The real you?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jiku Neon, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Where do you live(nation)?
    Where do you live(region)?
    What do you believe(religion/ideology)?
    Politically, where do you stand?
    How old are you?
    Are you in school?
    If yes, what are you studying?
    If no, then what are you doing in place of formal education?
    Why did you join this site?
    What is your best academic subject?
    Do you think you're a good person?
    Do you think you're a righteous person?
    Do you lie often?
    Is lying wrong?
    Do you consider all possible repercussions to any one action or reaction?
    What do you consider proper punishment for the attempt to kill another? Ones self?
    What's the thing you think is the most morally deviant action?
    What do you think is most morally adherent action?
    How would you describe morality?
    What is good to you?
    What do you think evil is?
    Why is the world how it is now?
    Are people all good or bad? If not, which way are they inclined?
    Who is the worst leader in history?
    Why do we think?
    Why do we exist?
    Is it more interesting to interact with others or analyze them?
    Is thinking or seeing the thoughts of others more interesting?
    Can life be definitely defined?

    Now tell me how many of those were made you consider lying? Why?
    How many caused you to lie when answering? Why?

    Now, there are millions of people on the internet. Many of them build relationships with others behind a computer screen, protected and separated by the webs ability to transfer communications. Is any of this real? You know the user, not the person some say. Others believe that knowing someone online is tantamount to knowing them in person if not an even better way. Without the first impressions of an appearance it's possible to reach further into a personality without being turned away by things like location social status or anything like that. However this causes gaps in knowledge that can be exploited by some, and even if that doesn't happen, is it really knowing someone if you don't know all of the other things often omitted via online communication? The information that passes through the net is often times used for both altruistic and ill actions, however does that cause people to spread different information on the net?

    Are people more comfortable telling their ideas to a community that doesn't know them?
    Are the dangers of the internet a restrictor in what is being told and withheld by users?
    So are people more or less honest online, and do they need to be so?
    Is this shift in the way we communicate a problem for personal relations?

    I apologize for all the questions, but it's all to get my point across.
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    well for one im not going to answer all that here....well i can answer in a PM.

    but i dont think the first questions were meant to be answered.

    but to be raised that question inside me a while ago(with some other things youve said)

    lemme make this as straight as possible.

    once we enter an online community......we start subcounciously creating an online persona....wether we want to or not.

    this persona may resemble the person we are in real life or something completly different.

    the thing is.....this persona is not bound by our physical apperance(most of the time).

    and is more bound to what we should be or want to be in real life.

    this persona is by no means not what we truly are....but merely part of it, i could name a few people in the site that follow this persona example.

    the things we do in real life entail much more than what we write as opposed to the internet.

    ill use myself as an example:

    in real life i find no need to share my knowlegde or kindness to many, because they are like vultures seeking opportunities to raise their voice, therefore i let them because i couldnt care less about their air-headed ideas.....

    in real life im shy, sarcastic, witty, realist(wich most classify as pessimist), and very manipulative.

    the worst kind of, this is only part of my most prominent persona.

    im usually kinder in the internet for no reason......or i think there's no reason...but there is.

    once we discover how our internet persona is like....we can start to manipulate it, to suit more our real life personality.

    or we may choose not to do it .

    so.....i know ive said too many gibberish...but i also want answers to this and was only going further into the subject with the conclusions ive come to see.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    Actually, you should not ask someone's 'address' on here or anywhere on the internet. Of course, I'd hope anyone filling it in would just put their state or region, province etc and not go farther to street addys. I'd actually have no problem filling that out online or in real life though but I didn't want to take up space and wasn't sure well...that it was what you were seeking any way. I don't really have any 'shame' or embarrassment or a will to lie often so everything on there I'd say with no problem. The only things I might curb would only be based possibly by my audience I have to respond to...such as a bunch of fanatical religious sorts might hang me if I say I'm Atheist, but trust me, more than likely I'd probably just say so because mostly I don't mind what people think of me if they are going to judge me off 'what I am' instead of 'Who I am'.

    As for your question though, I think some people are a LOT more honest online than they are in real life. Also, being online helps a lot of people who have trouble talking to others and are tremendously shy. Online they don't have to be so they can express themselves better. There are people who lie about their age, sex, etc online but still tell a lot of other things about themselves. Perhaps sometimes they lie but feel they are more that age or gender. Otherwise they may tell the truth and be rather open. I know quite a few people with disorders and aspberger's syndrome etc that communicate much better online and when they say something rude, you can correct them and they are fine with it because they want to be understood and some make remarkable accomplishments online that wouldn't happen irl. Also, I think you can pick out liars easily enough. I often figure out people are lying. I've met several guys that used female nicks and a few vice versa or lied of their age but they were mostly sincere people that just felt more comfortable that way because unfortunately society often deems what is 'male' and 'female' in likes and well...they want to be more honest but don't feel comfy doing so as the gender they are or people might make fun of them. The places I hang out, we just tell the person to not worry about it once they come clean because we are an open group with straights, bi, gays, whatever and no one cares. But I can definitely see why people sometimes deceive or try to be different now and then. We have a lot of aspects to ourselves that in some ways, even if they lie about small stuff, the way they express themselves can be very true.

    There are of course those who are out with a plan to harm others. They play games to be pranksters or well, worse. We all know of the occasional tricked person who goes and meets up with a guy that kidnaps them or heads to someone's house and the person is raped etc. Or we hear about the online sexual predators. Most people however, even if they tell some lies here or there and exaggerate, I've heard plenty of people in life tell lies and exaggerate things. I don't really see much of a difference except that people can well also toss in a description of their appearance that cannot be done in real life. To me, that's about all that changes. There are rotten pranksters and sexual predators but those exist in real life too and hide behind facades as well that though they may not be computer screens, they are usually relatives of the people they hurt.
  4. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Ok I am really bored right now so I don't care if I answer all these, well most of them, I mean hey if you care about and put enough effort into typing them all this I belive I should say what and who I am. THough i'm not smart enough to give too much away.

    I'm English. I live in London. I am a Taoist. Politically I am a minor, with views that don't seem worth to anyone. I am 16. I am in school. I am going to study Psychology, Sociology, Econimics and English Literature and Language. I joined this site because last year my summer was boring. I believe I am best in Science or Philosophy classes. In this society, I am a 'good perosn'. I am righteous, but sometimes I do not want to be. I lie alot of the time mainly because I am afraid. Lying is just part of humanity. I believe everything flows the way it flows. For murder people should rot away in prison, capital punishment is too quick. Rape is one of the worst moral actions I believe. I do not know any good that is better than the other. Morality is a cage, in which we live in, it is useless and holds us back. Good is caring for the people you rule over. You can't have good with out evil, Yin without Yang. The world is how it is now is because of humanities many mistakes that we don't want to resolve. Evil is not inhuman, Evil is Human. Any European leader is generally as bad as theother part from some. We think becuase our brain is able to analyse and store much more than anything known. Who says we exist? We may be but a dream of a beutiful butterfly. Interacting and analysing can be the same thing to me. Knowing and seeing is the same thing to me, seiing is believing. Life can never be described, it is everthing we have and yet more.

    None, because I do not believe I should lie about any direct questions in which someone wants to know me. Asked directly I will always answer the truth, but I can make lies if no one asks.
    Congrats to anyone who read this, now you know a little more about your friendly neighbourhood PAW.

    Now to start the internet has become the bridge across the gap, for me, known as the ocean, the borders. Because here, we are members of KHV. We aren't Black, White, Oriental or Christian, Islamic, Jewish or Men, Women, Children. We are what we present ourselves as, we aren't faces, we are people first before anything else.

    For years people have lied on the internet for many selfish reasons, whether to seduce people, bully them or generally hurt in some form or another. But this is obvious, everything has its positives and negatives, you can't just say the internet is bad because many peole lie. The person on the internet should be cautious about everyone around them, unless they know them in person, you should be cautious that anyone you know could be a liar.And true, I am different here than in real life, but only that I don't usually that I have a speech problem in which my words become gibberish and I speak under my breath. Here, I am the true me, the person I can never show the people out here in the real world ME, I find the internet to be my sanctuary.

    Personally their is no 'real me' because I have not found out yet who I am, what I will become, what I hate and love, i'm trying to find answers to questions that should never be asked, find people who don't exist. I do not know how to say it but, I am here in body and spirit, but my mind is still wandering about the real me.
  5. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    exactly....i want them to visit me....heh, heh.

    yes people will most likely lie about their age so they are not treated with difference.

    and also their gender.

    we will try to voice our oppinions better on the internet because we are not jugded on appeareance, age, gender.or social status.

    of course in the end....the internet will only portray our words...and not wether were bald , fat or small.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    That is well said. And you caught me quoting me as I was editing lol. Ah well. I do like the way you put that because I do feel we get more of people often online. The internet will let people reveal more of their minds and well, even if someone is being rotten, it's a way to know that side too which may actually be hidden more in real life.
  7. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Okay, I'll add something to this. There are several references to people with disorders being discriminated against or disliked in real life and not online because of the way the information is passed through the medium. People can't use physical or verbal characteristics to form preconceptions on the web. Is this equality in it's most pure form?
  8. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Yet in a way, it gives you more pain if you can voice your opinions, your whole mind and soul to the rest of the world, but you can't even tell it to the people you see in life everyday
    I know I wish I could speak my mind, talk to thoers, but others do not care, they keep quiet, and believe in nothing. It hurts to know I can type my words and mind down but never say them with my own tongue.
  9. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    yeah, i saw a very weird message while i quoted you., wich i didnt really understand.

    our bodies will limit what people think of us.

    that is why , in the internet we will solely be defined by our words.

    even when we post pictures....people will still see us differently for some reason.

    trogdor.....youre gonna have to drop the fancy talk....because i dont understand most of what you said.

  10. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I think that people are different (if that's what you're asking) on the internet than they are in real life because in real life, they're afraid of rejection. If people on a website don't like you, you can easily cut them out of your life but simply leaving the site. It's not so easy in real life. If people don't like you in school, you may have to go to school and see those people everyday.

    You can also be whoever you want to be on the internet. For example, I could easily join any website and pretend that I was a 24 year old man who just graduated from college in Omaha and is looking for a peaceful community to share his thoughts and poetry. No one, save for people who know me in real life, could say differently. How do you know that I'm really the person I claim to be? The internet lets people escape from the troubles and rejection of real life. I doubt that Repliku goes around ranting to random people about even the smallest topic. I doubt that when one of us laugh, we say "lol" or "hahahaha."

    As for friends on the internet, I think that sometimes these people can have a deeper understanding of the person than any other friend in their real life. For example, most people act like how they would like to be in real life, and maybe one day would. They can get past judgment of appearance and class and just know what the person is like. I don't think that most people that get together very well in real life could get together very well in real life because it's just too different.
  11. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    You're just saying that the internet is just like another group or environment, we fit our actions to adapt to it and that is what people see. The nature of the internet is what makes it elicit the opposite side of the personality. So it's all in one way or another true, but it's not the same.

    You're not the only one I've seen on this site or any other for that matter that seems to be somewhat inarticulate or in a situation that discourages being communicative of ideals in real life, however online you have an open forum to be who you wish to be, the thought self, not the one impeded by physical or verbal boundaries.

    I see your point, even seeing the appearance won't change the interaction style. It's just that it's a different communication medium in itself that changes what you see.

    Fancy? I'm just incapable of interacting any other way. I speak like this quite frequently, it's just punctuated by more verbal pauses and obscenities.
  12. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Yes, I say many strange things here, in the world, wherever, I can never explain myself, I wish I really could but no-one is willing to try. I apologise, I hope I can explain myself in the future.
    Heh probably on of the only things that happens on the internet and in real life, my mind s f***** up.

    Wow, I have to say now, that tsome of the words you use really give me a tingle up my spine, it's like the first time you have sex. Sorry that was a little inappropriate to say, but I just had to say it.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Actually, sadly I've caught myself saying 'lol' in real embarrassing. :) And I do speak out when asked things. I tend to for some reason draw people to be their non-charging counselor for some reason but yeah, it is a lot easier to voice things online than it is in real life and threats here or harassment is certainly much easier to just laugh off than in life outside of the internet. You can really just say 'screw this place' online, as you said and go elsewhere where you might find more like people if you want. You can get feelings hurt online too because some people are more 'real' at expressing themselves and others can be relatively cold or sarcastic at times and typing is harder to catch sarcasm so it can work at times against people but for the most part it is far easier to be 'real' online if people want to. Well said.

    Yes, you are right here too and I did mention that as well in my edit that people can feel with disorders and things that hold them back from talking in real life that they can do it more freely online. Also, people will often take less offense and accept a person who is 'rude' by having verbal communication issues and if people get 'fed up' with the person, they can ban them out easier. I know quite a few people with bipolar, depression, asperger's syndrome, etc that have problems talking in real life to people but get a lot more tolerance online in chats I go to and it has really helped me to better understand. One person with bipolar will sometimes lash out at people in her lows and I just private message her and get kind of harsh with her until she sees what she's doing and then she calms down and is back to normal realizing she offended and upset people. The people then move on and forgive and just go on as if it never happened. A couple people with asperger's sometimes say some rotten things about others or just come out with some doozies that make people really angry but when we tell them and they get explained why it's so offensive they draw back and think on it and get the point and really they don't tend to make the same mistake again for some time because they really want to try. People can get accepted more unless they are script kiddies or annoying people that are really just out for that. Even they though at times can find a community and realize that it can be cool to them.
  14. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Actually that's something I do sometimes in life, i've said i'm a 40 year old, Body massager using chemicals that have kept my body in a sense young. Many people actaully belived me after I made up some cooky stories about some customers I had, even talking about political events at the time.
    I've even said that i'm an Albino Russian aged 18, ok so not many people believed that much but some still did.
    It's funny, how the world works, that you are whoever you say you are, I am 64 year old woman living in France working as a computer technician. I am a 32 year old female Anthropologist living in a remote part of Brazil. I am a 14 year old Jamaican boy, still in school trying to learn the piano.

    What makes any one of those real than the next? I could be none of them and yet all of them, only you can belive which one is me.
  15. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    @PAW: oh sure you know a lot about that.

    well trogdor...i speak somewhat like that...but a bit...differently.

    im sure youre troubled by the question you asked or could not care less.

    so here let me give it a shot for the sake of conversation.

    no, its not its purest form, but somehow its an attemp at it.

    you see, we will try to break the boundaries, already mentioned, such as gender,age, size and weight.

    by slowly entering a community we will start assuming...a desired personality.

    and when i say desired...i mean the personality we strife to have in real life.

    or that we have....but are not fully aware of.

    @PAW:being messed up is part of lets make the best of it.
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Hey, belive what you wanna belive, it's your choice not mine, but i'm not going to admit infront of everyone if or if not I have had sex, 2 reasons, it is not allowed and I already have a warning and two i'd only tell others who could accept me for me.

    And I know that, I am messed up in one way or another, I don't mind being messed up, it's just being alone in this messed up world that is the toughest part, the most annoying and fearful part of life.
  17. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    i was being sarcastic....

    you mean being alone in your community?

    you know....youre not alone...youre just not into what most teenagers(force themselfves)like.

    i know it would be easier....if you had friends like the ones youve made in the site.

    but in one way or another "everything will come to pass" be it good or bad.

    one thing is certain...this forum has some very good disscusion buddies.

    i normally put up with my friends....because they are all drama.

    enough of my rambling

    back on topic:

    any more spontaneus outbursts of logical questions trogdor?
  18. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Actually, yes. You who responded to this thread all seem to work upon the same train of thought. There are other types of people who would say differently and what's more there are those who would never even see the thread. Even with the advent of the net as a form of interaction there are still those who have close to no knowledge of the internet and the things it's spawned. So, who are these people? Why do you think they are different from you? Is the different lifestyle likely to yield a different thought process?
  19. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    THe internet does give us the pawer to shape our image in a much easier way than in real life. It gives us more freedom than what we can have in life, and even builds our social skills and confidence for the real world, I know it did me.

    I am sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that, i'm in too serious a mood at the moemnt.

    And yet even here, my views aren't anywhere near many people's views here. I fell a like alone, in a sense, even here, where I can discuss and debate and think. It makes me believe, that if I can't find a place here, does that mena I have any place to go?
    I think too much, a real curse on me, but I guess I was going on then.
  20. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    wow...quick to quote...


    kinda caught me off......i dont know people oblivious to the internet.

    i mean....i do...but the only people like that...are...well...

    no wait.

    i think that our lifestyle....umm.....well'

    im not sure......lets just say that, since we all have a miserable part of life , will always think upon the idea , of being able to be though off differently.

    a kid who finds his life miserable will always look to a chance at change.

    a person who is very self confident and proud...probably wont.