The Shadow Period

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by 2Foxxie4U, Dec 9, 2006.

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  1. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Tell me about him and perhaps I can answer some of your questions. I have seen and heard so much during my life and death that I may know something.
  2. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    i doubt ull kno anything unless u kno about experiments and a crazy docter but u must kno alot about mephilas and pobably Iblis............*sigh* all I kno about zeke is that he seems to be an experiment and that he been framed.........
  3. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    What if Zeke has the DNA of Mephilas and Iblis in him? He has extensive shadow powers, we know this. Mephilas is a shadow being. Iblis I know little of. I have a feeling Zeke is not completely human, though he has a great deal of human in him. In a way he's as much a mystery as Zarax. Must be something to do with having a name beginning with Z."
  4. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ''maybe but i doubt zeke and zarax r related and zeke's shadow powers r from himself hmmmm I think I kno how we can get some answers but it may cost a great deal....
  5. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "|Zarax's shadow powers are from himself as well. Kyla has his powers now as well as her own, and he has hers. What do you mean by cost. I will not let either you or Zeke get harmed in any way over a few answers. Why don't you both check out the contents of the box instead. Perhaps that will yield some answers."
  6. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    i 4got about the box ^^ bbut we gattah get some answers from mephilas but he may consume zeke if i take the tag off him.........
  7. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Then don't take the tag off. Zeke must not be endangered. Do you want me to open the box for you? I could get Kyla if you like."
  8. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ya but I really want to get some info off of mephilas i hav ways of making ghost talk.......
  9. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax opened his eyes to see Sasuke look back. Sasukes eyes had gone red with strange little markings, Sasuke then looked up and smiled "Sharinghan, Daddy, Sharinghan" Zarax's face lit up with Happiness Sasuke had only ever said "Zawy" or "Kywa", Zarax quickly got up and ran into the room with Kyla, Zarax then suddenly stopped, "Wait, I remember, but these arent my m" Zarax then stopped smiled and ran over to Kyla, "Sasuke said "Sharinghan, Daddy, Sharinghan." Zarax had realised he had remembered everything but these memories felt slightly distant like they werent his own, Zarax knew that he loved Kyla and thats all he felt mattered.
  10. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla looked up at Zarax from where she was lying on the bed. Her tear streaked face glistened.

    "That's wonderful. Zarax, you remember us now? We have such clever little boys. Sasuke has a brother, remember."

    She looked at Sasuke proudly. "You're Mummy and Daddy's special little boy, just like your big brother." Then she kissed him.

    Kyla looked at Zarax, and wondered if he really remembered how much she loved him, and how much he meant to her. It was as if he was waking from a terrible dream. She went over to him and hugged him. She was determined to protect her family, and she would get Ark back.
  11. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax sat down smiling with Great Joy but then looked to the floor and sudenly got a flood of memories and began having a flashback.
    (Two Tall Men Standing Infront of a Black Sage Statue)
    Statue: You Both must Go On and Fight EverLong for the Light and Future of this World, As long as You are together The Earth will stay forever in Light.
    (Statue Crumbeles revieling Two Swords and Two Necklaces, The men Pick up on Each and Put Swords together near the ground)
    Man1: This should be Easy We are Always going to be Friends and we will stop any attempt of that ending with these Swords, Together, Or my Name isnt Zarax! (Big Wide Smile)
    Man2: It will be we are the warriors of light Lets go I wonder what Perks we get with this Position.
    Zarax:I dont know, but Lets go This Place Is Freaking Me out (Chills go down spine smiles and they both walk off)
    (On a Big Battle Field both Men Are Facing Each Other)
    Zarax: What Happened! (Strikes but is blocked.)
    Man2: Nothing, I geuss Darknes Is Just Stronger! Strength is the only thing that matters! (Strikes and Hits shoulder)
    Zarax: ARRRGHH (Falls onto One Knee) But We were the Warriors Of Light, You were my Brother as I was yours! Dont do this! Just Dont!
    Man2: (Laughs Meniachly) No, Thanks, But as a Parting Gift, I will overwhelm you by this Darkness, It has been 600 Years of our God Forsaken EverLasting Life.! (Puts Arm out and Darkness Surrounds Zarax) Be Seeing you ZaryPoo.
    Zarax: (Laughs Insanely) Who says Im the only one whos going (Stabs the other man with Black Swords coming out of hand and Laughs Insanely again) YOUR COMING WITH ME!
    Man2: HaHaHaHa! The darknes is going to keep Resurecting us! You cant defeat me!
    (The Two Fall on the Floor and Die Black Flys come up from Ground and pull down The Other man, GlowFlies come to Pull Zarax down but are Fended of by Crows and then more Black Flies take Zarax down as well.)
    Zarax sighed and Clenched his fist and punched the wall and muttered to himself. "Damn it Trinskth, Im still keeping your promise, your darkness is still holding me I must keep it if it is the only thing helping me to keep this promise.
  12. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla ran over to Zarax and gently put her arms around him.

    "What is the matter my love? have you remembered something that troubles you. Please tell me. I want to help you, ease your burden. If I could lift your curse and just hold you without fear for the future, I would. Whatever is in your past it won't make me feel any different about you."

    'I will always love you, no matter what you have done in the past.'
  13. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax gently fell asleep and silently spoke "A Nightmare or a Memory? What Was that?"
    OOC: GoodNight
  14. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla put Sasuke to bed and then returned to Zarax, who was fast asleep. He looked peaceful. She kissed him gently.

    'Sleep well, as I will always be by your side.' She curled up beside him and drifted off into a dream filled sleep.

  15. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    scarle went into a room where zeke was sleeping.......

    hey gharanth i need u to put this tag on zeke its for us to take to mepilas in zeke's head u think u can pull it off without waking him up?
  16. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Of course I can for you!"

    Gharanth seemed to become semitransparent. He moved silently and returned with a grin on his face. He became solid again and bowed to Scarlet.

    "Anything else you want me to do?"
  17. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    is it possible to make us both transparent? cuz i may need u to go in zeke's mind with ready when u r just take us both and touch the tag.........''
  18. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "You will feel cold, but theere is nothing I can do about that. Give me your hand."

    Gharanth led Scarlet forward as the air became icy.

    "You are now walking between worlds. Do not let go or you might fall into another world. I am used to this."
  19. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    *tightly grabs on to gharanth* this is totally diffrent from the shadow world whats in this place lost spirits?
  20. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Demon spirits to be precise. That's why you need to keep a hold of me. Not all demons are friendly. I know you've met nice ones like Necros & Kyla, but some have no emotions and kill just because they can. I have been here before, and they will not harm you while you're with me. We are nearly there."
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