The Price of Living Forever

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by heartless_angel, Aug 3, 2010.

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  1. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Cue Prologue :D


    In 1800, a meteor struck Earth. Analysis showed that it held strange viruses and radiation from it. Soon, it infected over a billion people and aged them internally, causing heart attack, heart failures, and other related diseases. It was called "Crescent Loom" since it made a crescent mark and turns color until it turns red and then people die. A vaccine was produced, but made people who were cured stop aging. The combination of both the virus and vaccine causes the aging clock to stop, making them ageless.

    In 1950, people started to revolt and attack the ageless people called the Cresentions. They started riots and slowly turned into war.

    It's now 2300. 4 billion people died from the disease and wars. The other people now live in the war now and can only hope for it to end.

    1. No godmodding. I will tell you when you can for a bit.
    2. Keep cussing to "*" or minimal
    3. Romance in the PG-13 zone
    4. 3 Character OC limit. I will consider more if you PM me
    5. No killing others w/o my permission.
    6. I will kill any AFK OCs unless notified
    7. If you made it so far, put "no one lives forever" in your post
    8. You better have fun...or else >:3


    Humans: The citizens living on Earth. Most are not infected, but a few are, leaving them vulnerable. Most of them hate the Crescentions, but a fraction actually sides with them.

    United Earth Defense (UED. OMG SC ref xD): The main army. Consists of drafted citizens, regular grunts, veteran soldiers, and elite squads.

    Crescentions: The infected people. Almost all of them are cured of their diseases. A few actually overcame it with no vaccine at all. They cannot die of natural causes.

    OC Form~
    Other (Optional):

    Name: Mya
    Age: 18
    Weapon(s): Gunblade
    Faction: Crescention
    Bio: Infected at 1950, she saw what happened in the beginning up until now. Her parents vaccineted themselves, but not Mya since they had no money and were selfless. When her mark turned red, she thought she would die, but suddenly overcame it. She finds it pointless for this war to go on and hates fighting. Her gunblade was a gift from he parents who served in a war back then, but she never used it. Her parents mysteriously dissapeared and she never saw them again. She now lives in a city full of regular citizens.
    Other (Optional): She is extremely shy and hates talking to people. Very persecuted wherever she goes.

    Name: Raiken
    Age: 20
    Appearance: guys/DrakeandKieve/Anime Guys/Picture675.jpg.html?o=21
    Weapon(s): Dual handguns and rifle
    Faction: Human
    Bio: Although a human, he sides with the Crescentions. He hates the viewpoint of the UED and joined the Crescentions. He met Mya when she was running away from soldiers and helped her hide in the city. He was her first friend.
    Other (Optional): Very cheerful, but cocky and laidback.

    Name: Yevv
    Age: 21
    Appearance: guy/xxblood_of_heartsxx/AnimeGuy19.jpg.html?o=20
    Weapon(s): Katana and assult rifle
    Faction: UED
    Bio: He is the son of the scientist who invented the vaccine. Although he may not look like it, he actually loves violence and murder. As the 1900 came, he was the first to find the UED. No only is he a brutal fighter, he also is a brilliant scientist and a smart person.
    Other (Optional): Very laidback, but stern. Always tries until he gets what he wants.
  2. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Name: Whisper
    Age: looks 16, is actually 285
    Weapon(s): 2 short swords and 2 pistols
    Faction: Creasents
    Bio: Whisper got the disease in 2015, her family were against the Creasents and she had just tried to stay out of the war. When she got the disease she got scared and did not want to die but knew her family would turn against her so did not take the vaccine, deciding that she would rather die than have them hate her. Unfortunatly, things didn't turn out that way, her body overcame it on it's own but made her ageless. She knew her family would think she had took the vaccine and would not believe that she hadn't, so she ran away. She went into hiding, for many years she moved around alone swapping hiding places. She still refuses to fight though has learnt to defend herself but she has grown tired of constantly moving despite being an expert due to how long she has been doing it for. Despite not fighting she has been in contact with other Creasents over the years for her ability to go places unnoticed.
    Other (Optional): She is fast, agile and flexible although physically not that strong. She is good at disguises and can move around relitivly unnoticed. Quite a few humans think they know her and are unaware she is a Creasent.

    no-one lives forever
  3. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: I may be quote "AFK" for a long peroid of time soon, just so you know, (don't say it was un anounced!)
    Name: Albert Einstein
    Age: 204
    Appearance: Apperance
    Weapon(s): An AK-47, two Glock 19 handguns, and nuclear Grenades.
    Faction: Creasents
    Bio: after making the first atomic bomb, he was infected with the virus, and then helped to come up with the vaccine, which he injected into himself, he now leads the war on the side of the Creasents.
    Other (Optional): though he may appear to be frail, he actualy has managed to become as phisicaly fit and strong as a profesional boxer, and has the bone strength of a man in his early twenties, while he also is very agile.

    Accidentaly put down the wrong term for second weapon, so I edited it.
  4. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Yays! You're accepted :D
    Please read the rules again.
  5. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Name: Estellise (Estelle) Sidos Heurassein
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Here
    Weapon(s): A sword and sheild
    Faction: Human
    Bio: Estelle is a totaly normal human, no infections, no nothing.
    Estelle has nothing against the Cresentions, and believes it is wrong for
    Wars to be started over something like that. She is doing everything she can too stop the wars from happening, though her attempts are valliant, very few people listen to her argument and the ones that do treat her like a freak. She refuses to fight for human rights and has joined with the Cresentions in hopes of ending the conflict.

    No one lives forever
    OOC: I may have to drop out, as i am in a lot of RPs at the moment. I'll inform u if i have to leave.
  6. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Okies you're in Hercules.
  7. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Yush ^^

    Whenz can we start?
  8. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Maybe when Kairi fixes her post and about 2 more.
  9. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Name:Vyce Rider
    Age: 17 (soon to become 18)
    Weapon: Gunblade
    Faction: Human
    Bio: As his father is in the UED, Vyce doesn't no whether to believe the things his father has told him about the Cresentions and so in a effort to discover the truth runs away but not before taking his grand father's Gunblade. Believing that violence doesn't need to happen, Vyce searches for means to end the war before it turns in to a much bigger problem.
    Other (Optional): His swift and quick movement allows him to keep on his feet as he struggles for his answer. His experience with the Gunblade is growing and he is able to deal more powerful blows and pull of effective moves with his Gunblade.

    Name: Conway Rider
    Age: 40
    Bio:Conway seeks to end the pain and suffering of the many people who have been infected by the virus and believes the only thing that can do so is war. Telling his son lies about the Cresentions and making deals and bribes within the military so he could become general makes this man very manipulative and evil.
    Other (Optional): Sly, sneaky and tactical. A manipulative man who believes he has the power to crush the Cresentions.

    no one lives forever
  10. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    ooh very nice you're in
  11. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: that is why I put that in, I'm anouncing it ahead of time.
    EDIT: Oh, yeah, I saw that, I just didn't think about it.
    No-one lives forever.
  12. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Alrighties you're accepted, but what made you chose Albert Einstein?
  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    And here we... go.

    Name: Kjerstie (Pronounced Cheer-stee) Celest
    Age: 17
    Appearance: images/watching.jpg
    Weapon(s): Staff and knife
    Faction: Human
    Bio: Kjerstie is one of the unfortunate humans that has the disease. She barely became ill with it, and no one knows if she'll live or not. After all, it's just her and her brother living on their own with their next door neighbor to help out every now and again; they can't afford the vaccine. But Kjerstie is patient and willing to bare it. Even though her twin brother is with the UED to fight the war, Kjerstie looks to the Crescentions as her heroes. They lived through the disease, so why not her? But then again... No one lives forever, right?
    Other (Optional): Kjerstie is a patient and kind girl, and is willing to go through any pain and and sorrow that life throws at her. After all, she has to be strong for her brother since he was never the same after their parents died from the very same disease. She likes to draw on her free time, write, and read.

    Name: Apollo (Ray is his nickname his sister gave him) Celest (Ironic, right? XD)
    Age: 17
    Weapon(s): Homemade bullets (each of them has a different property), and a hand gun
    Faction: United Earth Defense
    Bio: Apollo was the boy that grew up too fast. After his parents died when him and his sister were 11 years old, he decided to take all the responsibilities on his shoulders. And when his sister became sick with the disease, he felt responsible for it. Since the UED offered a high paying salary for those who would join, Apollo put his sister in the care of their next door neighbor, and left to join the army. He hopes that he will get the money for the vaccine, and save his sister. She's all he has left... or is it?
    Other (Optional): He's the very serious kind of guy who gets the job done. He has no time for tears, but he does feel a bit sorry every now and again. He is a human after all, not a robot.

    Name: Sekira (Pronounced Seh-cure-ah. AKA, Kira) Last name unknown at this time
    Age: Appears to be 19 (Is 33 years old)
    Weapon(s): Valdris and throwing daggers
    Faction: Crescentions
    Bio: Sekira got the disease when she was about to head off into the UED to help out. But then, she was cured. After that happened, Sekira ran away from home and went into hiding. Her life has molded and changed since that day, and she's doing what she can for the cause of her kind. She doesn't know what became of her parents, but she hoped that they didn't get in trouble because of her.
    Other (Optional): Sekira is a serious girl, but that doesn't stop her from making sarcastic remarks and quick jokes every now and again.

    I hope that's good... let me know if I need to change anything.
  14. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Ooh sneaky of you to hide it XD Accepted and THE RP HAS OFICIALLY STARTED :D
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Kjerstie laid the letter on her lap and then sighed out. "I just want you home..." Kjerstie whispered to practically no one. She then laid her head against the head board, closing her eyes as she listened to her surroundings. She heard people outside, the faint ticking of the clock in the hallway... and then the sound of her heartbeat entered into her ears. It was still beating, still going... but for how long? Kjerstie opened her eyes and then looked down at her arm. There was the mark that looked like a crecent moon; still in the same place it was yesterday and still the same color. She pulled down the sleeve of her night gown, covering up the mark. Kjerstie then folded up the letter and set it on her nightstand next to her glass of water; but she kept her hand on top of the piece of paper. She was missing someone very much... 'How long will this last...?'

    A boy crouched down by a tree, keeping silent as he listened to the noise around him. It was quiet... a bit too quiet. He rested his hand on his handgun which rested on his right side. Apollo never seen an actual Crescention, but he heard stories of how they killed UED members. Those stories made him skiddish when he first walked on the battlefield, but he was beginning to get use to it. All he had to do was keep his sister in mind, and then he calmed down. 'That is why I'm here...' Nothing could convince the boy named Apollo other wise.

    Sekira sat in a tree, watching the forest below her very carefully as she tried to stay quiet. Her breath was still heavy from the run, but she breathed softly to try to not make too much sound. 'That was close... too close.' Sekira barely escaped from a UED, and who knew if they were still following her or not. The girl reached up a hand to her chest, feeling her heart race like a frightened rabit. 'Easy does it, Sekira... You're alright...'
  16. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Wow that's a mouthful XD

    BIC: Mya walked on the streets of a war-torn city. She looked at the sky and sighed. I lived too long. When will this nightmare end? Good people died for this stupid war. She shook her head and continued walking.
  17. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Estelle threw herself onto the cold, wet grass and closed her eyes. Why did I... She took out her sword and looked at it and as she looked at it,her eyes began to fill with tears. I didn't mean too...., A red substance dropped from her blade onto the soil. .She thought back too that moment,
    "Why did he try to kill me.." She whispered under her breath. "Why did my own father try to kill me?.." She began crying softly.

    OOC: Yes very Ominous....
  18. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Whisper moved through the city briskly, she stayed to the shadows and pulled her coat up tight around her. As she passed she smiled slightly at a middle aged woman she'd obserbed over the last few years, spreading a little happiness that was rare enough there, the woman smiled back and walked on not suspecting a thing. But she put her head down and hurried down the street.
  19. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Vyce had been wondering through the woods for what had seemed like hours and still there had been no sign of Cresentions anywhere. Of course, why would they be here? Well maybe some had been hiding in the woods. He thought to himself as he stopped and looked around. He soon admitted to himself that he was lost. What had gone through his mind to want him to leave the safe comforts of his home in the first place?
  20. finalform32 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 6, 2006
    Name: Dante
    Age: 19
    Weapon(s): dual pistols
    Faction: Crescentions
    Bio: infected in 1944. the infection has mostly worn off on him, but he is still affected by it's effects. he is lowly losing memory, and has no memory of anything further back then 1990. ans the years go by he loses more and more memory. He is fighting to find his cure, and hopefuly his memory. and any friend he has, he will help and protect them with his life. He joind the Crescentions after a few of his best friends did. but most of them died in riots and war.
    Other (Optional): He is a bit social and will help anyone that needs him. He has a sence of humor and is very Kind.

    No-one lives forever.
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