The Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Oct 24, 2009.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ren walked up to them calmly with his hands in the trench coat he wore with his eyes closed. "so I see that Eva has finally come back to her senses" Ren said and opened his eyes and looked down at Eva "you mind was pretty messed at that time" Ren said and got closer to her "must have been nice to meet an old friend again" Ren whispered into Eva's ear and then looked over at Victor pointing his gun at an unknown stranger
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Eva could only stare at him in horror. He must have the gift of reading minds. She covered her ears with her hands, making her thoughts go crazy. Even if she paid for it later, the least she could do was give him a headache. Her mind jolted from animal to human, from prey to predator and back again, switching species faster then her body could ever have kept up. One of the small things Larz had allowed her to do.
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ren put one hand on his head and looked over at Eva why are you doing this? are you trying to harm my mind? it won't work on me so easily....If you are worried about the promise you made to Elevir then don't be. I may read other's minds but I respect their thoughts and do not speak about them unless I have to Ren told Eva telepathically
  4. Rexa Moogle Assistant

    Sep 28, 2009
    In Your Dreams <3
    OOC: Could I have a recap, guys?
  5. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    OOC:// Nothing significant has really happened yet lol
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Toxyn just stared. The stare had gone from one of interest, to one of hostility. He was staring directly into the directors eyes, murderous intent in them. He recognized the man. The man who had seen him many times. Back then, he had probably just been anouther number to him, but in Toxyn's eyes, this man had caused him what was much misery, from what he heard from scientists.
    He didn't bother to stand up, but he just sat there, his arms covering his knees still. He brought his right hand into the pocket of a trench coat he had been wearing, and then pulled it back out, returning it to where it had been before. On his middle finger was what appeared to be a type of armor. At the end of it was a sharp tip, a miniture blade of sorts. He didn't take his eyes off of the director, waiting to see just how they'd react.
  7. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    Glareing down the barrel of his pistol, the former director kept the boy in is sights. The details of his features and frame eluded him, just another child on the streets. Those eyes, however, were a completely diffrent story. Such anger, such hatred. Only those of greatest hardship and personal vendetta could have those eyes and all of them were buried in rubble.

    Ignoring the childs efforts to conceal his movements, Victor decided to cut to the chase.

    "Who are you?" he asked.
  8. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.

    Eva shook her head, trying to remain in control, trying to slow down. "You better not hurt her." She struggled to threaten, then closed her eyes, cradling her head as her body began to shift with the changes. If Victor didn't move away from her, then he might be shredded. She whimpered, feeling like something was trying to claw out of her. The gun..... she wanted to reach out, but if she let go of her head, then her skull might split.
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Toxyn slowly began to stand, not making a sound. His sight remained on the man with the gun though. A man with a gun was a dangerous thing, but an animal full of hate was anouther, and that was exsactly what Toxyn was at the moment.
    He slowly began to stand up, not replying to the mans question. It wasn't like he talked a lot. For quite some time, he had already been distant from people. His body constantly aching, the one thing that kept his electricity constantly charged. His face showed no expression.
    His thoughts at the time were blank as well. His mind drew a blank, and the only thing he was focused on was the director. And for just one quick moment, a memory flashed in his mind, a memory of the torture that he had gone through, the very experiments which caused him the pain he had now. The minute that memory flashed, a slight jolt of eletricity flashed by his middle right finger.
  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ren closed his eyes and put his hands back into his trench coat I would never hurt Elevir Ren telepathically told Eva and Ren walked away from them "I guess this is farewell for now" Ren calmly said and continued to walk away. He honsetly did not want to get involved with Victor and the stranger
  11. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    Victor tightened his grip around the trigger, running his thumb across the hammer to make sure it was cocked. Seeing the arc of electricity did little to ease his mood. An elemental, of all things an elemental gift. He had experience with electric gifts, or teslas as the guards used to brand them. The only way to properly surpress them was with an electronic magnet apparatus. That way the deadly volts could be pushed back onto the user and be rendered paralyzed. This wasn't the orphanage however and he wasn't going to be getting a magnet anytime soon.

    Slowly, Victor bent on one knee and wrapped his free arm around Eva's shoulders. This threat, the eyes of a killer under a mask of childhood ambition, He was going to make sure that a person would lose their life tonight and the former director was going to make sure it wasn't his daughter's.
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    It was as if a trigger had been pulled at that moment. The pupils in his eyes reacted like a cats would every time it would jump in to make the kill. His eyes went wide, and the pupils widend as well. He took a step forward, trying to frighten the director into shooting, then quickly jumped to the side, hoping to avoid if he shot. Guns were fast, so make assumptions was the best way to avoid them after all. The minute he felt steady, he ran forward, towards the director, keeping low to the ground, dragging the metalic finger guard on the ground, the sharp point scarping it, as if creating a bit of static in the air, and then came to a hault, swinging his right arm into the air, shooting a bolt of electricity straight through the air, using the gun as a conductor, so even though it'd go straight to the gun, it would ensure total accuracy. A small flash of white could be seen in his eyes the moment he unleashed the electricity, only heightening the hate in them.
  13. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    Pain twisted and contorted the body of the director. The surge from the now searing hot gun set every nerve he had on end. He let out a choked howl, the volts wouldn't even let his throat muscles function properly. With all the will he still retained, Victor uncurled his charred fingers and dropped the burning revolver. A dull thud rattled off the walls that now seemed dim and pale in the wake of the spetacular lightshow that had turned the entire street into shades of black and white. The sound came from victor, his knees striking the ground as the surrendered to the weight of the attack became to great to bear.
  14. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Eva shifted as she pulled free of Victor, shifting into a much bigger animal, a polar bear. She wouldn't be able to control this form for long, but it had to be enough. Swinging her paw, she tried to smack the stranger back, standing over her foster father's body.
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Toxyn rushed forward the minute he saw his enemy fall to his knees, and began running towards him. His speed seemed slightly above average, probably because he was pumping electrolites through his body to make himself go faster.
    He lashed his right arm out, trying to sting the sharp point of his weapon straight into the directors chest, but was brought to a hault the minute he felt the claws of a large creature scrape his back, cutting through the skin like butter.
    He screamed, a mixture of pain and terror. His body already pained on a daily basis, but with his heightend nervous system, the pain of being scratched by a cat could be equivilant to that of being scratched by a bear. Considering that he had just been scratched by a bear, the pain was horrifying to him.
    Quickly as a reaction, he spun around, attempt to slash the paw, and then before she could get anouther swipe at him, he started running away, quickly darting around a corner. He wanted to kill the man who had caused him so much pain, but the pain he was experiencing now....his own fears of being around people had taken over. And now all he wanted was safety.
  16. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Eva's shape wavered, and she shifted back to human, grabbing Victor's coat and wrapping it around herself, her hair falling over her bare shoulder as she kneeled over the director. "Victor? Dad?...." Her voice was barely above a whisper, but he couldn't be....
  17. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Is it too late to join? I copy pasta'd my character sheet from The Orphanage. Waffles don't "pwn" pancakes, that's only in soviet Russia.

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Character Name (Last, first): Black, Leon
    Age: 19
    *Bio: with him being near the death date he began thinking of a way out by himself. His wings have grown back and the guards have not removed them yet due to his death being near and the fact that his body is not used to the use of them and he would litterly jump slightly farther than a normal human then plumet. After escaping he wandered for some time before finding sanctuary.
    Personality: Cold, hateful, afraid, dramatic
    *Weapon [Appearance]: n/a
    *Weapon [Function]: n/a
    Gift: Winged gift
  18. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    long silence hung on the air until being shattered by a haggard groan.

    "ow ow ow!" Victor grunted though his grinding teeth.

    "nothing with voltage for a week, ok?"
  19. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    OOC@Fayt: O_o.......

    BIC: Eva smiled, blinking back tears as she hugged him awkwardly, keeping the coat wrapped around her. "I'm sorry, I would change into something useful but....are you okay?" Her heartbeat slowed, though her head still ached.
  20. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    ooc@fayt: you sure you can stay for the long haul?


    A small, twitchy grin cracked over the director's face.

    "Sssh sssh now. you're alive, that's all the useful I could ask."
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