The Organization Fighting Ring chapter 4. the REAL one.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Sce13, Apr 12, 2007.


pick two people to save Zexion in chapter 5

Poll closed Apr 13, 2007.
  1. Demyx

  2. Axel

  3. Larxene

  4. Roxas

  5. Hisself

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Sce13 Banned

    Jan 28, 2007
    In darkness, with Riku
    Chapter 4

    Larxene, Axel and Demyx were waiting for Roxas to wake up…
    Zexion’s possessed body had not been seen in a while, so they thought it was safe…
    “Demyx looked at Axel and asked,
    “What if he never wakes up?â€
    “Don’t say that! Don’t EVER say that!†Axel yelled.
    “Calm down! We all have to be strong, for Roxas’ sake…†Larxene said.
    “Ariel is after you, so you need to be more on guard than any of us,†Demyx said.
    “Do you think it was Ariel who was choking Roxas?†Axel asked.
    Roxas opened up his eyes once again.
    “Roxas!†they all said cheerly!
    “He…is fighting…for his freedom. He…loves her…but…wants her…out…†Roxas said.
    “Don’t faint on us Roxas!†Larxene said.
    “You were nearly killed by Zexion…†Axel said.
    “No…he was being…possessed…at the time. Filled with memories…of his sister…led her soul…to his body,†Roxas said. Roxas sat up and tried to stand up but fell backwards into Axel and Demyx’s arms.
    “Whoa Roxas, you’re recovering. Your body needs more time to heal,†Larxene said.
    Axel and Demyx lifted him onto the bed.
    “Sleep Roxas, you need it,†Larxene said.
    Roxas closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
    “We need him awake,†Demyx said.
    “Listen, I think Zexion can communicate with us in Roxas’ mind. He’s telling us something…but I don’t know what,†Larxene said.
    The door busted open…It as Zexion’s possessed body with his book. He had wind going everywhere.
    “Get Roxas!†yelled Larxene. Axel got Roxas’ arm and swung it around the back of his neck. Demyx grabbed the other side. Larxene made a Corridor of Darkness.
    “Hurry and into the Corridor!†she said while striking Zexion’s body with lightning.
    After Axel and Demyx carried Roxas in the Corridor, she ran into it and closed it.

    They all appeared at Travers Town.
    “What are we doing here?†Axel said.
    “This place will but us a little time, but not for long…Follow me†she said while walking to the 2nd district.
    No heartless appeared on the other side. They all went into the hotel and into the greenroom. They set Roxas down on the bed.
    “How do we get rid of Ariel?†asked Axel.
    “We don’t. We wait for Roxas to wake up and let him tell us what Zexion’s trying to say,†Larxene stated.
    They waited for hours until Roxas finally woke up.
    Roxas sat up and Larxene spotted him.
    “He’s awake!†she yelled.
    “What did Zexion say this time?†asked Axel.
    “He…is trying to protect Ariel…but the more she refuses to let him go…the more upset she gets. If she doesn’t transfer over to Larxene, she’ll go on a rampage… She knows we are here…†he said…
    Everyone made a blank face. Suddenly, the doors flew open, the windows broke, and the whole building came down…

    BOOM!! CRASH!!!

    Axel, and Demyx got out, but tried to find Larxene and Roxas…
    “Roxas, Larxene!†Demyx yelled.
    “Over here!†she yelled. The turned their heads and saw her lying next to Roxas.
    “Are you okay?†Axel asked as he and Demyx ran over to assist them
    “Roxas is, but…†she said while looking at her trapped leg. Her leg was under a huge wire that was very heavy.
    “That’s gonna be tough to get off,†Demyx said.
    “Larxene, you’re going to feel pain, but this will help get it off,†Axel said.
    “Axel grabbed the bar and started to melt it…
    “Ahh!†she yelled. Demyx quickly used water to pour on her leg.
    “Sorry Larxene…†Axel said. He then tried to break the wires in half. When he did, Larxene had spotted Zexion’s body.
    “Look!†she yelled while pointing at Zexion standing on the building.
    Zexion ran down the side of the building and up towards Larxene. But Axel swung a piece of wood at him and knocked him into the air, but using his book, he floated in midair.
    He swooped down and knocked down Axel and Demyx… He grabbed Larxene by the neck and started choking her, as she did Roxas.
    “Zexion, I know…you’re in there…somewhere!†she said in between breaths.
    “He’s under my control, you needn’t worry about him,†Zexion said.
    He got out his book and read the following chant.
    “To live is to die…and to die is tolive.
    Pure has become impure…and pure has become pure.â€
    Larxene’s eyes turned from Aqua blue, to fire red, and Zexion’s turned to normal. Zexion’s lifeless body fell to the ground. While Larxene’s floated.

    5 beams of light shot out from her chest.

    “By the time Axel had gotten up, he saw Zexion lying in the rubble.

    Will he be all right? What will happen to Larxene? And will Roxas EVER get his toast???? We will see!
  2. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    SWEET! This is getting good!

    aawwww...poor roxas. *hands roxas some toast*