The Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Oct 24, 2009.

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  1. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    After Elevir had finished fixing up the gashes across Toxyn's back, she spoke quietly.
    "Sorry I don't have anything to help with the pain. At least your wounds won't get infected, now."

    She looked towards the ground, seemingly examining the once-pure-white cloths scattered about, now covered in dry blood and antiseptic. In reality she was lost in her thoughts, and the thoughts of others, and it was sudden when a moment later she looked up towards the boy in front of her and asked softly,
    "You don't have anywhere else to stay, do you?"
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth stood up and glared at the man he despised "I assumed that you wouldn't want my forgiveness" Seth said as he closed his eyes and put his hands in his jacket pockets and walked past Eva and Victor and then stopped "I'm not the kind of person who likes to start fights and besides Eva cares a lot about you so I won't cause anything" Seth said heading to the door
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "No." he spoke, for the first time after a long time. 'I came across this town by accident. I havn't had a place to stay in awhile' he thought, as he started to to stand up. 'The pain comes naturally. It allows me to use my electricity more effeciantly then others. But that's besides the point...' he thought again, leaning against the wall, getting used to standing again. 'Just what is this place?' he asked, now that the realisation set in that he was in a town full of....well, what he would only define as freaks.
  4. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Elevir got to her feet just after Toxyn had, and seemed to muse over the other's words for a few more seconds.
    "I only got here earlier this morning... but from what I've collected, this is a town where escapee Gifts gather. We're supposed to feel safe here," she answered.
    'And we're not freaks.' she couldn't help but add. Even if it wasn't meant for his ears, at least not at first, she was almost positive that he'd heard it.
    "A... Anyway, we should find somewhere safer to stay. If you can walk."
  5. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Sighing, Eva watched him, then pushed Victor back toward his room. "You need rest." She murmured, her eyes confused, and concerned. "Now rest, before I have to tie you down."
  6. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    Victor didn't say a word, quietly accepting his daughter's commands. Grunting, he took his legs up each step, one hand against the wall and the other around Eva's shoulder.

    "Alright Alright. You're the boss, for now."
  7. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    She smiled, gently helping him to the bed and covering him up. "Like you could boss me around." Gently kissing her father's forehead, she turned off the light and shut the shades, humming quietly. Gently shutting the door, she turned and leaned against the wall, sighing. Guys.
  8. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    Pancakespwnwaffles ;D

    Username: Periwinkle
    Full Character Name: Charis Laverna
    Age: 12
    Bio: Charis is a lonely young girl that moved to the town of Siletste a few years ago. The only relative to her that is possibly alive is a person named Claire, who happened to be a teenage victim in the Orphanage. The odds are very slim that Claire is alive, but Charis refuses to believe that she is dead. Charis doesn't know how much of a relation she has to the girl or who she is exactly, but if she happens to find her alive, it just might be possible for her to learn of or find information on her father. A friend of Charis's mother told her that Siletste was one of the closest towns near the Orphanage, making that her area to move and spot for Claire at. Her clue to finding the girl was a picture that was given to her from her mother, before she died.
    Personality: Optimistic, kind, childish, can be serious during a certain situation. She also seems to have a slight obsession with sweets.
    Weapon [If any]: None.
    Gift: Animator~

    Ooc: I really couldn't think of anything to put in the Bio, so I made that up. >> Hope its okay...
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    That would explain a lot Toxyn thought, more so to himself this time. He took a step forward, and though his body ached more than usual, he could tell that for now, he'd be able to deal with it. The work done on his wound, though it was helping it to heal, some what stung some what.
    If you don't mind, it'd be prefered if I stayed out of sight. I doubt they'd take too much of a liking to me if I were to be captured... he thought. He knew he was in a vulnerable place. His shirt was torn, so whether he wore it or not, the wound would be obvious. He looked roughed up enouph to definatly not be from around town. He probably stuck out like a soar thumb at the time.
  10. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    At the entrance of the alleyway, a figure stumbled towards elevir. Covered in rags and blood it crawled through the pathway. Panting, the legs that seemed to have walked for miles buckled and fell to the floor. The person falling to ground.
  11. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    'Captured...?' Elevir wondered in response to Toxyn, seconds before the sound of someone stumbling through the alleyway reached her ears. She spun around on instinct, her wings spreading out in front of Toxyn. She looked in the direction of the body on the ground, trying to read for any signs of life. However, this failed, and she could only step slowly closer, after moments reaching out to the boy's wrist to feel for a pulse.
  12. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    "Please..." a tiny whisper ran over the boy's lips. the shrivled hand gripping elevir's.

    "Please, I need your help, both of you."
  13. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    She drew her hand back towards her a little bit. She couldn't decide what question to ask first, though there were so many running through her head. After looking down to the ground beneath her for an insignificant period of time, her silver eyes directed back toward the boy in front of her.
    "Wha... what happened?" she asked, wincing at the sight and hoping she'd asked the right question.
  14. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    The boy straightedned his back, hair covering his face. Desprately, the boy lifted his second hand, squeezing Elevir's arm. Panic and dismay rasped his already damaged thought. "Please, please! I beg of you, please! I can't get away fast enough!"
  15. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    The only thoughts racing through the boy's mind were those of panic, presumably from being chased for so long.
    "What's chasing you?" Elevir asked, reaching for the all-too-familiar knife in her pocket. She pulled her arm away from the boy, preparing in case whatever the boy was running from caught up to them.
  16. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    "I...I need you to do something. Hurry or it will be too late!" Whipping his head about, the boy tried to scan the alleyway. His hair still blocking his eyes. "Will you do it for me?"
  17. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Elevir's eyes shot down in the boy's direction once again as he spoke.
    "...What is it?" she answered. It wasn't a guarantee that she could, or would do whatever it was he needed of her. She couldn't read his intentions, and there wasn't any sign of who he was running from, at least not yet.
  18. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    "I...I need you to..." A smile creeped across the boy's face. His hands stopped their shaking. Pushing back his hair, he revealed his left eye, purple with a triangle around the iris. The fear left his voice. A manic.

    "Die!" A wave of mental distortion pulsed outward, capturing Elevir and Toxyn in it's horrid embrace.
  19. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Elevir realized what was going to happen just before the attack swept across the alley. The force of it sent her stumbling backward, clutching her head in her hands. She regained some part of her composure when there were a few yards between her and the Manic boy.
    The panic and fear being forced through her thoughts made it hard to focus at all, though; she didn't want to throw her knife, what with the risk of losing it, yet trying to rush in and attack wouldn't end well, either. A feeling of being trapped found its way into her mind, and she took another step back.

    The Manics were supposed to be dead. How could so many survive an explosion like the one that destroyed the Orphanage?
  20. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    The minute the horrid scream began to effect Toxyn, it was as if the world around him had become corrupt. Insanity. His mind was going haywire, electrodes moving so fast that the pain in his body began to flucturate. And for that moment, his sights turned directly to the boy, the killer instinct that he had felt once before for the director, once again becoming active in his brain.
    "die.....die..die..die..die...DIE DIE DIE!!!" he screamed, constantly repeating the same thing, losing it, as he charged at the boy, grabbing his coat on the side, and grabbing the metalic finger from it, and instead of removing it, he simply charged forward, using the tiny blade attatched to the tip to rip it out from the limp coat, leaving it on the ground. He charged at the boy, not even using his electricity. He lunged at the boy, reaching his arm out, staring directly into his eyes, aiming the weapon directly at the boys eye, the scource of Toxyn's rage.
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