It had been a few years since I last watched this film. So I watched it yesterday and I still love it. It almost made me cry a bit. Even if it is based on a bible story, it's really wonderful to me. I've loved this movie since I was a kid. Kind of like I still love Disney films. And I believe the animation to be splendid, in my opinion. So what are your thoughts on the film?
... I love this movie! I haven't seen it in forever though. I have it in a Vcr box somewhere. It was one of my favorites. :Awesome:
Thing that always stuck with me from that movie was "The Plagues" Number. I still own the VHS and loved the cast and music selected for the film.
I have always loved this movie. I just found it on youtube and am rewatching it, it has been years since I have seen it. I think I still have it on VHS somewhere as well, but I am not sure. It is a great way of retelling a well known bible story and is really interesting in my opinion. I think they did a great job on this movie.
THis is one of my all-time favorite movies. I love it. Every time it's on TV, be it around Easter or just on a random Tuesday night, I'll drop what I"m doing and watch it the entire way through. The Music was great, the voice direction was great, the Plagues number was beautifully animated and well-scored, everything about this movie was 100% amazing! Wasn't too fond of Jeff Goldblum as Aaron, but for the small part he had it worked. Personal favorite songs out of it will awlays be "There Can Be Miracles", "Deliver Us", and "Playing With The Big Boys" . This is by far one of my favorite childhood movies and I'm going to make sure it's in my own childrens videos when I have my own.
I love this movie. Great retelling of the events that took place many years ago. Disney did not disappoint me with this movie. The voice acting was great, the colours and animation was superb, and the music was just down right memorable. I should really rewatch this movie sometime soon.
What an epic, fantastic movie. One of my all time favourites. I think one bit that always stuck with me was when they were traveling through the Red Sea, and a flash of lightning illuminates the wall of water behind then. You can see the silhouette of a whale swimming next to them. Dang this is such a beautiful film. Oh, one of my favourite tracks is this, though it has to be said the whole soundtrack is just insane. Spoiler [video=youtube;ri4PcmWOS0Q][/video]