The Red War

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xert, Jan 30, 2010.

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  1. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    In 1948 three doctors cracked the human gentic code. After the great discovery the whole world began producing cure after cure for alliments soon their would be no disease that mankind wouldn't be able to eliminate with science. But in 1978, 30 years after DNA was fully utilized mankinds greatest achiement backfired.

    T-1 Angel virus, an experment ment to revrese engineer the Spanish flu, got out of the labartoies of Kalmack Inc. and into the tomato plants of nearby farmers. The pluage spread fast. Death's were to high to count a little over 50% of the human population was killed but the world population only droped by 15%.

    The event that would folow would be known as the Turn.

    In 1979 when the dust had settled and the people focused on rebuilding their lives a large group of people came together, and informed the United States goverment that mankind was not alone. Vampires, werewolfs and witches had been living among and along side mankind. This group called themselves the Inderlanders.

    With the "cat out of the bag" as it were many people came out and admited that they were not entirely human. They called themselves Inderlanders after the group that reavled the world to their existance.

    Some humans accepted the change, others were afraid, many were angry and wanted to kill the Inderlanders. But the human population now equaled that of the Inderlanders, so trying to kill off the Inderlanders was out of the question.

    In 2008 a werewolf, Richard Nelson, is the first Inderlander to be elected President. He and his Vice President Barack Obama won the election with the slogan "We are the change." Thus proving the end to the tentions between Inderlanders and humans.

    On January 5, 2010 all comunication with South America are lost and South America is covered in a red fog. On January 8 it is reaveled the Demons have returned to Earth. On January 9 they attack Mexico. Mexico surenders in 4 hours. On January 14 the United States send in a liberation force to save Mexico. All comunications with everyone sent is lost in two days. On January 20th the red fog consumes Mexico. On January 24th Demon's demand the world to surender. No country complies with the demands except for France. On January 29th Demons attack the United States.


    Humans: Use to be the most dominate race on the planet however after the Turn they had to learn how to share their world. Humans can do magic and have an intence fear of tomatos.

    Vampires: They have existed as long as humans but in smaller numbers. They cannot use magic but have superior strength, aglity and sences. They can release phermons to sedate, seduce or cause fear in others. They are not imortals and do not fear the sunlight. They die the same as humans.

    Werewolves: The race began in the 1300s, several witches cursed families by turning them into wolves. Werewolves are not made by bites or any infection they reproduce like humans. They have a stronge sence of smell and can turn into wolf like creatures. When they transform they have full control. They act in pacts similar to regular wolves. They cannot use magic because of the curse.

    Witches: a race made by Demons to be used as slaves. The plan backfired when witches realized they could use magic and escaped to Earth. They are highly skilled in magic and can heal faster than any other race.

    Demons: A race even older than humans. They orgionate in a realm called the Ever After, by witches. They are divided into two classes. Lesser Demons and Greater Demons. Lesser demons have more physical strength but cannot use magic and look like many would think a demon would look like. Greater Demons are more of a threat they look completly human and most can shape shift they are the most skilled at magic.


    No godmodding
    No powerplaying
    PG-13 please
    If you can't use magic you can't use magic end of story
    I encorage romance and violance
    No killing other charaters without consent
    Please stay active
    No overpowered magic spells
    please specify if you are a Greater Demon or a Lesser Demon
    These races are genticaly differnt so there are no hybrids.
    Please delete your OC sheet if you've been accepted and can find it on this post thank you

    User name


    User name: Xert
    Name: Nox Darkra
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Race: Witch
    Aperance: Nox has short black hair and bright green eyes. He usaly wears a black coat with a white shirt and blue jeans.
    Specilties: Spellcraft, stamina and telkinetics
    Bio: Nox has lived in the city for years. His mom died when he was 14 and he never got along with his father
    Other: none

    Name: Cherry Moonshine
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Race: Witch
    Appearence: Manga/beastar_zakuro.jpg?o=35
    Specilalities: Spellcraft, flight, invisibility
    Bio: She has never fit in anywere, spends ages alone practicing spellcraft

    User name: Shadow_Rocks
    Name: Hazuki Lio
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Race: Witch
    Aperance: [​IMG]
    Specilties: Spellcraft, Flight, and Hyrdokenesis ( basically controlling water)
    Bio: Hazuki lives by herself and has been since she was 5. Hazuki ran away from the orphanage after witnessing her only friend's death. When she was living by herself when she was younger she'd have this one man from the mall that she came to know well come to her house to keep people in the neighborhood from thinking she was living by herself. After those years the man had left and Hazuki was alone. She had found out she could use magic, fly, and control water ever since she was 7 but kept it a secret. Hazuki is shy and rarely talks to anyone. She likes singing,playing the piano,violin, and sketching. Hazuki usually has trouble singing in front of people but thats how she earns money. Hazuki usually practices her abilities at a lake that no one goes to anymore.
    Other: Never met her parents and tends to try and draw what they would've looked like and also draws her memories even though most of them hurt her. Hazuki likes animals

    User name: kairigirl22
    Name: Mizuki
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: Werewolf
    Specialties: Amazing sense of smell (which allows her be a good cook), amazing hearing, and slightly has the ability to sense things before they happen though it's usually just a "bad feeling, she can also tell a lot about a person just by looking at them.
    Bio: She was abandoned by her pack/family when she was little because she was the weakest in the pack and couldn't keep up with her brothers and sisters. She now lives alone, as a normal girl, drowning herself in her books to keep out the harsh reality. She barley ever changes into her wolf self.

    User name: Deathsight44 the almighty
    Name: Saint
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Aperance: apperances/8ac5fc45.jpg
    Specilties: His specialties revolve around combat. In his normal, human form his strength is slightly enhanced. He has four stages total. Once he goes into the second, where his bodily features only slightly increase, his strength, speed, and hearing increase. The third one, they increase again as well as added smell. THe final stage is when he is at full power, and all of his senses are heightend.
    Bio: The "black sheep" of the wolf pack (no pun intended). He was your classic mess up. Didn't pay attention, did whatever he wanted, constantly got into fights. They ended up throwing him out, forcing him to live by himself. In turn, he resorted to serving crime related matters. It started off as thefts, soon moving onto gangs. He got swept up into it, and was later on traded off to join illegal werewolf fights. Like dog fights, except ever since the introduction of werewolves, they evolved. So now, he is failure to the world, and nothing but one of it's "wrongs". Or so he thinks.

    User name: Deathsight44
    Name: Pheonix
    Age: 22
    Gender: male
    Race: Greater Demon
    Specilties: He controls most "heat" related things. He can increase the temperature around him, create and fire steam, control fire, and even if used correctly, he can make use of magma. His heat abilities can be used to the extent of even causing water to evapurate if they were to come into contact.
    Bio: A feared demon, known as the Flame King by reputation. As of late though, his actions have been strange amongst other demons. His goals are unknown, and his actions are unpredictable. All that is known is that he seems to have a strong facination for witches.

    User name: Kme92
    Name: Lexademus (Lex)
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male
    Race:Lesser Demon
    Appearance: Lex
    Specialties: As a Gargoyle-Like Demon, Lex has incredible offense and defense, however he cannot use any magical ability whatsoever. His wings cannot allow him to fly, but glide as the wind carries him.
    Bio: In his past, Lex served as a lesser demon soldier for a demonic Army slaughtering the innocent and enslaving humanity. He found the whole thing wrong and immoral, so he abandoned his once fellow demons and wanders the Earth searching for purpose.

    User name: Kme92
    Name: Zeke Hawkins
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Race: Vampire
    Appearance: Zeke
    Specialties: Trained in the mastery of the Sword and Pistol. His strength, agility and Intuition make him an excellent Bounty Hunter.
    Bio: A Rogue Bounty hunter accepting bounties from both demon and human races to eliminate their enemies . This is how he makes a living he will kill anything or anyone for the right Price.

    User name: Maxix
    Name: Neisa Sakurai
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Race: Vampire
    Appearance: Neisa
    Specialties: She can sense tension or change in the air, and detect even the slightest movements. Boasts great strength and speed when compared to a human; the pheromones she can release are meant to confuse the target.
    Bio: Once part of a Vampire tribe, she left after making a decision to take care of herself. Her reluctant nature and slight paranoia often keeps her from using her abilities; she now wonders around, looking to ease her boredom.
    Other: N/A

    User name: Twilightblader
    Name: Ryo
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Race: Vampire
    Specilties: Advance swordsmanship and has great speed strength and senses
    Bio: Ryo is a very laid back and lazy person. He would usually be outside sleeping under a tree rather than doing any work. His grandfather saw great potential in Ryo and trained him in the art of swordsmanship even though Ryo wasn't really interested in training. After his grandfathers death Ryo would take time off of doing "nothing" and train with his sword.

    Originally Posted by leon47
    User name:Leon47
    Race:Greater demon
    Aperance:grey hair pale blue eyes a black suit and white gloves
    Specilties:Can fire crystals from his hands as projectiles and sink into the ground
    Bio:A demon who wants to know the reason of the human race existing and just loves to end lives and crush hopes and dreams of others he will not show mercy to those that try to kill him
    Other:Is very cunning
  2. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: accepted now we wait for more
  3. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: accepted I would like some demons and somof the other races as well
  4. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    User name: kairigirl22
    Name: Mizuki
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: Werewolf
    Specialties: Amazing sense of smell (which allows her be a good cook), amazing hearing, and slightly has the ability to sense things before they happen though it's usually just a "bad feeling, she can also tell a lot about a person just by looking at them.
    Bio: She was abandoned by her pack/family when she was little because she was the weakest in the pack and couldn't keep up with her brothers and sisters. She now lives alone, as a normal girl, drowning herself in her books to keep out the harsh reality. She barley ever changes into her wolf self.
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    User name: Deathsight44 the almighty
    Name: Saint
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Aperance: apperances/8ac5fc45.jpg
    Specilties: His specialties revolve around combat. In his normal, human form his strength is slightly enhanced. He has four stages total. Once he goes into the second, where his bodily features only slightly increase, his strength, speed, and hearing increase. The third one, they increase again as well as added smell. THe final stage is when he is at full power, and all of his senses are heightend.
    Bio: The "black sheep" of the wolf pack (no pun intended). He was your classic mess up. Didn't pay attention, did whatever he wanted, constantly got into fights. They ended up throwing him out, forcing him to live by himself. In turn, he resorted to serving crime related matters. It started off as thefts, soon moving onto gangs. He got swept up into it, and was later on traded off to join illegal werewolf fights. Like dog fights, except ever since the introduction of werewolves, they evolved. So now, he is failure to the world, and nothing but one of it's "wrongs". Or so he thinks.

    User name: Deathsight44
    Name: Pheonix
    Age: 22
    Gender: male
    Race: Greater Demon
    Specilties: He controls most "heat" related things. He can increase the temperature around him, create and fire steam, control fire, and even if used correctly, he can make use of magma. His heat abilities can be used to the extent of even causing water to evapurate if they were to come into contact.
    Bio: A feared demon, known as the Flame King by reputation. As of late though, his actions have been strange amongst other demons. His goals are unknown, and his actions are unpredictable. All that is known is that he seems to have a strong facination for witches.
  6. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    both accepted. kinda a young demon though
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((Good point. What would the normal age for demons be? I mean, a "22" age amongst them, ya know what I mean?))
  8. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: didn't realy think about 100 something
  9. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    User name: Kme92
    Name: Lexademus (Lex)
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male
    Race:Lesser Demon
    Appearance: Lex
    Specialties: As a Gargoyle-Like Demon, Lex has incredible offense and defense, however he cannot use any magical ability whatsoever. His wings cannot allow him to fly, but glide as the wind carries him.
    Bio: In his past, Lex served as a lesser demon soldier for a demonic Army slaughtering the innocent and enslaving humanity. He found the whole thing wrong and immoral, so he abandoned his once fellow demons and wanders the Earth searching for purpose.

    User name: Kme92
    Name: Zeke Hawkins
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Race: Vampire
    Appearance: Zeke
    Specialties: Trained in the mastery of the Sword and Pistol. His strength, agility and Intuition make him an excellent Bounty Hunter.
    Bio: A Rogue Bounty hunter accepting bounties from both demon and human races to eliminate their enemies . This is how he makes a living he will kill anything or anyone for the right Price.
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((K, just change it to 100 if you dont mind on the bio list))
  11. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: I'll change it. And not accepted sorry. All demons are mortal or else none could be killed. And I should have put it in the rules I didn't want any hybrids. he can be a lesser demon but he has to be permaent demon. And we're on the 2nd page so I'll start

    Nox was waken by the agravating sound of his alarm clock. The ang ang ang ang of the clock rose him from his sleep. It said 5:00. Nox didn't feel a great need to get up. It would be paper work day at the ISA. Dullest day of the week for him.
  12. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Hazuki woke up and looked at the clock. " Eh I woke up early again" she said getting out of her bed and walking out of her room. Hazuki walked into a different room that had her violin and piano in it. She sat on a stool in front of the piano keys and started playing a random song.
  13. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    edited my ooc profiles,
  14. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: accepted

    Nox looked up at his fan. He watched it as it slowly spun not realy doing anything except waste power. He rolled out of bed and onto the floor wishing he could sleep more. But no things had to be done.
  15. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Mizuki woke up from shivering, reaching around for the covers unsuccessfully she reluctantly opened her eyes. Wrapping her legs up to her chin she looked around the bed to not find a single sheet left on it, they had all fallen on the floor by her side. She sighed and decided she should get up anyway, even though her body was begging her to pick them back up and sleep for a few more minutes. Picking up the sheets as her feet touched the cold floor she wrapped them around herself for the short trip to the bathroom.
  16. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Nox went to the shower playing the Hot Cold game with the shower nosel.
    "That one nanomillileter between fanticaly hot and frekin freezing," Not muttered to himself.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Saint wavered, walking through the streets of people. He had just left the arena, coming out victorious once again, almost losing his life this time. The fights were always getting tougher, but the fans were always cheering him on more and more. The money was just as worth it to. A filthy piece of work like him deserved a life like this though. Being cheered by the rulers of the slums to kill, making dirty money. It was the only way he could see himself ever being worth anything.
  18. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    She took a lot longer to get ready than she had anticipated, grabbing the book she was currently reading and her school bag she hurried out of her apartment. Mizuki fumbled with her keys, to much of a hurry to actually look and figure out which one she needed. Finally she locked the door and ran down the stairs. There wasn't an elevator, she couldn't afford such an apartment building, there were only stairs in this one, and she was on the top floor. She walked/ran through the "lobby" if that's what you could call it, it was more of a small room with a worn out wooden desk at the bottom of the stairs that didn't have anything on it, there wasn't a chair behind it, and there was no one manning it. It was only there to make it look more like a regular apartment building. She quickened her pace as she got outside. The building where she lived was just on border of the "bad" part of town, there were a lot of gangs and fighting in this part, but the better part was just a couple blocks away so she could still go to a nice school. Pretending to read her book while she fast walked down the street she tried to avoid the sketchy people on the streets.
  19. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Nox got out of the shower. He combed his hair flat and headed into his room. He began to get dressed his usal attire was worn. He put on some deoderunt and headed out. He took out his phone and checked the time.
    6:32 Jaunuary 29th
  20. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Hazuki got back up and walked out of the room and back to her room. She walked into her room then back out with an outfit. Hazuki then walked into the bathroom and started the shower. She undressed herself and walked into the shower and after a few minutes got back out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body. Hazuki blow dried her hair,took her towel off,and changed into her outfit. After changing into her outfit she walked into the living room and picked up her shoes she left there then put them on. " I wonder what I should sing today" Hazuki said getting up and grabbing a messenger bag that had her sketchbook,pencils,and karaoke cd's in it. " I'll probably just think of some random songs" Hazuki said to herself waking over and opening the door. She walked out of the door and towards the place where she usually sang.
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