The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know...7

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Oct 16, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Credit To:
    cocohints (For giving me an Idea by posting In the last chapter)
    Thanks Guys! =D

    "Good-bye Sara..." SJ fell down to the lava pit "NO!" Sara climbed up the latter, once a bridge and fell to the ground, her eyes covered with tears "He didn't just die...and I didn't do...anything..."

    A wind of shock hit RvR "MISH!" He ran to where Mish was supposed to be, but she was now under the spider "No.."

    "Girly's Evil?" Rat and Muffin looked at each other and kept walking down the corridor. They came to a chamber hall and saw someone In bar's "Roxma?!"

    ~Survive The Fight~

    "Roxma, how come...? Why are you...?" Roxma sighed "I saw DS get pulled Into a dark hole, while I was talking to RvR and a couple of other people, so i went to help him and thats when I realized CtR was there, but the guy in black grabbed me and threw me Into this" He looked around the chamber "How do we get you out?" Muffin asked and Roxma shrugged "I'm not sure..I saw a key, but I'm not sure where he put i--" Roxma cut off when he grinned. Rat had came around the corner with a golden key, swinging It around his finger. He came up to the sliver lock and unlocked the door, the door giving a creak. Roxma ran out and the three began walking, Rat stuffing the golden key In his pocket.
    They all sighed after a while "We went the wrong way" Said Rat, looking down the corridor and realized Roxma was opening a door "HEY! Wa-" It was too late, Roxma had opened the door, to a kind of...class room? With about 17 desks and a blackboard with writing on It. Rat frowned at the blackboard and walked towards It "What!?" He shouted In shock. Muffin and Roxma came over, they stared In shock as well. There were Name's on the Blackboard:
    Trigger (His name had a line across It)
    K a i r i

    Rat frowned at the names with lines across them "Why do th-" Muffin cut him off with a gasp "OH MY GOD! OF COURSE! They...This Is a trap...They are trying to kill every last one of us and by the looks of It..." Roxma finished her sentence "Trigger, SJ and Mish are...Dead!?" The three looked at each other. Muffin's face was pale and Roxma looked as If he was going to cry, but Rat kept calm "At least we know who's we can find them, but first, we have to get to a computer room....If they know who's alive or not, there has to be a computer room somewhere, they might even be watching us now.." Muffin jerked her head up to the roof, looking for camera's, but Rat has already checked Strange, they don't put camera's around here... He shook his head "Come on...We have to go, before we get caught and possibly die" Now he had their attention

    RvR sighed and got up because It was no use trying to lift the spider up to see blood everywhere and a dead body "Sorry Mish....I really am" he turned around, not wanting to think about It ever again. Now RvR was alone, again, even an elf would be welcome but there was nothing, once more. He wasn't going to get all emo and crazy, he was going to fight, and see who was alive....IF they were alive
    RvR walked Into the forest, not looking back

    Kitty, Crono, Xaldin, Cin and Misty walked In the dark, sometimes bumping Into each other. They were In a pitch black tunnel, with no light and no Idea where they were going "We'll probably die" Said Cin, second In the line "Well thats a happy thought!" Misty replied sarcastically from behind Cin. Crono just laughed, from In front of Xaldin and Kitty sighed "Guys, don't think that! Your gonna be scared by the time we get out of here" Kitty kept on leading the group, while Xaldin was at the back "We're already scared Kitty" Cin admitted and Misty snorted "And you were supposed to be the tough Cin wh-" Kitty was starting to get angry "GUYS! Stop It! I'm trying to concentrate" Crono spoke up "Concentrate on what, Kitty? Concentrate on the dark? Because right now we are lost" Everyone shut up after that, and kept walking

    DS, Rosey and K a i r i all sat down with a thump and sigh "I give up on this place...we are getting no where" K a i r i looked at the others, her strength was back, but It wasn't much after walking all day In the desert "Thats strange..." DS frowned and Rosey looked at him "What?" He continued "Well...deserts are supposed to be hot and stuffy, but It Isn't...Its not even cold" He fiddled with his sword. Rosey watched the sword
    DS said that he had found an old skeleton on the ground, holding a sword In his hand, so he picked It up and decided to use It, although Rosey's thought was If he died In this desert...we might too but she didn't say it out loud
    "...Ive noticed that too" Replied K a i r i "No bugs, no animals, no heat, no cold, no people....It IS strange" now that Rosey thought about It, they were right. She hadn't seen anything except for DS and K a i r i, a flowing river, occasionally a plant or so and sand.
    Then a thought popped Into her head How can there be a desert, Inside a cave?

    The people outside the cave were scared and worried "They have been gone for over an hour...and even Kitty went and saw what was up...she hasn't come back either..." Said cocohints, looking at the others "Your right...We cant stand out here while they might be In there dead!" iPrAiSiN' stood up "Yeah! I think a lot of us should go In, and help them!!" DW got up from his seat too
    "Lets go!"
    "We have to help!"
    A number of shouts came from the KHV members "Well Its decided...We go In!" cocohints grinned

    To Be Continued...
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    lol of course! They never left the cave yet! lol I hadn't thought about that o__o


    Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
  3. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    lol, your welcome. :3

    That cave must be as big as Arizona - the possibillities are endless.

    *coolios, we're all on a mission now!! yay!*
  4. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    Let's rally the troops!
  5. Enigmatic Boy Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    ME??!! Gongaga!!
    xDDD Thats two times you owned him! Btw the story is really cool!
  6. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    Omg Awesome ^^
  7. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Didn't i fall down a big hole? Wouldn't that like make vivi go splat? unless i used my fire to melt the ice at the bottom of the hole and land in a jacuzi
  8. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    Damn my short attention span!!!
    Looks good! Can't wait for the next chapter!
  9. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Never fear cause Christhor's here
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