I was going to see this movie but Im not too sure about it sense most recent horror movies tend to disappoint me (story-wise and horror-wise). If it looks good to you then more power to you :) Trailer Documentary
Ehhhhh, not so sure about this. I love horror movies, but almost every one I've seen of the last like, 8 years, has been a disappointment. I'll wait on a review or two. And it's a little funny to see so many movies that are "based on a true story"...
Lol, "based on a true story." The premise looks interesting enough, as does the premise for the legend it's based off of. Also, Jeffrey Dean Morgan<3 I'll give this a chance.
I saw it yesterday. It was alright for a horror movie though. I can't help but call this "The Exorcist: The Jewish Cut", which what it basically is. It's obvious that everyone involved was trying to make a great film, but there were so many slip ups, it can only settle for alright. And the ending doesn't feel earned at all, and the last minute of the film was pretty dumb. All in all, I say go see a matine showing, or rent it if you can.
There's a comment that I've been meaning about this movie. Did anyone notice that this could have been a movie Spoiler about the effects of divorce on the kids of a split family. It seems like they were hinting a lot at it throughout the film. I would like to see an earlier draft of the script just to see how much more of the effects of divorce on the little girls. Maybe an earlier ending was that the girl was just acting out, or maybe there were scenes of the girl talking with the spirit, expressing how she feels. If what I predict is true, then maybe the movie could have been more fleshed out and would have been a bit better.