The Shadow Period

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by 2Foxxie4U, Dec 9, 2006.

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  1. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla watched what was happening. She knew that Zarax was back, and that Ark had been released. But what would happen to Ark? Who would look after him? She thought about this and wondered if she should suggest that the small boy be raised by her. He had no family, he had told her that, and there was no-one else to protect him.

    "Are you really back to stay?" Kyla looked at Zarax. "Lets go back to the house, I hate it here."
  2. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    The little boy Ark looked up to Kyla. "Yes Miss Kyla, lets go, Its a bit depressing here lets go." Zarax smiled and chuckled at the Fact Even Ark as a Child he was very intelegent. Though Ark still spoke in a babyish Accent. "Yes, lets go" Zarax then put his arm around the small child and walked over to Kyla, he held her hand and smiled, "Yes, Im back to stay and I trust you." Hands then began to come out of the floor pulling Kyla, Ark and Zarax down. When they apeared back in Kylas house, Ark ran to the sofa and sat down. "I do trust you, very much, I need to ask you something" Zarax looked into Kylas house and held both of her hands infront of him. "Will you help me raise Young Ark? I would be most grateful if he did, I can sense that somehow he has gotten some of your powers and abilities. I wish to Teach him better than how I was, I wish to give him a life, a life that I never had."
  3. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla blushed. 'You read my mind didn't you' she thought. "

    "I would love to raise Ark. He needs a family to love him, if that's what he wants as well. I will help you, but you still have the curse don't you? It won't just go away, and now you have seen my curse, and what I might become.....Poor Ark will wonder what's happening. We must try to solve both curses. Will you be left alone to have a normal life if your curse is lifted? Mine means I can never enter the shadow world again. I know how to break your curse, I think."
  4. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax sighed "Yes, The Key to breaking my curse is simple but actually doing it is imposible my curse can never be broken because if it is, if I die.....then all light will slowly die also......if I win....all Darkness will slowly die...meaning that the balance will come to and end.....I think we should fix your curse first, Also, Ark is still as smart as he was. He will understand he will also have some faint memories of before."
  5. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "What are you saying? You must suffer or die? That is so unfair. I would give my life if this was a third option for you. So I must watch you suffer, helpless to stop it. I must be able to do something to ease your burden. Please tell me."

    "My soul is already stained by the shadows, so the curse has begun. It can be healed, but I cannot tell you how, as this is part of the curse. I can only hope that curing my curse will ease yours."
  6. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    "If I help Break your curse then this in turn will help my easing, Seeing the one I love being happy will again in turn give me this same emotion. I Love you Kyla" Zarax then ushered the young Ark Towards him. "Ark, Kyla and I will be raising you, are you okay with this?" Zarax had to give Ark an opinion because all though he had been reincarnated he still owed him alot. "Yes, this will be fine, When Am I to Attend School?" Zarax smiled at his acceptance. "We will talk about that later Ark." The young boy smiled and jumped up onto the coach, Ark then reached out his hand and a Large black Book apeared with the title "Reincarnation of the Dead, Darkness and Light." Ark then curled up and began reading. "Kyla, I would also like to know how you think you can break my curse?"
  7. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "It seems to me that your curse seems to be balancing the darkness within you. I have seen you fight the darkness that strives to break free. Before I hurt you you were winning, so love, which is a pure emotion of light, must be the key. You speak of love frequently, as if it holds real power for you. If I were to release all ties and memories of the past and love you only, would this not help you. I would be willing to do this for you. I was a fool to doubt you, and I saw what negative dark emotions do to you. If my love can heal you, then I would be willing to give it. "
  8. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax sighed "Kyla that is half of the curse, I am Glad you have found it out, but you have said before your love lies with Necros if this is true then you must stay with Necros, I would only ask you to Truely Give me your life if it was meant to be true. If this was done then I would be stronger but I would still have the problem of Defeating Trinskth, But I must wait for Trinskth to come. I cannot go to him."
  9. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "What is the other half of the curse? Do you have to defeat Trinskth completely? Please tell me. I want to know if I can help you."

    Kyla felt terrible. It seemed that she could do nothing but hurt Zarax. She had betrayed his love, and now she needed to be able to help him. She felt small and vulnerable. She knew that the answer to her curse would be known by Gharanth, but that he would be unable to tell her. She was beginning to lose faith that there was anything she could truly believe in, certainly no happy ending.
  10. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax sighed with a small smile "There is a way I could help Break your curse, When Trinskth is Dead and My Curse is gone, then I am very powerful for a few moments I will be invincible and All Powerful In those few moments I could break your curse? Would you be willing? Maybe this was the actually Cure to the Curse? For it to Be Broken by a love, A Love So Powerful?"
  11. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "I'm afraid you'll have to ask Gharanth. I am unable to know the full cure, that is part of the curse. I know that love has something to do with it, and I'm sure Gharanth knows the truth, but he literally can't tell's how it works. How will you defeat Trinskth? Perhaps if we all stand together."
  12. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Kyla!I'm ready to resume my training.Kyla!"
  13. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax sighed again and looked at Ark. "Only When an Innocent of Pure Light and a Creature of Eternal Darkness come together will I be able to Defeat Trinskth but this is un attainable there is a very likely chance that the Light will not be able to survive, that is where I am stuck, I will not let the Innocent Die, therefore I must carry on this curse forever." Zarax walked over to Ark who was now asleep and put a blanket around him, and then walked back over to Kyla.
  14. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

  15. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Uh Jonathan, look who's back." Kyla grinned.

    "Oh, Ark is sleeping." Kyla gestured towards a small serious boy.

    "It's getting too late for fire training and I'm tired after my ordeal in the shadow world. By the way, has anyone seen Zeke?"

    "Please Zarax, think about how I can help you defeat Trinskth. How do you define a creature of light? A child? Someone with a pure soul? No darkness?"
  16. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Hey Zarax.Hello Ark.My name is Jonathan.Whatcha readin?"
  17. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax turned to Johnathon and Ran at him qith great speed lifting him of his legs and smacking him against the wall, Zarax did all this with no sound. "SSHHUSH!! The Child is Sleeping, Cant you see that!" Ark then stepped back calming down he was also amazed at how protective he was of Young Ark, Zarax walked back over to Kyla and signalled to follow, Zarax then walked into another Room "Kyla, Please do not Mention this to Johnathon. Also, An Innocent in my lifetime has always been a child, Ark is one of the only people in the world to be of Pure Light, I will not let Ark Die, There is one thing I can do. To Defeat Trinskth. If I merge with the one I love and Give one final Attack on Trinskth then I can Defeat him but this takes many years in the Arch." Zarax Smiled "The Arch is a place where a day is like a year we would have to train for many years meaning we would be in there for days, I do not want to take you from this, I do not mind being stalked by Trinskth. I can always Fend him off."
  18. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Okay.1.I didn't know he was sleeping. and 2.Dog demons have good hearing so I know about Trinskth from your conversation."Pushes him off.
  19. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "I will come to the Arch with you and train, both to protect you and Ark, if you would consider me worthy. I told you that I would do anything for you. Now I will make good my promise. I will not turn my back on you."

    Kyla took Zarax's hand She smiled at him.

    "I feel that a weight is lifting off me, and I can't explain why. I will follow you into the void if necessary. Jonathan will understand. I must do this with you. Perhaps I can learn more about my curse as well. Shall we go?"
  20. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "I'm Coming too."Raises Bandaged Hand"Remember?"
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