The Shadow Period

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by 2Foxxie4U, Dec 9, 2006.

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  1. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    N stands for Necros and S for Shadonic
    I'll check on them be right back!Teleports!
    N:Shadonic, there's this girl she's gonna help us out.She's a healer.She's headed toward the pizza place. she buying pizza?
    N: She wanted me to ask if you wanted some.
    S:Ok I'll meet you guys there.Teleports.
    N:Teleports.He's out.Teleports to pizza place.he's out Kyla.
  2. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Seeing Necros leave Kyla ran to the Pizza place. Necro seemed like he needed help, as did Zarax. she couldn't reach Zarax at present, but she wanted to help Necro. She thought back to the stories that her father had told her about Inuyasha and his travels to collect the shards.
  3. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Celeste was silent until the other man left. What's wrong with them?! the thought angrily. Can't they see I want to be left alone?! She shook her head. and looked back down at the wallet. She cocked her head to the side and slowly opened it.

    A few minutes later, she was skipping down the city streets happy, filling the polluted city air with her sweet, lovely laughes. 200 bucks! Who the HELL leaves 220 bucks in their wallet?! She giggled again. Not that I'm complaining! Oh, I can get so much STUFF! I can pay the rent, get new clothes that don't smell like dog pee, soap- she shook her head viciously. No... NO! I can't do that! Priorities.... Okay... What do I need NOW???

    A few seconds later she was rushing through the the nearest "Pizza Hut," trying to reach the front of the counter. When she did, the counter-guy looked at her curiously and asked, "Welcome to Pizza Hut, may I take your order...?"
    Celeste thought for a few seconds then answered, "Yeah! I'd like 2 extra large pizzas with everything on 'em, 3 of your huge buckets of wings, and a liter of Pepsi, please!"
    The guy stared at her. "Um... You sure you can eat all that? You're kinda small... And, besides, you got that kind of money...?"
    Celeste motioned her hand as if waving his comment off. "Oh, I think I can pay for it all..." she flashed all 200 dollars in front of his awstruck eyes. "And as for the eating part... Well, you leave that to me..." she grinned.
    The man took up her money, handed her back her change and said, "Well... Uh... Your food should be done in, about, 15 minutes... Thanks for eating at Pizza Hut."
    Celeste went over to a table by a window, with a, "Don't mention it..." and began the long, agonizing job of waiting.
  4. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    Grabs Zarax.Teleports in front of Kyla "He's out."
  5. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    hey can i join heres my application:

    my name is zeke both control and lurk in the shadows. I hav a mysterious past
    that i dont remeber.I'm now currently a so called a renegade bcuz i was framed for something i didnt do, they framed me for killing 2000 ppl in a mall. who framed me i dont no but i no 1 thing, that person had eyes like mine they were red.

    My friend's name is scarlet she always helped me wen i was in need. shes the only friend i hav. i thank her for helping me.Right now she help me escape from police and SWAT teams and bounty hunters who want the $100,000,000,000,000,000 bounty thats on my head My name is Zeke and this is my life, my story,my curse...............

    apperance: I hav red eyes blu hair and i wear a black shirt (simliar to sora's but with out the colors that not black) and black jeams and shoes

    age: 16

    race: unknown (if thats ok)

    so there it goes so were do i start?
  6. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    ((Uh... Sure, but just so I can understand you better, can you please not text talk? XD I have the hardest time reading that, and that post is chock full of it... @_@ Aslo, guys, when you're saying something in an RPing thread, and your not saying something that's actually PART of the RP, could ya please put one of these funky symbols? "OOC:" or "(())" If you'd do that it would be much appreciated! ^-^

    And as to where you start... Well, that's up to you. ;D Have fun, guys! XD))
  7. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    * walks down the street with hands in pocket* *sees a pizza hut* im hungry I guess I'll put my hood ovr my head so i wont be reconized....................
  8. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla arrived at the Pizza Hut, amazed to see that everyone arrived before her. She looked at the unconcious Zarax and a sadness sank over her. "Poor soul" she thought "as soon as we are sat somewhere where others can't see I'll give you some of my strength. After all It's what I do best."

    She looked across at Necro and his friend."They must have brought him here. Necros is full of surprises, and I'm sure that his friend is equally as amazing."

    She looked round the restaurant, hoping that noone was taking too much notice of the group.
  9. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    A Large arm shot out of Zarax's back and pulled him into the ground almost opening a portal the body went straight into the ground and apeared again at the top of the skyscraper.

    Zarax awoke he though to himself as he awoke "W, Why do I feel so cold and why does my arm hurt?" He then lifted up his sleeve and noticed that acient runes had been inscribed there "Im going to have to face him soon I know it, Xenka told me this would happen but why didnt I listen and now hes....hes....Dead" Zarax looked down his hair then covering his eyes as his hat fell of showing his horns he sat and the top of the skyscraper alone and depressed a tear ran across his cheek it was not a see-through tear it was black, black as his wings, the ruins and his horns "I geuss I should go and help that girl I need someone who seems to work the same way as me......" He then jumped off the skyscraper he sored (SP?) down and just when he was about to hit the floor a large black puddle apeared and Zarax went straight through it.

    He then appeared outside the Pizza hut and noticed the girl sitting down, he didnt want to scare her by walking up to her so he sent her a message from his head, he always did this but it was usually with himself and Xenka, the last time he did do this was with Xenka.

    {Come outside I must talk with you, its the man from before dont be afraid I dont want to harm you just to help and talk?}

    OOC: Xenka is going to be Zarax's Dead Friend who you will learn more about as Zarax progress and I may seem all powerful and thats theres nothing I cant do but Im going to have alot of weakness as well. ^_^
    BTW "{}" When I use those it means Im talking telephatically O.K.
  10. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla noticed the fox girl sat in the restaurant. "There could be trouble if Necros spots her" she muttered to herself. Still, eating seemed the primary goal of most of the group.

    Kyla smiled to herself. There had been some pretty impressive showing of power, but she had done very little. She thought how she must appear as weak, but the truth was a different matter.

    She remembered her promise to help Zarax & Necro. Her father had taught her honour, and that promises must always be kept. She needed to know Zarax's problem so she could hlp. Necro was a challenge as she knew the legend well (countless bedtime stories) but had no idea how she would fit in. She motioned to the others to order and sat t the table with a sigh.
  11. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla noticed the fox girl sat in the restaurant. "There could be trouble if Necros spots her" she muttered to herself. Still, eating seemed the primary goal of most of the group.

    Kyla smiled to herself. There had been some pretty impressive showing of power, but she had done very little. She thought how she must appear as weak, but the truth was a different matter.

    She remembered her promise to help Zarax & Necro. Her father had taught her honour, and that promises must always be kept. She needed to know Zarax's problem so she could help. Necro was a challenge as she knew the legend well (countless bedtime stories) but had no idea how she would fit in. She motioned to the others to order and sat at the table with a sigh.
  12. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Kyla,this is Shadonic.Shadonic this is Kyla.

  13. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Hi Shadonic, great to meet you! Are you hungry? You guys go ahead and order."

    Kyla smiled at Shadonic, as he seemed as friendly as Necros. She wished she could find out what they were searching for in this area of town. Nothing really ever happened here to attract visitors normally, though tonight seemed to be unusually exciting.

    "Perhaps my life won't be so boring now these guys have shown up." she thought.
  14. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Pepperoni,for both of us.So...You know Necros's story.You wanna know mine?"
  15. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax noticed the large group hopping they didnt notice him but then he realised by looking at them he sent them a phychic message.

    {I hope they dont see me here, I dont want to get them involved maybe standing outside in the open was a bad idea}

    He then waited and hopped the little girl would notice.
  16. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "If you don't mind telling me I would love to hear your story, Shadonic. I suppose Necros has told you I'm a healer."

    On hearing the voice in her mind she thought 'its ok, I won't tell anyone you're here if you want to be alone Zarax' and looked at Shadonic.
  17. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Well it alll began with a hedgehogs named Shadow and Sonic.You ever heard of 'em?"
  18. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax looked at Kyla {Thankyou Im lucky it was only you who I sent the message to I need to get that young girl to come out to me would you mind asking her?}
  19. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Who ya talking to Zarax?"smiles.
  20. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    'Sure as soon as I can get away without drwaing Necros & Shadonics's attention to her, as I don't want them to get angry. Is that ok?' Kyla thought.

    "Yes I've heard of them, Shadonic. Please tell me more." Kyla couldn't believe it, she was in the presence of legends in their own right, and they were honouring her by telling their stories. No one would hurt them while she was around.
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