The Shadow Period

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by 2Foxxie4U, Dec 9, 2006.

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  1. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "I have a shadow form? I am not aware of this. Could you teach me? I will fight with whatever I can."
  2. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ''ya i could...........all shadow creatures hav a shadow form , when i fought Gharanth I used my shadow form for the first time maybe if u could channel ur powers a little better u can access it to.......''
  3. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "What do you mean, channel my powers better? I can channel my powers very well thank you. I was never shown any shadow powers. My mother mainly trained me, and then only to use my powers as light. My father taught me fire manipulation, oh and this."

    Kyla disappeared.
  4. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    '' i see.........fight me kyla''

    uh oh
  5. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Zeke received a sharp blow to the back of the head. There was nothing then he was hit in the jaw. No sound could be heard and the blows seemed to come from random directions around him.

    Finally Kyla reappeared. "Had enough yet?"
  6. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ''thats it? ''

    zeke then used his shadows to make kyla fall

    ''heh c'mon fight lets see wat ur powers can do......''
  7. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Immediately Kyla changed. Gone was the friendly face. She flew upwards and hit him with great force knocking him backwards.

    "Don't ever do that again" she hissed. Fire engulfed the area, burning white hot.
    There was no trace of Kyla in her eyes. Everything not fixed in the vicinity was flying round the room.

    "Die" she hissed and pointed at him. Shattered items shot at him like possessed missiles.
  8. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ''hmph i dont wanna mess up ur beach house........SHADOW ARM(air-em)''

    then kyla and zeke were sent to a shadow world

    zeke then used the shadows all around him to bind kyla


    then the shadows put great pressure on kyla's limbs......
  9. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    She nodded and the shadows released Kyla .

    "That all"

    "Darkness Smother"

    Suddenly Zeke was covered in shadows, stopping him from breathing. Kyla concentrated to hold them there. She had a strange smile on her face.
  10. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Ark's eyes opened slowly his eyes wear now Black with a pure white cat-like Pupil he got up and walked over to Kylas house Ark noticed that his cloths wear ragady and had black lines on it, he got up and looked back because he heard a burning noise he looked back and where he had stepped there was black fire each footprint Ark made was on fire so he ran quickly to Kylas house. "Somethings happened!" Ark then looked to the Corner seeing a mirror Ark was now in a deamon like form, looking much like Zarax in his Shadow Form. Sudenly Loads of Swords shot out of Arks hand and they were on black strings, they then pulled back in making a fist like barrier like Zarax's. "I think this could be my "Shadow Form" Zarax said that I would have mine when we were close." Ark looked down, sighed and muttered so that no one could here. "I never though he meant this closed." Ark then touched his chest feeling the two Heart Beats his and Zarax's.
  11. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Gharanth followed Ark. He saw the destruction and recognised the chaos as Kyla's fighting style. Kyla was nowhere to be found.

    "What have you done with her Zeke? If you've harmed her I will hunt you for eternity. He looked around for evidence. He's taken her to the shadow world. That coward couldn't fight her in her own realm. Perhaps killing her is part of his evil plan."

    "Ark, are you really strong enough to be out here. There may be trouble. I will defend you, but I am not at full strength. Maybe we can get Kyla back. She is the strongest fighter due to her light. Zarax allow Ark to recover. I know you are with him."
  12. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Ark shook his head Solemnly (sp?) "No, I must fight, Our....My Curse is now to protect Kyla, I will come with you, Now that Zarax and I are truely one I am alot more powerful but as are you I am not at full strength." Ark sighed "Zarax was Darkness I have taken on that also, I can take us to the Shadow Realm but you must trust me" Ark walked over to Gharnath putting out the sword. "Touch it."
  13. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "I trust you completely, as I have darkness in my heart, but I also care when needed." Gharanth reached out and touched the sword. "You should not be so tied to protecting Kyla, you should be allowed a life of your own. She knows what it is to be tied to a curse, as do I, and you will be ruled by it forever. It doesn't stop with death, trust me."
  14. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Ark sighed "Yes, I know this, but Zarax was stuck protecting himself and all of the peoples of Light, He never had a personal life, untill he met everyone........and you see what that happened, You do not know how much I would like to break away from this curse but Zarax and I are bound to it." Ark then closed his eyes and put his arm on his chest, Black Hands came up from the ground raping themselves around Ark and Gharnath. "Just let them take you." The Arms then pulled Ark and Gharnath down straight through the ground the two men then apeared on the side of the Battle Field.
  15. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "I'm worried about Kyla, that amount of destruction means she's pretty mad. I've only seen her go this far once before, and she was almost out of control. The curse kicks in you see. She won't be able to distinguish friend from foe. Why would Zeke do this to her? Just as anger creates the curse, love breaks it. She literally is a savage beast if I'm right. It's a pity Zarax isn't here in his past form. He could have stopped her. We will have to do the best we can."

    Gharanth turned to Ark, wondering how he would cope with what he was about to see.

    "Just remember that what you see isn't really Kyla, it's the curse. The sword I was trapped in was never the curse, and neither was I. For all our breeding and titles, we're all just wild animals when it comes down to it."
  16. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    "Zarax may be able to come out, Zarax can come back in his original form when on a battle field" Many black and white particles slowly seeped (Sp?) out of Arks Chest they then Began to build a Zarax next to him. "Argh, Feels good, Im back, I dont know How much I can do but I will try and Help her." Zarax ran straight to Kyla grabing her he then hugged her and didnt let go till she calmed down. Zarax then remembered that when he hugged Kyla the flames of Love from Zarax's heart would appear Zarax then tried to quickly let go but before he could Black Flames engulfed him and Kyla.

    OOC: Sorry, Last Post Goodnight
  17. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla shook her head as if she was coming out of a dream. "Zarax, is that really you. Please don't go yet." Tears welled up in her eyes. "You came back to help me didn't you. I won't let you go now. I should have believed in you. Believe in me now. It's alright. Let the. black flames take us both. I will be with you."

    Kyla then kissed him.
  18. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    zeke then burst out of the shadows........

    ''kyla u ok?''

    occ:zeke and kyla r still fighting right?
  19. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Well, you've done it now Zeke! You attacked Kyla and awakened the curse. Now she is being protected by the only one worthy of being with her, Zarax. Yes, he's back and you look like the villain. I couldn't have planned it better myself. You can plead innocence all you like, you took her to the shadow world and made her fight. She lost control, just for a short time, but it was enough to make you look bad. You are now the murderer and Necros will lose Kyla to Zarax again. Oh happy days!"
  20. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ''so i fel right into ur just gannah asume that kyla wen kyla enters the shadow zone it turns her into that monster............''

    gharanth?........are u truly evil?
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