Site News The return of Social Groups!

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    That's right everyone! Social Groups are back. I know this was a very popular feature in our vBulletin days, and I know I promised for a long time that they'd be back "soon." I am sorry for the delay, but they're upon us now.

    To enter the Social Groups area of our side, hover over Community on the navigation bar and select Social Groups. You'll be brought to the Groups area of the forums. From here, you can hit the Create New Social Forum button to make a new group, or just browse through and see what groups interest you!

    Groups can have open membership (anyone can join!) or moderated, meaning a group moderator must approve membership. In a moderated group, users can request membership or be invited. Members can be invited to open groups, and thrown out of either.

    When you create a group, you can appoint moderators. Just like our staff, these moderators have some special powers within your social group--they can edit or delete posts, sticky threads, etc., so only appoint people you trust! Please note that our regular staff has full power within groups, and that group content is visible to everyone.

    The best way to understand groups is to use them, though! We're excited to see what you all do with them. Please note that normal members can create up to seven groups, and Premium members up to thirteen.

    I know the big question on everyone's mind, though, is whether or not you can reclaim the content from your old vBulletin groups. We have backed up the data from them and have a method for moving the content from your old group to the new group. It does require some manual work, so importing content from old groups will be open to Premiums only for now. Once Premium requests for import have slowed, it will be opened to all members. While you wait, feel free to recreate your old groups and start posting!

    Premium members can request an import within their subsection--I'll be posting a thread within there shortly.

    Have fun guys! If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask within this thread.
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Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Apr 17, 2013.

    1. Amaury
      I just thought of something.

      To prevent confusion, could all instances of "Social Forum" and "Social Forums" be rephrased to "Social Group" and "Social Groups?"

      Just a suggestion, though.
    2. Technic☆Kitty
      I dont think its that confusing honestly. I like the idea of running or moderating my own forum anyway lol

      It wouldn't bother me too much either way though.
    3. Misty
    4. kingdomheartsgeek
      You do a nice job misty.

      Keep it up
    5. Amaury
      Note that I didn't, but I noticed that if I wanted to that I could edit the social forum name and description or avatar of a group I didn't start nor am a member or staff of.

      Is this intentional? I'm going to go with no, in which case you might want to look into that. :)
    6. Technic☆Kitty

      Nice catch. I don't go into many social forums so I wouldn't have noticed this, but yes, this is actually a problem. I think there was a few wrong permissions given or something. This is happening for groups I'm not moderating. Definitely could become a big problem.
    7. Misty
      Looking at the permissions now so your access to groups might go in & out for a bit.
    8. Misty
      Can someone go in and tell me if they have access to edit groups they are creator or moderator of, but not groups they are members/non-members of? Seems to be working on my end but can't say for sure for other usergroups.
    9. ShibuyaGato
      Looks okay to me. Permissions seem to be back where they belong.
      (can edit groups I'm a mod in but not groups where I'm just a member/haven't joined)
    10. Amaury
      I can only test it for the latter since I have not created any groups.

      The only option I see now under Social Forum Tools is View Social Forum Members. Before I could also see Edit Social Forum and Edit Avatar. However, now I can't edit another person's group, so that appears to be good now.
    11. Misty
      thanks, if you guys have future issues let me know.
    12. Amaury
      Misty, this seems to have resurfaced. I was invited to join this group by Spike, and I noticed that, theoretically, I could edit the social forum and group avatar.