The Secret Ending With Complete Sound!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, remember the different variation of themes we've had for the past day? Well someone managed to finally upload the full and final version with complete SFX Sound effects!!

    Source: Gaiamagex on Gamefaqs for the video and SaydeWindsau for helping him with the audio. abd Look a SPace for the download link.

    Monkey Edit: Also, Xaldin and I have come together and put together a compilation of all the information from the secret trailer. Not only that, but we have provided names and abreviations for all the new characters. For those that love making theories, sharing opinions, or someone who wants to know what everyone is talking about, click the thumbnail below!

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 30, 2007.

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    1. ZetoCloud
      I still can't download it, can anyone help me by uploading the video on filefront or megaupload it will will be a great help
    2. rikusgirl
      i downloaded it...but i cnt c anythin!!! theres only the sound :( :confused: :confused: :confused:
    3. Seifer_driver

      Hey, you know guys... there's a little mistake in the trailer. In de kh2 secret ending trailer those's hero's have in the end 2 keyblade's but in the khfm2 secret ending (when the hero's attack the bad guys) they have 1 keyblade. But the trailer is SUPER!!!!! And Roxas is that now a nobody or not??? or is Sora the nobody??? I can't wait to know this! :rolleyes:
    4. Kiryu
      Just when I thought the secret ending was already cool. Adding the sound took it to a new level. :D
    5. A Link to the Future?
      A Link to the Future?
      I can't download the video :(

      The sound in this makes it even better I now NEED this game! Does anyone know if they are they going to release a seperate OST for KHII:FM (or even FM+) with this music on?
    6. Rayeofsunshine
      :D :D :D :D :D :D I think I just died from the awesomeness!:eek:

      Well, The BHS is probably Sora/Roxas's Replica!
      Oh, let the Foaming begin!
    7. Yozora
      Oh sweet thanks Xaldin! Already downloaded the video.
    8. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      hmm...i just noticed that the old guy turns his keyblade into that purple-ish ball of darkness which he uses to summon kingdom hearts.

      oh, and as for the theory that sora is one of the knights, thats impossible. i mean, in kh2fm+, the optional boss is the brown haired knight, so obviously none of the knights are related to sora, not even the one that looks like roxas, although i guess it could be him since it looks almost exactly like him.
    9. Sanya
      Why is the video file so big? >.>

      Well, thanks Xaldin :D
    10. finalArcanaXXX
      Thanks for the vid! Now I can see the roxas look alike isn't dead. You can see this eyes move a bit after hes frozen
    11. Eric aka the snipe
      Eric aka the snipe
      The first post said that there Monkey and Xaldin gathered the info
      on the secret ending yet i don't see it.
    12. TheLightIsGone123
      i just realized

      i couldnt figure out who the frozen soldiger looks like but i just did after watchig this does anybody else think he looks like roxas???

      i couldnt figure out who the frozen soldiger looks like but i just did after watchig this does anybody else think he looks like roxas??? no duhhh right haha

      also this could all be in soras heart because of roxas, and the beggining when it says birth by sleep hmmmmmm interesting
    13. Eric aka the snipe
    14. Ecomics21
      Dose anyone have an idea when KH3 "Should" be out?
    15. Crispers
      ok when i download it only gives me the sound and not the picture O_o

      oh and to answer ur question its gonna come out in like 2-3 years
    16. Theforgottenangel
      Yooooooooooooo so I was doing some studying and BAM!!!! I found it, The scene with xemnas in the room with the armor.........the keyblade that they show with the armor is the same keyblade the female holds in the secret ending in the sunset horizon, before she picks up the other keyblade...and noruma said that the nights arent sora and roxas but are connect to a character that we seen already....he said " been a long time friend"<xemans

      edit: and it has the same helmet
    17. Crispers
      wow my head hurts from all this XD
    18. Reoy
      0.0 wow.........WOOW!!! thats so coool it kinda looks more pg-13 that was awsome i cant i cant i cant wait until it comes out here!!! i'm so gonna buy it i hope its also for ps2

      nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!! say who is that person on your sig and your avi? kinda looks like riku =)
    19. >Keyblader<
      I agree with you. Even Nomura stated in an interview that the knights were not sora, riku, or mickey.
    20. Adoo!

      maaan that was cool... could that bee ansem the real?????? still cooooooooool:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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