The one show everyone seems to hate.

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by reptar, Jul 27, 2010.


    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    C'mon. You know how it feels, when you say you like a show and then your friend or someone else is like "That show sucks" So just post it here.

    This is just me blabbering so yeah.

    TMNT (2003-09)

    Obviously people liked it enough for it to go for 6 years (which is an amazing length for an american cartoon). But fans of the 1980's one scoff at this and say they butchered it, made it terrible and everything. Excuse me? Have you seen it again by any change? The 1980s one was obviously made for a younger demographic and that to mention it had terrible script and they would use the same old tricks (like the Technodrome disappearing). Of course I still like that show. But anyways to the 03 version, It was surprisingly dark for a 4kids show, amazing fight sequences along with spectacular animation and not to mention one of the most amazing series finale ever.

    TL;DR= 80'S TMNT fans butthurt over 03 version

    Transformers Animated (2007-2009)

    Yeah, this show was definitely a lot more different than the original and early series, But when you compare this to more of the later Transformers series this is honestly good. The first thing all fans notice is the completely different style, now honestly I liked this alot more than the ******ed CG Transformers seen in the anime. Of course the show was really kiddy and annoying but when you got through it, It was pretty awesome. Not to mention the human is actually a pretty interesting character and not some dumb standby human.

    TL;DR= 80's Tranformers fans butthurt over 07 version
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Gilmore Girls
    Most people I know that discover my adoration for this show just complain that Rory is the most annoying character in the world, but it's so wonderful. <3 The people that haven't really ever watched the show just write it off as a drama, but it's just really clever and sweet, haha.

    That's the only one I can think of for now. :3
  3. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    The following is my opinion on TF:A; put in spoilers so people that don't want to read it don't have to. xD
    I pretty much hated the most recent Transformers series; Armada is the exception. The plot of Energon and Cybertron wasn't too bad, the just made it suitable for five year olds and had shittastic CGI. It's like they didn't put effort in at all.
    As for Animated...yes, as an 80s/90s fan I really don't like it. The animation's too different for what Transformers has been, and I don't like how they switched up voice actors for Optimus and Megatron. It doesn't feel right, and I especially hate how they changed some of the bots' alt modes.
    Soundwave is a spy, not a car with a guitar. I can understand modernization, but Bay's movie version made more sense than the cartoon.
    Granted some stuff from the 80s was kind of cheesy, but christ, robots don't even die in the recent series. The exception was Unicron, and even then he became a black hole threatening to devour Cybertron Primus CYBERTRON goddammit.
    Also enough with the humans, Armada did a decent job incorporating them because of the Minicons's sizes but recently it's been all "derpderp humans everywhere", in both the animated series and movies. The 80s had Spike and Daniel. The recent ones have had...2+ with each new series, and then there was that whole cluster**** at the end of Cybertron, and while it connected all of the Unicron Trilogy, made absolutely no sense. Time continuum wat.

    There is so much more I could say about this but I think it's long enough, lol.
    I did like the 2003 TMNT though xD

    Anyway, for me, it's the Clerks series.
    It's been a short cartoon, several movies, and other things, but most people I know find it tasteless. It kind of is, but that doesn't mean it's not funny.
    Plus I know almost all the places where Clerks I and II were filmed, so it's like local pride. xD
  4. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I bet no one expects what I'm about to say :lolface:

    Kamen Rider
    Putting aside the fact it is an early Sunday morning Japanese kids show (with lots of very serious adult fans for some odd reason) it's actually pretty entertaining. It was originally made to be a more family TV friendly version of the manga Skull Man (I think it's called that). So instead of people exploding into body parts they exploded into fire. With them being cyborgs, every time they got hit in they're alter ego form sparks would fly off (but that didn't really happen in the original). The first Kamen Rider series was a good show, family fun and yet still violent and with a gripping story of minor revenge and doing justice to defeat the evil organisation that created the Kamen Riders but failed to brainwash them. After that new Kamen Rider series started appearing and in some of the episodes and characters they would all link together making a great series of shows. Then after Kamen Rider Black RX they made movies and Saban created Masked Rider which brought the bar down for anyone who would see Kamen Rider from the western audience, as well as the fact the Power Rangers (which is made from Super Sentai which was created because of Kamen Rider) was already on it's run.

    I only got into Kamen Rider around the time of Decade when Gackt made the theme song. I started watching out of wonder for "Wtf is this?" and ended up liking it and watching all the Heisei series (except Kuuga cause the subs for that are horrible) and a few Shouta era series. And because of the most recent series Kamen Rider W I've started to actually think the story can get better from the wacky childish behaviour; annoying confrontations or obvious plot outcomes. So here's hoping it gets better.

    Either way, people tend to look down on it for being a kids show (technically) and the fact that because of the Power Rangers western audiences think that all Toku is the same. Well, Kamen Rider is a little more adult than our kid shows since the Japanese have different tolerances. E.g. You'll see a lot of people die with blood in Japanese Kamen Rider.
    Unfortunately, some one decided to make a Kamen Rider series based on Ryuki which IMO was pretty crappy. They did a lot of unnecessary things and thanks to 4Kids when a Rider dies they go to the Kamen Rider version of the Shadow Realm. Then I find out that they claim Kamen Riders are all aliens. I gave up.
    Anywho, the Japanese Kamen Rider shows are pretty good if you look past the "Power Rangers" front that is engraved in many peoples minds.

    Actually, I could say this about any Toku show I've seen like Rescue Fire or Garo (which is actually for adults intentionally).
  5. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Not everyone hates it, but quite a few do: Family Guy.
    The humour is just so awful I usually laugh my ass off everytime I watch an episode of the show, I like toilet humour.
    Other than that I'm pretty good with liking shows that pretty much everyone else also loves, so, no problem for me really.
  6. Cloud.Strife. Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 5, 2010
    Memory's Skyscraper
    When i was little, my dad forced me to watch hour after hour of Rugratz. The incredibly crappy graphics and stupid humor drove my brain into doing something i'd never done. It's amazing how much a two year olds jaws can hurt a adults hand XD
  7. Reij Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 25, 2010
    Wizards of the Waverly Place

    It's not like any of my friends doesn't like it, but the problem is, that any of them don't friggin know the show. Always when I'm excited about telling about the humor and jokes on the show to my classmates or my friends back at home, everyone is showing excited faces and afterwards looking oddly at me and asking, "what's that show again, you say?"

    Timon & Pumba

    I was seriously hyped about the show back at elementary school, and everyone else were watching their soap-operas and beginning to turn to pre-teens so anyone didn't care about cartoons anymore ('cept my best friend, we watched those animations all night, ha) and God, I did hear it many times in school when I said I was late because I watched the show on the morning. I didn't feel humiliated, but proud to watch the shows.
  8. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Pushing Daisies

    I knew quite a few people who didn't particulary liked the series, though frankly I adored the show and its pretty saddening that it didn't continue. The main character Ned, first learned of his power to resurrect the dead with a single touch through childhood, when he saw his mother die from a bloodclot. However there was two catches: If you touch the person you've resurrected, they die permanently. The other one was that if you let the living dead live for more than a minute, another life would be taken in its place. Could be anyone.

    Many years later and Ned is working in a shop called 'The Pie Hole.' He helps solve murder cases from time to time with the detective, timing how long the dead lives (and tell both Ned and the Detective who killed em), plus also making sure that it doesn't last any longer than a minute. However, when Ned went to a funeral on the first episode to investigate with the Detective, he finds out that the dead person is his childhood sweetheart, and while he was talking to her, a minute had passed and another life had taken the sweetheart's place. Although Ned cannot touch her again, he allows her to work with him and the Detective etc. Its got some pretty hilarious dialogues and epic plot twists, and I absolutely adored watching every second of it...
  9. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    My Life as a Teenage Robot.
    It does (there are more bad episodes than good) kinda suck, but, I have an unhealthy obsession with the characters (Jenny, Sheldon particularly). The cast just wasn't being handled the way they deserved to (the show ignored character development in favor of juvenile humor).
  10. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    After season 4 it started to suck, but I still enjoy watching it(even if Booth and Bones won't DO ANYTHING). It's one of my favorite shows, and it probably always will be.

    American Idol.
    I love it, because I love singing. None of my friends like it, and I know it has gotten stupid since Paula left, and now with Simon gone it will probably suck worse. I will still watch it until it is canceled c:

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
    Even I only liked the first 3 seasons before I moved to Angel, but hell, it's an interesting show, and I like it.
  11. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    spongebob squareppants
    for some reason everyone i know hates it saying its just childish and pointless...Personally I love it
  12. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Lucky Star

    A lot of people don't like it, aying that it has absolutely no point, but as a show, I actually really liked it. It was interesting to follow the lives of Konata and the others and funny to boot.

    I gues a lot of people didn't like it because they just didn't get it, even though I did.
  13. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Ths is probably one of the few shows these days that can actually make me laugh out loud. It's very funny and I love the drama element to it. Some people may not like this show because a lot of the laugh are pretty childish. It is true, but I just learned not to care so much.

    Now, I will admit that the latest X-play isn't as good as the old one. The best thing about that show was it's comidic reviews and skits. I do wish that they would do more of it instead of being so serious. However, a few episodes and reviews have reminded me of the good old days of x-play.