The Order of Nobodies RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Tikem, Jun 9, 2007.

  1. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "I see. So would my alchemy help the process at all?"
  2. BlackSigma Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 1, 2006
    Soragakure no Sato(Village Hidden in the Sky)
    "It might be usefull to mantence the molecular structure but if its comes to memories only rosary can help"*Alex Said somthing in ancient Lenguage*and then said to Xemit Come ii will introduce you to Morgana
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 double posted?....isn't that not allowed?
  4. BlackSigma Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 1, 2006
    Soragakure no Sato(Village Hidden in the Sky)
    Occ. how do i know if no one posted for long time then the site Wont Automarge Duble posts But ill do somthing with thet

    BIC:*as Alex Was Leading Xemit To Morgana's
    Hall a Dark portal opened in fron of them and from it a girl with Long auburn hairs and green eyes Went out She was wearing Black Purple Barrier Jacket and claw like weapon on her right hand She then said to Alex*"Forgive me my lord thay dicovered me but i have the rosary
    and i badly hurted thair Leader he wond be able to fight for some time"*Alex the replied*"don't worry about it Finaly the time hes come Today the new era will finaly begin,Now Give it to me"the girl then Gived Cross like pedant to Alex Who Then said*"Asuka you have done well Now go get some rest and met new members of our Family Now to the inner sanctum "*Alex then teleported to Inner sanctuary Where his bady was Prepered and Started the ritual after around hour
    Incredible force Traveled trught the nearby Worlds And ritual was finaly complited Alex then Apeared Before orders castle he hed Red eyes and he was wearing Black Version of his old Barrier Jacket With Golden Braclet like Ornaments on his wrists and golden plates on his shouders There was couple of ribbon like shields Floting behind him on one on hight of his belt was covering his back and second With was Flouting around hight of his neck and covered beck of his head He then sadi to him self*finaly My power is back now Lets see how 'thay" going to react"

    OOC:Is this Ok and Now about Alex This is called Awaking its special Form in Whith expect Phisical Changes he also Changed His battle style And focused purly on magical or magicly Enchented attack He hes Five types of skills first is called Spellable Techniques -Magic like special skills ,The second is called Mage Storm And it alows Alex To use Evry magic Spell
    The third is called Fonic Arts And Are used to Boost Spells power or to cast Meny spells at once Fourth is Simply called Others and it contains skills thet cant be clasificated to any of Previous Types and the lest one is called Wicca
    And its magic Shaped From desires , Skills From this grupe are Alex's Ultimate Weapon And most of them attacks All Enamies or large Area he also hes three Unique I.S type skills and Creators Skills