The organisation goes on holiday!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SORA!, May 27, 2008.

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  1. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    ooc-your in ^^

    Nam i lay on her bed
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Lux ran outside,
    the sunset just teetering on the beautiful horizan.

    He rested his elbows on a ledge,
    overlooking a small stream beneath the bridge.

    He just couldn't believe his vacation,
    with his had just been spoiled by a sister he rarely,
    thank God, would see usually,
    and had totally taken over his entire trip!

    There was not a single bone in his body that wanted her here,
    not now, not ever!

    If there was one thing, just one(!),
    that he could dig up on Kasha that would make their father love her less,
    he'd find it.

    After all,
    Kasha was gone most of the time and there
    were ways of finding out what she was doing,it was all a matter of wiles and thought.

    He waited outside for Kasha to join him,
    still watching the sun slowly sink below the sea in a redened aura.

    on a scale of one to ten,
    how's my RP on both accounts as Lux and Luxord?

    I can't really say I could judge anybody else's but,
    HellKitten's, which is probably a 8,
    because nobody else has really writes that much yet....>.>.....<.<....xD
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Lanex joined his friend and asked, "Don't you think it's weird that Saix and Xemnas actually had a girl?"
  4. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked at a clock, she was thinking of her choices. 'I could go and follow him, or I could go back to the room and set up a trap,' She pondered. 'I don't think I'll have the time to set up a trap...' She thought, and then followed to where Lux was. It'd probably annoy him just as much for her to be at there with him. "I don't like that," She said quietly to Lux when walking out to him. "I don't like how our dad treats me differently than you." Kasha said lowly to Lux, standing by him.

    OoC://I don't quiet understand what you mean. xP
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    You will,
    right here.


    Luxord rings the bell once more,
    slightly annoyed at the insignifigance
    of the hotel staff.

    He dings the bell a couple of more times,
    more furiously until a tan hand with long red nails places
    itself over his own.

    Luxord, slightly confused,
    looks from his hand,
    to the the other,
    then up the long thin arm,
    then to the shoulders,
    around the neck,
    and into the soft green eyes of an angel.

    "You don't have ta kill the blasted thing, Sir."
    The women with the green eyes smartly notes,
    Luxord completely aghast.

    She had auburn hair of the purest maple leaves,
    the eyes of clovers against the pastor,
    lips red like the sun in Aughust,
    a figure that would make a monk cry.

    She wore a midriff green t-shirt,
    only slightly loose,
    the hips of the jeans she wore low-cut could
    be seen without looking over the counter.

    Best off,
    she most likely had to be in her late 20's,
    beauty still wrapping her over like a present at christmas time.

    For the first time,
    in his entire life,
    Luxord was speechless.
    His hand still on the bell and rested under hers.

    He must have been hanging in heaven for at least five minutes tanding there,
    both of them speechless,
    but the beauty only not electing to speak.

    Luxord began to piece words together.
    "I-I need....a r-r-room."
    Luxord says nervously,
    the woman turning on heel and walking away from behind the counter,
    and returning moments later with a key.

    "Didn't ye already have one?"
    The woman asks curiously,
    speaking in a soft Irish accenting,
    handing the key over to Luxord.

    Luxord stutters for a moment,
    and nods,
    taking the key and placing in his pant pocket.
    "I did....but my kids are sharing a room."
    He states without thinking first.
    Uh oh, mentioned the kids...not good!

    The woman gives a nod and grabs a notepad and a pen.
    She asks,
    looking more at the notepad than him.

    He says quickly.

    She asks,
    still needing the information.

    Luxord grunts,
    scratching his chin nonchantly.

    The woman looks up from the pad slightly surprised.
    "You don't a have a bloody last name?!"
    She practically yells.

    "One...might say that, yes..."
    Luxord says matter-of-factly.

    "Alright then....Luxord Doe...."
    She says slowly,
    finishing the registry.

    She puts down the pen and smiles,
    "You're all set, Mr. Doe."
    She says smartly.

    Luxord grins back.
    "And may I know your name?"
    He replies charmingly,
    starting to gain his balance with her.

    The woman blinks a couple of times,
    She says curtly with a smile.

    Luxord is caught off guard for a moment as well.
    "You mean you were shocked at my lack of family name,
    when you have not yourself?"
    He asks curiously.

    She stares right into with a devilish grin.
    "I do....but it's for ye to find out, Mr. Doe."
    She says tauntingly,
    leaving the counter entirely.

    Luxord still bears his own smile,
    even though the day is gone,
    the sun will rise tomorrow.

    He throws the key in his pocket into
    the air and catches it in his hand again,
    deciding to retire to his room before going out.

    Lux, outside,
    sneers at Kasha's lie.
    "Yeah...I'm sure."
    He moans disdianfully,
    and with meaning,
    not even looking at her.

    He wheels around now to face her,
    though not looking anymore enthusiastic.
    "Where to?"
    He says with dull emotion.
  6. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Fine," Kasha said, turning her back to Lux. She glanced at him over her shoulder, "Where too? I don't care. Whatever helps you sleep at night." Kasha said calmly, a relaxed grin slid over her face, it looked quiet like her father's smile. "Where do you want to go?" She asked him in a relaxed tone.
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    really annoyed at Kasha's actions,
    looks around at the local shops.

    He spots one restuarant with the British flag waving in front of it,
    and smiles.

    "I'm hungry,
    let's eat there."
    Lux suggests,
    pointing to the pub, bar, and eatery.

    He starts walking in its direction before Kasha can put up an arguement.
  8. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Fine." Kasha said, the same devilish smile on her face, she started in stride but went to a normal walk after two strides. "I ain't hungry though," She muttered under her breath, she quickly caught up with Lux. "Go on disbelieving me, but you'll know the truth that I don't like how he treats you soon enough," She said to Lux, and she was no longer smiling. Kasha hated when he wouldn't believe her. 'Its so annoying when he does that...' She thought, but let his attitude go. 'Don't let him take your good energy and turn it into bad energy.'
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Lux had the sudden hurting sensation that Kasha
    was thinking Lux was trying to make her mean.

    He scoffs and opens the door to the pub,
    allowing the courtesy of opening the door to let her in.
    Before she could answer,
    he adds,
    "I'm luxord's Kid, not Xadlin's...."
    He says slightly hurt.

    He wasn't really sure if the sensation he had was right about Kasha.

    But sometimes he did feel as though he could connect with her thoughts....
    And almost wondered if she could do the same....

    Back in his own room,
    Luxord opens his black breifcase,
    looking over the neatly packed contents.

    He ultimately took his toothbrush,
    in a germ protecting box,
    some toothpaste,
    a bathrobe,
    a bottle of Woodhue Cologne, preffering the older scent,
    and a change of clothes,
    the same exact suit he wwore now.

    All his contents in arm,
    he leaves his room,
    balances his things,
    and manages to lock the door before he headed for the nearby bathroom.
  10. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked at Lux, quickly. "Yeah," She murmured. "Same here..." She said, quietly. Kasha looked up, she didn't like the smell of the pub. It smelt like alcohol to her. Kasha didn't like it. 'Get used to it.' She thought to herself, and looked around quietly, she glanced at Lux . She had a nervous look for a moment. 'Sibling rivalry,' She thought, her thoughts had suddenly seemed to drop from happiness, but she tried to keep in a happy mood. Kasha sighed, and closed her eyes for a moment. 'I've totally ruined his vacation. He's the one who should be having the vacation with dad, I shouldn't be here. I should be back at the farm helping to break and race horses...' She thought, one hand on her hip and then she looked up, and stood up straight.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    OCC: Xemnas and Saix are both males, so it's impossible for them to have a girl, yet they do.
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    isn't it also impossible for them to heradatorilly have boys as well....?


    Lux walks in after Kasha,
    the sound of clinking glasses,
    people talking and laughing,
    and the sound of billard balls hitting one another periodically.

    The smell of Rye,
    toasted bread,
    and other things filled his nose.

    He looks all around,
    looking for a free table.

    The only one he could find was a two-seat,
    the seats facing eachother, regretabbly,
    far in the corner....

    He groans,
    worrying of the otucome.
    "C'mon, before it's taken.."
    Lux says to Kasha,
    heading towards the table.
  13. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked at Lux and followed after him. "Fine," She said, walking closely behind him. Kasha looked around at all the people. 'Hopefully there won't be any bar fights.' Kasha thought, and half-grinned, silently. Kasha grabbed a chair and sat down, she didn't feel like looking at Lux. She wasn't hungry, she was just there to be with her brother, and possibly annoy him. It was her job to annoy him, after all. 'She glanced at Lux from the corner of her eye, she was somehow studying him to see what would annoy him.
  14. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sorry I left so suddenly.


    Lux looks around,
    basically to see if somebody would come.

    While looking around,
    he was disghusted to see two people making out,
    and the worst part,
    he and he were having a good time...

    He quickly turned his head the other way,
    just as a waitress came by.
    He said quickly,
    but he was too late,
    she passed without a word.

    Another harried waitor sped by with balancing plates,
    but Lux couldn't get his attention either.

    His stomach made a growling protest,
    "Stupid fast metalobism......"
    he curses under his breath,
    slamming his forehead onto the table with a clatter.

    While he just stared at the hard wood,
    an annoying Nassily kid voice rose into his ears.
    "It's about time you called,
    we thought you'd never call any of us!"
    The voice yells,
    and slowly Lux raises his head.

    He looked the waitor up and down.
    The guy awfully weird looking.

    In a red vest,
    white apron,
    and black pants,
    he looked like some kind of lame young Jerry Lewis impersonator.

    In fact...he almost looked exactly like a much young Jerry Lewis.....
    Lux dug into his ear from the ringing,....
    and definately sounded like him too.

    Lux, acting cool, looks at the guy's name tag:
    Melvin M. Melvin....?
    Yup...this guy sure was living in another time.....

    He looked to kasha, and then to Melvin.
    "I'll have a coke, and she'll have a-"
    Lux orders his drink,
    and gestured for Kasha to finish.

    Meanhwhile Melvin was scribbling "Coke" into his notepad,
    writing with his eyes close to the paper,
    as if trying to solve a difficult math equation.
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked at the waiter, "I'll have Ginger Ale, please." She said, and broke eye contact with the man, she glanced at him name tag and went quiet. 'If I were to take a lucky guess, I'd want to say his middle name would be Melvin.' Kasha thought, 'The noise of this place is starting to annoy me.' She thought, it seemed to be the same repetitive noises, she wondered if Lux's ears were starting to hurt from the noise. She doubted it though, neither did she say anything to Lux. Kasha knew she'd probably get back an annoying answer.

    OoC://I left a note in the departure lobby, I've got to go to my brother's graduation, I'll be gone till Saturday unless something happens and I'm gone till Sunday, but I doubt it.
  16. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    'Nami! get down here!'Roxas called up

    she groaned and left her room
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc what has happened so far?
  18. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Not much...
    No, not kidding... Not much....

    HellKitten has joined as Kasha Dwyre,
    daughter of Luxord and brother of Lux,
    who is currently at the same Britsh resteraunt Lux is at,
    sitting at the same table because their father told Kasha she could go out,
    but also told Lux he must watch his sister.
    Basically playing the "Favorite" card with Kasha,
    making Lux jealous.

    So they're being waited on by a young Jerry Lewis Lookalike,
    who goes by the JerrLewisim name: Melvin M. M.(Melvin Melvin) Melvin.

    And as for Luxord,
    he's met a nice Irish lass,
    which I set-up because Luxord's unknown wife is dead,
    and he's going to take a shower in the hotel's exqusite bathroom.

    Nam is in her room, as far as I know,
    and now Roxas is calling her down.

    Don't know much else than that...


    Lux, quite curious of Melvin's name tag,
    right as the funny-looking waitor was scribbling "Gator Ade"
    into his notepad,
    notes cooly,
    "Say....that's a nice name you got there."
    A slight bit of Sarcasm in his voice.

    Melvin looked from his notepad,
    then straight out,
    then down at Lux.
    "Well you see, I got the name from my mutha."
    Melvin notes shyly,
    in the same nassily kid accent.

    Lux looked Melvin in the eye as if proving the waitor's stupidness.
    "Well most people are..."

    "Oh no! You see my full name is Melvin Melvin Melvin Melvin."
    Melvin replies,
    trying to explain,
    but harshly failing.

    "I don't catch ya so far, pally."
    Lux says,
    surprising himself by almost sounding like Dean Martin.

    "Wel you see....when I was a kid,
    my mutha would always get mad at me and say:
    "Melvin, Melvin, Melvin!"
    Melvin goes on,
    groaning out his own name thrice at the end.

    "Sounds rough..."
    Lux says skeptically.

    "Well ya see, it sorta clicked."
    Melvin goes on.

    "Could we just get the drinks now,
    I'm sorry I asked...."
    Lux moans,
    absolutely annoyed that his annoying night was getting...welll....

    Melvin did a sloopy salute,
    and raced off to the kitchen to get
    the Budweiser Beer, and the Gator Ade,
    which he beleived the kids had orderd.
  19. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc thanks

    I'll come in when there's something I can do
  20. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha watched them, with amusement. She thought of saying something but went quiet. She waited till Melvin was out of earshot. "Poor *******," She muttered under her breath, looking at the table. Kasha heard two distant voices of boys talking, she glanced across the bar. They were talking rather loudly. Annoyingly. What they were talking about was rather... adult. Kasha crossed her arms on the table and put her head down with a sigh.
    She would've told them to 'shut up' but decided against it. She was afraid to say anything, because of the fear that they were most likely carrying a knife or weapon of some sort.

    OoC:// lol. I shared my hotel room with my brother,(the one I get along well with) and I was supposed to share it with he other one, who was graduating(why I went away), but he got totally drunk with all his friends and stayed at their house. It was the best vacation eva lol xD
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