The Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Oct 24, 2009.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    no not right now I am not going anywhere at the moment Seth replied back at Elevir and then crossed his arms "how about we head over to Eva's place" Seth said and looked at Elevir "she has been really worried about you" Seth said
  2. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Elevir turned again to face Seth, and shook her head. "I know... but I can't go there, at least not right now. And Toxyn definitely can't," she responded. 'That's one of the things Toxyn is trying to get away from.' she continued, telepathically.
    There was a bit of silence, and then Elevir spoke again.
    "Besides, Eva's not home right now."

  3. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Stepping on the crack, Eva took a deep breath, then slowly made her way along the cliff's edge, keeping her eyes on the ground ahead of her. Her hair blew lightly in the gentle breeze coming out of the canyon, warming the arm on her right. She made fifty feet, then closed her eyes, took another breath, and jumped, turning as she did to grab the edge and climb monkey style along it. If she didn't have her ability anymore, then she would get used to this style of running.
  4. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth looked at her strangely and wondered what Toxyn would want to escape from them but immediatly decided to stop thinking about it and sighed "I only reached this town a few days ago. I don't even know this town so well or have anywhere to go" Seth said
  5. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    ... That makes three of us, she thought.
    "We need to think of something, soon. Another alley wouldn't be out of the question at this point... though if they found us, there's not much room to escape."
    Either way, we need to get away from here...
  6. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth crossed his arms and sighed "well this is a little predicament we are in" Seth said and and tried to think of a way to solve the problem "well how about that guy wear a disguise so he won't be caught" Seth said and then sighed once more "although the problem would be the readers of this town" Seth said
  7. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV

    'Hey, isn't that the kid who...'

    Crap, we need to get out of here, Elevir thought, seeing the policeman approaching them out of the corner of her eye. Before she could take any action, though, he was right next to them. Or... wait. There was two of him!

    "I just need to ask you some questions, kid," the one who had appeared next to them said. "Nothing to freak about, huh?"

    Using her telepathic power, Elevir was able to make the policeman's clone disappear.
    "Go find a place to hide, I can take care of this," Elevir spoke, so that only the two boys with her could hear. The policeman was approaching even more quickly after his clone disappeared.
  8. Rexa Moogle Assistant

    Sep 28, 2009
    In Your Dreams <3
    OOC - Recap please?
  9. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    OOC:// At the point where it died, Elevir and Toxyn were talking to Seth to find a place to hide so that the cops wouldn't find Toxyn. Feel free to continue however you want.
  10. Rexa Moogle Assistant

    Sep 28, 2009
    In Your Dreams <3
    OOC - Thank ya. ^^

    BIC - Rea looked around, realizing she was left behind. "Larenzo? Seth?" She could feel a familiar tightening in her chest. She had felt this before, it was lonliness. Rea suddenly started to cry. She curled up in a ball, shaking as she wept. She hugged her knees and cried harder.
  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth looked over at Elevir for a bit. At first he was unsure about leaving her all alone but he believed that she was a really good reader and that she could handle this on her own. Seth looked over at Toxyn signaling to leave

    Just then somebody walked up behind and tapped on Rea's shoulder "hey whats up I thought we lost you. Are you crying?" said the voice of drake who was standing right behind her
  12. Rexa Moogle Assistant

    Sep 28, 2009
    In Your Dreams <3
    Rea let out a yelp. She immediately threw her arms around Drake, not even checking out who he was. She was just happy to be around someone again, she didn't care who she was around. She missed Larenzo, though.

    OOC: I'll add another character if that's okay?

    Username: Rexa
    Full Character Name: Jesse Alan Myers
    Age: 16
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: He is the thief that used Rea. He now returns, hoping to kill her, so she will not speak of a secret he told her. If Rea tells anyone, it could mean Jesse's downfall.
    Personality: Evil and manipulative. A master of persuasion.
    Weapon: Martial Arts
    Gift: Formidable Gift
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Toxyn had followed Seth, pissed that he was running, but he knew he had no real choice in the matter. He didn't speak to the man though, and soon, saw him stop at the sight of a girl crying. Dammit. If I knew where to go then i wouldn't have to depend on these people... he thought to himself.
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth looked over at Toxyn "come on lets hurry up and find someplace to hide" Seth said as he looked around the area for a place to hide

    Drake was surprised when she hugged him "wow I never knew you where so happy to see me. Drake said and looked over at her "lets hurry up and find Larenzo" Drake said
  15. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV

    OOC:// Seth wasn't the one who stopped near Rea lol.


    'Huh, doesn't this smell of trouble?'

    'On second thought... maybe those two kids are just brothers.... That's a weird coincidence.'

    'Wait a sec... where'd that girl go?'

    'Eh... prolly just imagined her... could've sworn there was someone there.

    Those were the thoughts Elevir heard from the top of a nearby building... near enough to make the policeman hopefully forget this ever happened. It almost scared her what she was capable of these days. Her Gift had saved her more than once in the past two years, though.

    'Wait, what am I thinking? There was no way that wasn't the kid I was looking for... Where'd he go? Rrrgh.'

    Elevir peeked over the edge of the building to see that the policeman talking into a walkie-talkie thing. Calling for backup. Great, now she can sit and wait for the police to leave. Of course, unless...

    'Wait, what am I doing this for? Just a bunch of kids... must've not gotten enough sleep last night...'

    The policeman scratched the back of his head, confused.

    "What am I doing here, again...?"

    'Can't remember... eh...'

    Elevir let out a sigh of relief from her hiding place at the top of the building, and stood up and brushed herself off. Her wings unfolded behind her, and she took off to go find Seth and Toxyn.

    'Seth?' she called telepathically as she searched. Hopefully he would hear her....

    She landed on a building at the corner of the street. 'Seth, if you can hear me... where did you hide?'
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth stopped running the moment he heard Elevir's voice. He looked around the area and then closed his eyes We managed to get to get to an alleyway still trying to find a place to hide. What happened with you? Im guessing you escaped. Seth said to Elevir telepathically
  17. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "Yeah," Elevir spoke, jumping down into the alley the other two were in. "That policeman isn't looking for you anymore..." she said to Toxyn, "but he almost called for backup. There might be more police around here."
    Something burned at the back of her neck, and she brushed her hand against it. Bringing her hand back in front of her eyes, she saw a startling amount of crimson on her otherwise pale skin. She attempted to hide how startled she was, and clasped her hand closed, hopefully before either of the two could see.
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "good that will make it a bit easier for now but we need to find a place for him to hide." Seth said and looked over at her "whats wrong" Seth said immediatly looking over at her noticing something was wrong. He looked over at her hand
  19. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "Nothing's wrong." she responded. "It... It's probably just from the fight earlier."
    She knew that she didn't have this wound before, though.
    Suddenly she could hear a vaguely familiar voice in her mind.
    "Illian," Elevir called aloud, and the smaller girl peeked in the alley.

    "Oh, hi," Illian spoke, her deep blue hair draping over her shoulder in many tiny braids.

    "You... know this town well. There's somewhere we can stay, right?"

    "Of course there is," Illian said. And before Elevir could ask her to specify, she'd already stepped away, pointing down the road. "It's over there; the same house you stayed in earlier."

    Now that she actually thought about it, it kind of seemed obvious to Elevir. Of course there would be a place for all the lost, orphaned children. Duh. She had left in a hurry, her instincts telling her not to stay in one place for longer than a few hours. She'd had too many close calls in her first months after the Orphanage collapsed.

    "Oh... okay." the Reader spoke, turning back towards Seth and Toxyn. "There we have it..."
  20. Rexa Moogle Assistant

    Sep 28, 2009
    In Your Dreams <3
    Rea nodded, whimpering a little. She stood up and put her arms back at her side. She lifted one arm to wipe away her tears. She let her arm drop back down. "I'm such a baby..." She mumbled.
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