add mine later)
    - Mild cussing is aloud
    - keep romance to pg-13 level
    - no powerplaying/godmoding(no one is all powerful)
    - your character cannot be a mystery wrapped in an enigma shrouded in secrecy, please give some info on his/her past(also you can't all be orphans, not everyone in the worlds parents died when they were young)
    - not everyone can be a soul but there are plenty of humans
    - please put "Symbiosis" somewhere in your first post so I know you read the rules
    - have fun!!

    Oc form
    Soul Information
    Host Information

    oh come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    Soul Information
    Name- Dawn Rises
    Age- 20
    Gender- male
    Personality- He is usually quiet and observant. His calling is in Music.
    Host Information
    Name- Tristan Sanxay
    Age- 18
    Gender- male
    Personality- He speaks his mind even when sometimes it would be best to stay silent.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    History- He was born in Colorado and was an avid rock climber. Once the souls invaded he joined the resistance but was captured and Dawn was implanted. Tristan convinced him to join the rebellion and had arrived about a week ago.
    Other- Dawn Rises goes by Riser now.
  3. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    you are in
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