So, I am going to be joining a friend's RP and I have an OC I'm planning on making, I looked around for the right sort of image but was having problems finding exactly what I wanted... So I turned to GIMP. After finding an image I could use (below): Spoiler: Original Image (this is not mine, I found this on google) I edited a few things. Hair Colour, eye colour. I added in some cherry blossoms (all hand made and took me forever to get right in terms of colour and shape and pattern lol) Her name and her title (you can guess this is a Full Metal RP lol) and that the character (being my OC) will be played by of course... me. Spoiler: My version (Yup, this is all my work. XD ...Well, other than the original render, I should say all the edits are my work lol) It took me hours just to get the eyes right in terms of the colour and the right sort of shine and shade. (and yes, she is meant to have Heterochromia -for those that don't know, it means different coloured eyes.) Hair was surprisingly easier than I thought, but still took me a good hour. After doing the main character things that needed to be changed, and adding in the name and cherry blossoms and such. I still felt something was missing. Something seemed too plain. But of course... it was the white background, so I got a nice blend of colour with a nice sort of texture brush and set to work with a new layer overlaying the original image. Once I was done, I deleted the messy parts that I needed to and made it so none of the misty background effect would be over the character. I also gave it a bit of a gaussian blur just so it looked more smoother. Anyway, you can see the final result and I must say I'm pleased. (and considering I'm self taught as in, basically... no tutorials... I'm feeling pretty proud lol) For all the hours I put into it, and it was a lot lol, I think this is one of my best works so far, especially in terms of detail and neatness. However, that is my own opinion. I want to hear yours. Have I improved from previous works etc? What do you think of this in particular? CnC? etc XD Thanks in advance and everything! :P Edit: Spoiler: OC form Username- Bushy Brow Name- Alexis Tyneside Age- 17 Gender- Female Background- (Is excused from Rule 6) Alexis's parents were Amestrian travelers before the Ishvalan war had even began. It was as they were travelling in Ishval that catastrophe struck and they were caught right in the middle of the tragedy. It was during the war that 8 year old Alexis was made an orphan when an explosion caused by Alchemy made a nearby building collapse and the falling debree crushed her parents who had just managed to push her out of the way of the rubble. Forced to wander the streets in despair, Alexis was found by a State Alchemist who had been about to kill her after having been caught by surprise. However he had quickly realised she was an Amestrian and put two and two together. With nowhere else for her to go, but knowing he had to get her out of the war zone, he commisioned her to be put into the military to get her back into Amestris since only military personnel were allowed to cross the border. This was genuinely out of kindness on his part as otherwise she would just be an orphan trapped in a war zone. So here she was... a young 8 year old girl now in military school where it was quickly discovered that she had great potential when it came to Alchemy. She was trained up and now nine years later Alexis is an Alchemist of the Amestris State Military. Despite her young age compared to other state Alchemists she is highly skilled thanks to her years of training and her fierce determination. This has put her on par with some of the best Alchemists such as 'The Flame Alchemist' among other high ranked titles. Her own title given to her is 'The Pink-Rain Alchemist' due to her unique and beautiful but powerful style of using Alchemy, and her reputation is quite renowned also for the reason of her being one of the youngest Alchemists in history. Personality wise she can be rather cold, and she tends to be a bit of a loner because that is all she really knows. She finds it hard to trust people, but it has been determined that her withdrawn nature is likely drawn from the horrifying experiences she had when caught up in the middle of the war as a child. Appearance- Spoiler: appearance (Edited image by me. Original image can be found here: )
Oh My God... Bushy this is beautiful! I love- just love how you were able to re-color it and the colors you used are just amazing! And you taught yourself all of this? Brother you are amazing! I really hope you do more stuff since this is crazy awesome <3
She kinda looks like a Mary-Sue, but if you do good on the profile she won't be. But she does look cute! nice editing
If you don't mind me asking. Can you elaborate on what is Mary-Sue about her? I'm just curious since I actually am not sure lol (at least in looks) As you mentioned, the profile will make that different for personality etc. But yeah, this picture is just purely for terms of appearance. So yeah lol I just wanna know for improvement purposes. XD
He probably means because of her looks. Generally, Mary Sues are associated with blond hair, a nice looking body, different colored eyes, etc . . . You did a good job on the editing, she's really cute. I would also like to see her bio so that the 'Mary-Sue' category can be debunked. c:
Okee dokee. When I'm done with everything on the OC form, I'll also post it here (or add it into the first post lol) EDIT: added.