The Shadow Period

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by 2Foxxie4U, Dec 9, 2006.

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  1. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ''yea starr {wow shes hot!} well im trying to form it like a thunder bolt
  2. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Concentrate Zane! Sorry about that Starr. I think you have an admirer."

    Kyla grinned from ear to ear. It was nice to see something positive.
  3. Spiritstar Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 30, 2006
    "That must take a lot of energy and concentration"
    "your doing ok!" (smiled at Zane) .
    "I can't do anything like that"
    ' Starr thought about her own gifts , she should practice more with hers too, I can move objects and people but not for long periods of time, and i might need my transparency power if i get caught up again with Sarvoth. I need to get stronger!'
  4. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Hey Starr, you're welcome to train with us if you like. Zane is about to show us how to make a fire bolt."

    Kyla grinned at Zane. "Show Starr what you can do."
  5. Spiritstar Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 30, 2006
    "Thanks i would like to train with you"
    "Go on then Zane"
  6. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax walked over to everyone "Starr, I dont know if you remember but I promised to train you to use your wings to their full extent I dont know whether you want to follow me up on it or if you want to train with them its up to you." Zarax smiled he winked at Kyla and then thought to Zane.
    {Zane, The abilities I think I may have been weary to teach you were probably that of God Status Abilities of God Status Consume you, they make you feel power is everything I have used those abilities and they lead to my own destruction}
    Zarax thought back to that more memories came flushing back to him He remembered looking down at the world and putting his arm out and abosorbing it, Zarax then remembered the feeling of imense Guilt and then everything going white and the world was back again. Through everything Zarax had been remembering he put the pieces together to get to the conclusion that Zarax was a god or is now a demi-god.
  7. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    {I see, I understand master I see y u wouldnt teach me or even tell me for that matter this ability must be great to cinvince that power is everything thats how my father is in the future hopefully we can save him}
    Zane then thought about his father and the others...........

    ''i will save u ALL!!!!!!!!!''

    then Zane shot a huge fire bolt at the sea

    ''*pants* I.......did it''
  8. Spiritstar Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 30, 2006
    Starr had forgotten about Zarax 's offer to help with her wings, She felt a little guilty as she had said she would like to stay with Kyla and Zane, she was also enjoying the show.
    But she did need to work on her wings...'what should I do? umm.

    "OK Zarax, If that is alright with Kyla?

    "I do also need to work on my other ablities ,But I could work on those a later"

    Starr knew so far that her wings were her protection barrier for herself and others in close contact, but she was very intreaged (sp) to see what else she could learn.
    She closed her eyes for a second then remembered that Zarax had once said to her that her wings could be used as a weapon,...That would help if in the end Necros' Mark needed the attention of Sarvoth the warlock.
    Also she had head them mention another evil called solaris and she wanted to be as strong as possible to help if the need arises.

    Starr hadn't told them she had been held up at Sarvoths earlier,she couldn't explain why/how she was there either.
    'I will need to be strong if I have to go back there again'

    "Shall we go?"
  9. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "It's fine for you to train with Zarax. Zane needs my help with his fire powers. If Solaris/ Iblis should escape, we will need all the skills we have."

    Kyla winked back at Zarax. She knew that he was always struggling with his guilt for his past and sometimes a distraction such as this might help.

    "Well done Zane, that was brilliant. Now you know how to make the bolt, you need to learn how to do it without wearing yourself out."
  10. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax smiled he then stood tall and his wings shot out they wear longer than before they were white and black which sorta merged together to make a strange shade of grey Zarax then jumped onto the roof at an alarming speed he then put his arm out "Would you like to Join me on the roof?"
  11. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla watched Zarax jump onto the roof. She was a little concerned that he didn't overexert himself as he had not long come back from dismantling the arch. She watched him out of the corner of her eye as she trained Zane, feeling pride that he was taking command of the family and becoming more confident around everyone.

    Zane had the promise to become a powerful fire manipulator as long as he didn't overexert himself. It seemed that the men around her tried too hard at times.
  12. Spiritstar Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 30, 2006
    Starr opened her wings, gave them a bit of a stretch and flew up to the roof to join Zarax.

    Starr hadn't bothered to check Zarax wings and strength before , she paid a bit more attention this time.

    'What power in those wings, she thought, I can feel the energy from them bursting out, definately (sp) a lot more stronger than mine even though my wings are huge too.
    I wonder what this training lesson will hold! I can't wait.'

    "OK Zarax, I am ready!
  13. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax smiled "You may remember me telling you about turning your wings into a weapon theyre are many ways to do this there is that of morphing your wings Like this" Zarax's wings turned a shining white and they then turned into a large spike and then turned into a slight liquid slivering from his back down his arm and then made a long Sword in his arm the Hilt of the Sword was wrapped around his arm. "Just imagine a sword in your arm and your wings disapearing." Zarax had taught many students in his day but Zane and Starr had been the most promising. Zarax just hoped the legacy would come true.
  14. Spiritstar Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 30, 2006
    "So this is just done by focusing the mind right? and imagine it happening?"
    "ok let me have a go then"

    Starr focused , ...nothing happend, 'Ok,Ok come on Starr breath, relax and concentrate.' you can do this!'

    Star took a couple of deep breaths and calmed herself, she imagined her wings changing , at the same time a blue light enveloped her whole body, she felt her her energy changing becoming stronger 'well thats new!
    ' I don't normally get the time to practice like this.. the calmer I am the more I can focus my energy so it seems!
    Starr's wings began to change illuminous type alloy started forming , the blue glow had shifted to this area and formed into sharp sword like shapes.

    "Zarax look! how am i doing?"

    'oops nearly lost my focus then'

    Starr concentrated even harder, too hard and the swords with their illuminous glow exploded into fireworks and disapeared. Starr fell onto her knees out of shock and surprise.
    She looked at herself her wings were back to normal again

    "Sorry Zarax I will do better next time!"
  15. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax was shocked Starr had done very well, the technique Zarax was teaching her was deadly a total of 147 people died when Zarax taught them, he was know certain the prophecy was to come true.
    Zarax laughed "You did Very well, Now stand still breathe now imagine your wings become very soft like a metal they can be easily formed into something else and keep it like that" When Starr had done that Zarax was going to form her wings to see if she could mimic the feeling.
  16. Spiritstar Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 30, 2006

    Starr stood back up and took another couple of deep breaths

    Starr closed her eyes this time to maintain her focus better, a gentler blue wave came this time,a more smoother and continuous flow.
    Starr stayed calm and she felt her wings began to soften, she had reached a point in her mind where all she could feel were her wings and her new power.

    Starr opened her eyes, she could not see this but her eyes had changed colour too, to deep blue

    It was like she had reached a different level she felt strong
  17. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla watched with pride. Both teacher and student seemed to be doing well. She wanted to make sure neither pushed too far. Just to make sure she summoned her wings ad locked them in place. If need be she could fly to help. She doubted that she was needed though.
  18. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Zarax was happy but sighed she had reached Angel eyes that would be able to see Gods as theyre true forms Zarax walked infront of her "Dont worry, Its me Zarax, this is my god form" Zarax's god form was a tall blonde man in a white suite with black pinstripped and long white wings as he walked it where he stepped rippled like water Zarax stood behind her moulding her wings into a long cone Zarax then folded it around her arms She had what Zarax had but two of them since her wings were bigger. Zarax finished and then whispered in her ear "Im finished let your energy be realeased through the end of the weapons." If she did that then she would have completed it.. Two years faster than any other aprentice.
  19. Spiritstar Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 30, 2006
    Starr couldn't believe what she saw in front of her , Zarax was different, Starr felt elated with the experience.
    Starr focused her energy as her teacher Zarax had asked,she felt it expand outwards and also inwards towards her very depth of her being.

    She felt it... felt it go down her arms and the moulded shapes Zarax had created,
    She felt them harden and saw them with this blue glowing light surrounding them.
    Starr then saw symbols appear, but could not understand the writing on them,... she wasn't too bothered about that though.
    she was pleased at what she had achieved in this short space of time.Starr thought that it should have been impossible for her to do anything like this, she was amazed at her power and smiled at the GOD like form of Zarax.

    Starr was starting to feel a little drained now but still elated , she focused on her energy levels and felt it go inwards, withdrawing from her 'arms'

    The blue glow becoming intermitent and her wings gradually returning back to normal

    ooc back in a bit( shop)
  20. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Kyla congratulated Zane on his good progress. Seeing that Starr was doing so well, she didn't want Zane to become disillusioned. She was proud of how well he was progressing. She could see that his strength came from emotion, so she had to teach him to channel his feelings productively. She was a little sad that such a great burden had been placed on his shoulders.

    ooc: Has Kyla seen Zarax's god like form?
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