No Thanks The number of posts/threads in the spamzone compared to all of the other sections

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by JedininjaZC, Oct 15, 2009.

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  1. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    The purpose of this project is to:
    1. Find out the percentage of threads & posts are in the spam zone compared to the other threads.
    2. Find a way to make khvids more enjoyable.
    Hypothesis: 60% of all threads belong to the spam zone.

    • Calculator
    • Keyboard
    O- Other sections
    S- Spam zone
    T- Threads
    P- Posts
    A- All

    Find the percentage of posts in the spam zone compared to the whole forum:

    Find the percentage of posts all the other sections compared to the whole forum:

    Find the percentage of threads in the spam zone compared to the whole forum: 100(St/At)

    Find the percentage of threads in all the other sections compared to the whole forum: 100(Ot/At)

    Number of threads in the spam zone: 45,031
    Number of threads in all the other sections: 35,498
    Total number of threads: 80,529
    100(35,498/ 80,529)= 44.08%
    100(45,031/80,529)= 55.91%

    Number of posts in the spam zone: 834,747
    Number of post in all the other sections: 1,064,359
    Total number of posts: 1,899,106
    100(834,747 / 1,899,106)= 43.9%
    100(1,064,359/1,899,106)= 56.04%

    Conclusion: The spam zone holds 55.9% of all the threads in khvids, and 43.9% of the total posts (based of the numbers added up 30 minutes ago).

    Each day (this is a rough estimate) about 10-20 threads are made in the spam zone, since they are made so quickly they are easily forgotten, and thus have less post. Not to mention a lot of the threads made in the spam zone are very unexciting.

    Possible solution: If the hours that the spam zone is allowed to be open is limited, then khvids could be a brighter and less boring place. The only problem of course is that Khvids has members in different time zone. To combat this, the spam zone should be opened randomly everyday, kind of like a jack in the box. If this is done more activity will run through the rest of the sections, and there will still be time to play around. After all recess gets boring after awhile, and the longer recess is open the more kids you will have crying that someone punched them, or they scrapped their knee, ect.

    Special thanks to- Emblended, and the education system.
  2. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    Wow two responses that have less than five words, and are not precise to "what isn't needed". You guys are so convincing that you should really become politicians (sarcasm). Please try writing an analysis (at least a paragraph long) of the project that was presented to the forum with clear wording.
    Until then don't bother posting.
  3. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008

    Why do you want this anyways? What's the point of it?
  4. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...

    That information has already been provided to you.
  5. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I don't even know if this is possible.

    And hey look, Emblendered's talking through you since his disjointed argument about things being too strict/not strict/boring/Idon'tevenknow was closed.

    Forcing people to post in places doesn't work. People will leave. Randomly opening and closing the spam zone would solve nothing, as the posts that would usually go in the spam zone would find homes elsewhere.

    Guys, the forum is pretty damn active, and for the people that are here for KH stuff probably don't find it "boring and dull".

    We won't be changing the spam zone. It's there for SPAM. Which prevents it from overflowing into other sections.
    If only a small amount of people (two so far) don't like the fact there's a spam zone...don't post in it.
    Again, if you want to continue this crusade against the spam zone, PM me.

  6. Repliku Chaser

    We're not shutting down the spam zone for particular hours etc. If you want to post somewhere else, you should. If you don't, don't. The Spam Zone is just one part of the forum, meant for light chat on whatever and humour. Big deal if it is used more than other areas? It really is not that important. I find it almost disturbing that someone would care so much that they'd do out math formulas on it. xD Sick, man. sick.
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