The organisation goes on holiday!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SORA!, May 27, 2008.

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  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha knew they were lost. She didn't say anything...Didn't have it in her. It seemed to suddenly change when she was suddenly dropped... Kasha glanced up, and immediately felt the adrenalin...And fear. "Dear Lord," She thought. A bulldog. The strongest of all dogs. It could kill at will. "Dear Lord," She repeated. Her eyes wide. Foam hit the ground in front of her. The dog's eyes gleamed with red. "It's rabid." She thought, and looked into its eyes. 'Dumbass...' She suddenly called herself, Kasha couldn't see anything in its eyes. Kasha suddenly started to lunge away when it snapped.
    To her own surprise the sound of herself being caught in its powerful jaw made her turn, and want to fight. She hadn't realized that her form had changed. Brown fur. Dog ears, a tail. Four legs, paws, and a muzzle. She, herself, was a dog. Or wolf. A mix. The fur on the top of her head was spiked back. Her belly, paws, snout, hind legs, and around her eyes was a light brown. The rest of her body was a darker shade of brown. Kasha turned snapping her jaws around the bulldog's neck, but was reluctantly thrown into a brick wall.
    She saw the dog run forward towards her. It stared into her eyes. It wanted her dead. Kasha stood up, her teeth showing, violently, she leaped forward at the bulldog.

    Blood hit the ground, and alley walls. Kasha didn't seem to know what was happening to herself. Or even felt awake. The bulldog hit the ground. Blood slowly coming from its throat, and mouth. Kasha landed with her back to it, and head lowered. She bared her teeth again, and stood over the creature. Her eyes seemed to glow. Her hackles raised, and tail stiffly raised into the air. The bulldog didn't seem to feel any pain from the hit. "I can fight like hell," She started. "Whenever, I'm," Kasha growled louder, "Pissed!" She said, and snapped down heavily on the creature's neck, but it stood up and threw her, the force of her bite didn't seem very helpful to it. It suddenly fell heavily. Kasha skidded backwards, and laid down heavily on the ground, inhaling any air she could get.
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    The shock on Lux's face was unbearable.
    He was trying to bring reason to himself!

    Ok, quick recap:
    His little sister did not turn into a dog!!

    What was he saying,
    of course she did!!

    But how?!

    Lux could only watch as the Bulldog and
    Kasha fought on with each other.

    All until finally,
    the bulldog fell unconcious from
    Kasha's neck attack,
    and Kasha herself was gasping for air slightly.

    The battle no longer pursuing,
    Lux got on one knee and faced Kasha,
    face to muzzled face.
    He asks curiously into the dog's eyes,
    with a pauses at the start and finish
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked up at Lux, tiredly. "...Stay...back..." She managed to say, and looked behind Lux at the bulldog. It was shaking. Not from pain. "It can't feel pain.. Its gone rabid..." She said, and went quiet. 'Dear God, I've got rabis. He bit me.' She thought, her body started to shake. 'N-n-no...This is just a bad dream, I'm asleep. I haven't seen dad yet, and I didn't see Lux yet. I'm hallucinating.' She thought, trying to calm herself, but knew it was real. Too real. The dog, it stood up. She remembered when she was younger, there was a rabid dog at a gas station. A lot different than this one. Golden Retriever, stray. The owners of the gas station had shot it in the hind leg with a shotgun but it didn't re-act until another round of bullets was shot into it's chest.
    Kasha jumped for a moment. 'It needs to die.' She thought, staring at the rabid animal. It was quietly stumbling its way at Lux. Kasha stood up, and jumped past Lux at the creature. She managed to put her teeth on the bottom of its throat int he open wounds and push it back by using her weight. Even if it wasn't much it still affected him. The dog jumped back. Kasha had gotten his windpipe. She snout and neck were caked with blood from the dogs open wound. It cried out, and suddenly fell...dead. Kasha stood back, looking at the rabid animal. 'I just..killed...' She thought, a shadow came down in dread over her eyes. 'I killed a living creature!' She thought, her teeth clenched together. The taste of blood was still in her mouth, she hated it. She could smell blood. She hated that also. 'What am I?!' She thought, her tail went between her legs, out of fear. Her eyes wide with fear. "I killed... I took a life.." Kasha managed to say. 'No. You attacked it to protect your brother.' She tried to find justice in the kill. But it kept coming to the same conclusion. 'You murdered someone.'
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Not to mention curelty to animals.


    Lux's eyes widen further in shock
    as the stray falls dead,
    Kasha's mouth caked in its blood.

    Suddenly he perked up a notion towards Kasha,
    "I appreciate the effort,
    by try to use less force."
    He says plainly,
    his eyes suddenly darting towards the rabidly recuping Bulldog.

    Just so there would be no more lives taken,
    Lux suddenly goes into some kind
    of unknown instinct.

    He flicks his hand in the air with flourish,
    and a deck of Nobody cards just appear in his hand.

    He throws them out quickly,
    all four of them meetting the dog's hindquarters.

    It's back end hit by explosive cards,
    the bulldog leaps up from its spot,
    yipes and darts away riding its backside against the ground as it runs off.

    Surrpised at what himself had done,
    Lux looks down at his hands in astonishment.

    He then looked down to Kasha.
    "You're still wounded,
    we need to get you to a doctor."
    Lux says with self-shocking softness.

    He heaves Kasha up from under,
    not much weight lost in the transformation,
    but she was still slightly easier to carry.

    As he left the alleyway,
    he chuckled a bit.
    "Either that or a veteraniarian
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha saw Lux attack the dog and it suddenly ran. She was surprised at his attack. Kasha was still in shock and fear. She was picked up by Lux. "Dad is going to kill us when he finds out." She said, staring off into space. "There's gotta be a hospital somewhere around here," She thought, and cringed from pain. The only reason she hadn't felt it before was because she had an adrenaline rush. Kasha rested her head on Lux's shoulder for the moment. "Talk about a bad day..." She muttered. It was starting to set in. 'It could've killed us both. Before we could even tell what was happening.' She thought. 'I shouldn't be here right now. I should be bleeding to death in the alley. I've been knifed, and got bite and almost killed by a rabid dog,' Kasha thought, she felt like crying, but held it back. 'God sure as Hell better show me why I'm still alive soon.' She thought, and felt a sharp pain shoot through the nerves of her body. She growled for a moment, trying to push away the pain.
    "Brother," She said to Lux, "I vow to stand by you in any other fights that happen." Kasha said, quietly. She could feel the cold air of the night brush by her. Kasha went quiet, and stared into space. Her body felt numb, the pain was starting to go away, but she couldn't feel her limbs. She didn't feel good. Not good at all.
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