This generation of gaming (XBox 360, Playstation 3, Wii) hasn't really impressed me. Visually I like it. But no game has really impressed me like the games on the Playstation 2. Now all of the videogames for the Playstation 3 and XBox 360 do not focus on single-player, but they all put their main focus on multiplayer. And Wii...just isn't really going anywhere. Sure, it's sold a lot of units, but all of the games on the Wii are just a rehash of games from the Gamecube. Plus, I hate the controls for the Wii and the Wii itself is cheaply made.
i feel as though some companies are too concerned about graphics while neglecting more important issues. the Wii is the only next gen game system i have, but i have to say i'm personally impressed, the games on the Wii are pretty fun. anyways, i heard good things about Tales of Vesperia on XBox360 so maybe you can try that. if not, at least the PS2 isnt' dead yet (as in there are STILL new games coming out for it even though the PS3 came out like 3 years ago)
I agree, the 6th gen games out class almost everything the've brought out on 7th gen since most of the stuff out now are sequels or spin offs, in my opinion.
What I've found sad is that...all the games this generation seem bleed together in a way. I can name individual games but even the ohshi-amazing ones such as Bioshock seem very grey and boring. Plus it seems RPG's are dying, or at least becoming a monopoly ruled by Square-enix. Square isn't bad but...I really feel like Square and Level 5 are the ONLY companies making games that might pass off as good. Sad really.
Hmmmm. I like playing rpg's msot of the time, but I enjoy multiplayer as well. idk. If it comes to rpg's, it has mostly gone down hill since the ps2. Few games tend to impress me these days. You compare Suikoden to Suikoden 4 for instance. Suikoden (or was it 2. I dont remember) was great, fun to do, nice story to it. Suikoden 4 had some good graphics and.......... point proven? Do not give up hope yet though, since the ps3 is begining to make better games. Such as The Force Unleashed which wont be multiplayer, and though Prototype is going multiplayer, it is originally made for a single player as well. And not all multiplayers are that bad either. Has anyone heard about the new Alien game that is coming out? That is gonna be some bad ass **** right there. Cant wait to play it. The fact that it is multiplayer actually improves it A LOT