The Pope...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by SoraUchiha, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Okay-I dont want a load of bible bashers telling me to rot in hell but the Pope...

    I think he is narrow minded-Like he embodies all narrow minded catholic views...

    I'm sure you have heard of ''The Murphy Report''-A list of catholic priests in Ireland who sexually abused children in the 40's and such-The pope replied to the situation by saying "Homosexuality leads to perihelia'' (sic) to divert attention away from the Murphy report and to homosexuality-I find this So stupid-I can actually remember hearing on the radio that he said-And this is exactly what he said "If gay marriage is legalised,It will treatin the all humanity as we know it" and I was left saying WTF-What so to his logic,If gay marriage is legalised we will all suddenly turn gay and not have children and all humans will die out? Im sorry but it really pisses me off.Views?

    From Dylan-An Asexual,non homophobic teenager.
  2. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    For an organization that prides itself on the truth and morality, the Vatican sure knows how to screw things up. Religious freedom and ideals aside, if you have a trouble-maker employee that's molesting and taking advantage of children you fire them. You don't move them around and hope it goes away. This dude needs to answer for his incompetence and make a public apology, and possibly step down. Instead he hides. Such a poor act to follow John Paul II.
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    The Vatican in my eyes has created more problems for itself than good. I mean look at it, a palace worthy of any king, with pricless heirlooms and antiques, dispite that his religion states that a worthwhiled man should live in simplicity.
    The restricted access of gaining entry into the holy location itself to all, calls me to believe that the person who lives must have something to hide from the world.
    Also, the fact he rides around in a bulletproof Pope mobile makes me think he regards himself in an egotistical and narcisstic way, I mean if compared with Obama, a highly influential, important and potentiall dangerous man than the Pope in a sense, merely had a small window to cover him from attempted assassination at his inauguration speech.
    How can he connect his followers behind an armoured car, whilst a man like Obama who I am sure is more at risk of the two, being a nuclear power and the first black president, would be more than willing to take the risk to talk to his own people.

    Like White Rook said, he simply hides in times of danger or backlash. The way he's dealt with the recent revelations has, i'm sure, not helped his or the Catholic image.
  4. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Um, sorry but that's kind of a stupid thing to say. That's kind of his job, to accept ALL Catholic views.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the Pope. Or the Vatican, or Catholicism.
    But I don't think "narrow-minded" is the right word for the Pope. I think it's just more like..."Stupid".

    The examples you just gave are perfect examples... While I don't believe in gay marriage i would never say something as stupid as "Homosexuality leads to perihelia'' or "If gay marriage is legalized,It will threaten all humanity as we know it."
  5. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    I don't think the criticism should be of the fact that he is a fallible individual-- this is something that everyone is. The problem is this:

  6. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I know what you mean, i saw it on RTE the day he made the statement and he is just blathering about something that some propaganda officier told him to say in order to see if they get a good reaction. They say the have statistics, but they were done by people who were covering there own *sses which means that they don't count for anything.
  7. Marxaeus Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 25, 2008
    In the realm of the Fendipitous Eggmen!
    I had heard an interesting theory from on the radio that came from a priest in South Africa. He said that it is because of the mediums of television and internet in ireland that is causing the corruption in preists. I find that a very interesting theory, especially since this has been going on since before television and computers even started appearing around the world. So apparently not only do priests sexually assault children in their own parishes, but they have black market deals with people from the future.

    Honestly though the fact that they abused them makes me mad, but the fact they arfe trying to weasel out of it makes me disgusted.

    (Irish btw)