The Resilient

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aelin, Dec 26, 2016.

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  1. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    The meeting was over fairly quickly, they'd have the rest of the day to prepare and rest for the mission that would start tomorrow, Cadmus figured he'd get the checks done first. He assigned the task of checking the primary flight systems and fine tuning the controls to Peeves. He himself went with the checking and recalibrating of the thrusters and checking the signal lines. He eventually asked some help to get done with the task a little quicker as it was a bit more work than he had anticipated. After finishing his work he quickly finished his day and went to bed early he had to bring his A-game the next day.

    He was rather roughly awoken by the announcement, he had intended to wake up a little bit later but no matter, he had plenty of time to prepare for today's mission. According to the announcement they had until 9 in the morning to get to their positions and ready for the mission, he took ample of time for it and grabbed a shower and breakfast and made his way to the engineering station and started to run down the status of the shield controls and the shields themselves, still waking up a little bit as he did, he'd be sharp in time though.
  2. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009

    Emma had been hesitant to go to bed that night, the pressure and excitement weighing on her to do just a little bit more preparation beforehand because that make all the difference. However, with a bit of persuasion, she had been convinced to sleep not too late. In fact she'd slept for the longest time that she had in a while and for once in her bed, which was probably an improvement for her usual spread out naps in random places around the ship. Though while it was the most continuous sleep she'd had in a long time, it could not be said that she had had a lay in and was being lazy. When the announcement came through, Emma had already dressed and eaten a bit ago and for a while she had been at her position on the helm where she would be controlling the ship from. She was not yet sat down but instead moving around her chair with her fingers running through her hair, her eyes kept periodically darting between various things on her controls. She did glance up momentarily when the announcement played however. Her body was probably slightly tense, but at this point she was eager to go.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Sleep? Who needed that when stimulants were an option? ...Simon did. But a brief nap was really all he needed as he had neglected some of the work his father had given him. The tech team were friendly enough as he had known them to be and there was not really any need to throw his rank around to get work done since they knew what they were doing. All they had to do was follow his specifications for the bioscanners and that was that. The upgrades were complete in a matter of hours while the main crew was asleep. If he had more time to spare he would have logged in some more hours at the bridge but his father was already there taking care of the night shift right up until everyone else had awoken.

    "Emma, you're up and at the bridge right? You better have gotten some sleep in or I'm piloting the ship." He spoke up on a private communications line as he entered a lift to return to the medical bay. Simon leaned against the wall and folded his arms as he watched the deck numbers change onscreen while thoughts of the mission's outcome lingered in his mind. He had absolute confidence in Emma's abilities but if there was anything dangerous waiting for them...he did not want to watch as his infirmary was flooded with patients.


    "The weapons crew are already at their stations and I'll be sending in the assignments to the landing party..." There was a slight pause as Garrett typed out the final adjustment to the party after making some reconsiderations. He sent out the message to Allec Ruzen, Jael Carrillo, Cadmus(on Dania's request), Simon, and three other security officers who would join them. "There. It is done, Admiral." As soon as the line was closed another channel opened up immediately.

    "Why am I being sent to be a part of the landing crew? I thought I was needed at the infirmary. My assistant is a perfectly capable field medic and-"

    "Your expertise extends a little further than just medical, Simon. Besides, you have more field experience than he does."

    "I'm a doctor, not a...whatever you think I am! Fine. I'll get ready. And the reason you're not going?"

    "Coordination of ship resources. My duties are here. Is that all?"

    "...Yes...sir." Simon cut the communication line off leaving Garrett to his own thoughts and duties to prepare the weapons crew.

  4. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Emma shook her head slightly as Simon's message came through but she was smiling, "Yeah I'm up, I've been on the bridge for a bit." She replied to Simon, "And I've had some sleep. More than a few hours too. And it was in my bed. How about that?" She probably counted that as more of an achievement that she probably should do and was a little more proud about it that she should be. Yet Simon should know her usual sleeping patterns so he should understand. Though she also had been aware that had she not got some proper sleep, she'd be getting told off a lot more about now. "And please, if you took the helm, you'd just be making a lot more work for yourself" She grinned, though she also knew if she tried to do what Simon did that would probably equally end in disaster.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2017
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    After having made breakfast for the rest of the crew, Allec made a quick trip back to his quarters to see if there was anything that he had forgotten. Along the way he had gotten the message sent to him from Garrett. It appeared that he was among the ones chosen to be in the landing party. Allec had no complaints about the decision, though it wasn't one that he was expecting. Still he headed towards the lower deck to where the landing party would be meeting at.
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Running her fingers through her long brown hair, Dania went over the plans a couple more times, mumbling small possible changes to herself before scratching each and every idea, knowing that the change would likely provide more problems then it would fix. A stray strand of hair still fell in her face no matter how many times she pushed it away, it always had happened to her, that one strand that wanted to dangle in her face. The last admiral would comment about how cute it was. It had always bothered her some and made her self-conscious still to this day. Tucking it behind her ear, Dania tried not to think of it as she chewed her lower lip. She had to remind herself why she let herself go through what she did. Keeping that in sight always helped keep her going.

    The sound of papers dropping on her desk caused Dania to jump a little. She relaxed as soon as she saw it was Jael and gave him a faint smile. She noted to breakfast bar he also put down, and moved it from beside her papers. She didn't want to think about food yet.
    "Thank you. Lets just hope we make mom proud today..." Dania said softly, her voice trailing off as she thought of their mother, always such a sweet person she was. Jael, in some ways reminded Dania of their mother, Dania knew that she would have been proud of him, and she wondered if he knew it.

    It was no time to think about her family now however, not when so much was on the line. Dania turned her attention back to her work, starting to look over the translations that Jael had handed her when her communicator went off. Picking it up, Dania looked over the list of landing crew that Garrett had sent her. She grimaced as she read the list seeing her brother on it, but she was not. She didn't want him going out there at all, much less without her around to protect him, not when he was the last family she had left. Of course there was a lot of other people on the ship without family, but she didn't want to lose Jael so easily. That being said if she went out there and it was a massacre, they could not afford to lose their admiral right now. She would respect the roster put forward until it was confirmed safe, then Dania would be out there beside everyone else. She was not the kind of leader to lead from comfort and safety, she wanted to help where she could.

    Looking around deck, Dania watched Emma smile a bit at her communicator. It was pleasant to see that she was still happy, and she could see Simon and Emma being helping provide the future of the human race soon enough. Before her mind could wander to how much she ruined her own chances at ever having a family, she turned to the others on deck.
    "Is everyone ready? Lieutenant Commander White, when you are ready, give the command." Dania responded standing up and taking her place, pulling numerous maps and screens up as to help direct and know what was going on.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Simon grumbled as he prepped his medical bag for the landing mission. While it was true that he did have more field experience than his assistant Simon had been through some terrible missions before, at least one of which he had never once described in full detail in his reports. He wasn't looking forward to whatever dangers were to come but it wasn't that he was afraid but because he was not looking forward to watching someone else get hurt. With so few of their kind left around they could hardly afford to be leaping blindly into harm's way.

    At least his conversation with Emma had ended on a lighter note. Of course she didn't take him seriously on his threat to fly the ship if she hadn't gotten enough rest but he'll show her just how good of a pilot he could be! ...Or not. Because he wasn't. As quick of a study as Simon was...flying a ship as large as the Resilient wasn't as simple as just pushing a few buttons and stepping on the gas(an old Earth saying he had read about referring to ancient land vehicles called 'cars'). He sighed and finished packing his gear.
    "Well...I guess I'm as ready as I can be. Time to head out and wait." He muttered to himself as he slung the pack over his shoulder and headed for the lift to descend to the lower deck and meet up with the others who were assigned to the landing party.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
  8. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Emma looked up at Dania in slight surprise, a little embarrassed for being caught off guard like that. "Is it that time already? That went faster than I expected." She shook her head and took a deep breath as she sat down. "But I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be. The pre-flight checks have all been done and engineering assures me that the ship is all in the best condition it can be. So I guess it's time to get this show on the road."

    She stretched her hands out in front of her before rotating her wrist to press a button to broadcast her voice throughout the ship. "This is your pilot speaking, it is currently 0900 hours and we're about to set off. Please ensure that you are at your stations and ready for action. We don't know for certain what lies ahead of us so we need to be ready for everything. Also please be aware we are going down a dangerous route so this probably won't be a smooth ride. If possible strap yourself in or at least ensure you have something to hold onto if the ship suddenly jerks or moves around a lot. Thank you." As soon as she finished speaking in her very best formal tone, she glanced over her shoulder at the others on the bridge and grinned at them before turning back to the controls.

    Pushing a lever slowly forward, she smiled as she felt the ship respond to her command, with the thrusters engaging and beginning to move the ship. The weren't too far away from the asteroid belt but they had been sure to keep a safe distance away. They were possibly a bit further away than absolutely necessary but they hadn't want to risk a stray asteroid hitting them while they were resting. Still, it did not take long after setting off for the first asteroids to come into view. The asteroids at the edge of the belt were really spaced out and Emma was able to almost effortlessly avoid them, following the route that the navigators had suggested. However, Emma could see that as they went further in the asteroids got gradually denser and denser. She felt the anticipation rising in her and her eyes almost sparkled. This was the type of challenge she loved about piloting.
  9. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Cadmus was sitting at his station on stand-by as he received a message from the Lieutenant Commander that when they were through he'd be on the away team, it was understandable they wanted someone from the upper chain on the ground. He would have to grab his gear before launch. When they were through he'd just hand over the controls to another engineer and grab his gear. By the time Emma announced the start of their mission he had strapped himself into the chair of the shield controls and had put them to their maximum output at 85% "Shield output at maximum availability and standing by. Cadmus out." Cadmus checked the sensor feeds for their surrounding areas the begining of the field wouldn't be too bad but further in he would use the data to determine where to strengthen the shields to prevent them being breached and the hull being damaged. He knew today was going to be a very long one, and silently prayed for it to all go smoothly and that humanity's quest for a new home might end here.
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Everyone was in position and it was time to start their journey. Dania gave Emma one final nod before settling into her role. She was tense if nothing else as her eyes glided across the monitors and then moving to watch as the approached that asteroid belt. Being here now, actually seeing the danger she chose to put these people in so close in front of her, it made her want to vomit. It wasn't like she didn't think Emma was capable of doing what needed to be done, but there was risk, there was always risk, in everything that they did. Her hands shook at her side as she tried to ignore the building dread and worry that something would go wrong. Her eyes slipped over to Jael, as she worried, she was never worried about her own health and safety, but her brother was another matter entirely.

    As they made their entry into the asteroid belt, Dania allowed her mind to narrow the focus, shut down all her emotions to only focus on the task at hand. She hated doing it, hated turning herself off like that, but it was her way of dealing during her days as Captain, when she allowed the Admiral to get too close to her. Now she used it when she needed to make sure she was fully focused, as Admiral, there was no room for slip ups or emotions to cloud her judgement. Everyone knew their place, everyone had their jobs, now it was time to let Emma do hers and hope for the best.
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    As soon as word was even mentioned they were at the entry to the asteroid belt, the engineers in the lower deck were ready at their stations and prepared for station hoping. Kathi reached into her pocket and pulled out a bright green pill and took it with some water. After waiting a few more seconds, she told everyone to equalize everything and be prepared to have to re-balance as soon as Emma started her maneuvers. As soon as everyone was ready, Kathi walked over to the intercom and relayed a message to Cadmus saying,
    "Level 2 is ready to go, Captain."

    As soon as she said so, there was silence before another engineer, the one on the upper deck of engines, responded in kind,
    "Level 1 is ready to go, Captain."

    Kathi kept the headset on but turned off the mic for a moment as she cracked her knuckles saying, "Alright ya fucks, it's time put all those hours of training into use." this elicited a bit of laughter between the group as they responded, "Ay!"


    There wasn't exactly anything Jael could do at this moment besides brace himself on the command deck. His main job was linguistics after all and essentially nothing else, but in cases like this, he was to listen for any incoming transmissions that may present themselves as a threat to the ship. If, say, an alien ship decided they wanted to be rid of the humans in an instance like this, he was to let the ship know. He wasn't the only person with this task on the ship, there were others who checked in case Jael missed something, but he was the only one who would be able to translate it if they didn't speak in any common tongues.

    Jael was nervous as hell though and doing his best not to show it. He had to be used to this kind of danger every day, but if anything happened to go horribly wrong...

    No, he had faith in Emma, that nothing would go wrong and they'd make it through it. He tried to convince himself of that so he did not have a doomsday mindset going. Jael listened done more time to transmissions and turned to the rest of them saying,
    "We have no incoming transmissions and we are still clear for passage..." he looked over at Dania out of instinct for a minute but then immediately looked over at Emma, "We're ready for the fun part when you are."

    Since he could already see the asteroids in view, there was no turning back now. He turned his attention to his monitor instead to decrease panic and keep on the lookout.

  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    While waiting along side the others chosen to be a part of the landing party, Allec started to look over his weapon that he had taken with him. Ammunition was good and the weapon still looked to be in fine condition. Though that wasn't much of a surprise given that it wasn't the most well used weapon of his. Still he didn't allow for that to be a reason for him to slack off. With the sheer amount of training that was drilled into his head, it would be for him to do that.

    His time was occupied next by a series of breathing exercises as a way to re familiarize himself with the breathing patterns he would need to take if the need for him to use his rifle should arise. He couldn't help but to find it odd as to how quickly he was to get used to doing these kind of things.
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