The New Keyblade Masters

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doxyc, Apr 4, 2007.

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  1. Doxyc Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 2, 2007
    in a box
    Info: This is manly about...the keyblade war. You can be what ever you want. you need a name, a keyblade, what you look like, and what side your on. here ill show you;

    Name: Doxyc
    Keyblade: Redemption (go to my signature to see my keyblade)
    Looks: go to my signature to see what i look like.
    Side: Light

    you cannot have the same keyblade as anyone ells be creative and think of your own!!! ^_^

    Story Line: 2 (or 3) people go to other worlds searching for new keyblade wielders (new people) and train for the keyblade war.

    You can join when ever you want. just put down your information. k!!! =]

    RP:I walked down a deserted path, wearing the same stuff as cloud did in Final Fantay VII Advent Children. With hair similar to Clouds but my hair was Purple. My Green eyes glancing at everything that surronded me, but sadly nothing was there, but glass pillers with pictures of princeses. And a voice...telling me what to do...who is that? I wondered as it guided me threw the laberanth. About half way threw it i got a strange weapon that resembles a key. I got to the end to meet other person standing infront of a door...i ran up to them eager to meet find out if they know whats going on...

    (i have attatched to this a picture of the keyblade i have)

    Attached Files:

  2. Dawn King's Apprentice

    Is this how you want it?

    I got up in the middle of the night, waking up due to my dog's barking. A strange yellow glowing eyes looks at me in my room out of the floor! Call upon the Keyblade. A voice said. I twirl around, searching for the voice. Those strange creatures that are in front of me stalk closer and I took a step back against the wall. Hikari continues to bark and growl at it as it multiplies. When I knew I could no longer go any further, my hands shielded my face. A blinding white flash before my eyes! The handle is blood-red with skull marks on it with pitch-black blade. At the edge of it is a broken heart shape. This is your Eliminator of Demise Keyblade.

    Name: DT
    Keyblade: Eliminator of Demise
    Looks: Long wavy dark hair down to hips wearing a dark red top and black capris.
    Side: Neutral
  3. Xarend Banned

    Apr 11, 2007
    The bush in ur backyard
    Apperance: A knight with half black half and sivler armor.
    Keylades: Rapture and Tenbrex
    Side: Dark

    Xarend walked toward this giant stone box he looked at it then he jumps on to of it...then all of a sudden it started to glow so he immeditly jumped off of it and watched it turn into a giant key like thing
  4. Crimson Bullet Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 14, 2007
    Are most Role players here not very good because from what i have seen no one is good at this But where is the story line at i dont see any defenitive plot
  5. Xarend Banned

    Apr 11, 2007
    The bush in ur backyard
    Occ: Now u see u dont come up in the hood and start dissin us. if u dont like the way be do stuff around here just leave
  6. Jec86N Moogle Assistant

    Name: Jec
    Keyblade: Cloud
    Looks: Average body type, green eyes, brown short hair, 5'7".
    Side: Neutral

    I was walking through Traverse Town. When I was suddenly attacked by bandits. They circle around me like vultars and I was there pray. As they began to attack a flash of light blinded all of us. Suddenly I had a key like weapon. The weapon was known as a keyblade. It's name Cloud Keyblade. Once they regain sight they attacked I defended myself with the Keyblade. I took out three guys without a problem and I attacked the fourth guy. Before I knew it I was slashing at a guy in mid air. I finish off the fourth guy. Once last was there. He put away his knife that he had and pulled out a sword. We both attacked and started fight in mid air again. I pulled away and landed on my feet. While the bandit fell in some barrels. He got up out of the barrels and attacked. I dodged by jumping up in the air and doing a flip until I was upside down and I attacked and did another flip to land on my feet. The fifth and final bandit fell to the ground. After that I decided to find a place to stay for the night. I woke up the next day. I decided that I need to go to a different world. Since now I have the keyblade I will be a target and shouldn't stay in one place for far too long. I got up and found a gummie vessel to hitch a ride on. Once I was on the gummie ship took off. I stayed there until the ship went to the location they were going. Once we hit the world I teleported out of the gummie ship and was under water and was a merman. "Wait what is going on?" I asked. The pilots of the gummie ship turned around. "Who are you" one of them ask. "My name is Jec and I needed a ride. But not to this place" I said. "Well lucky we didn't catch you we would have thrown you off as soon as possible." "Thanks" I said. "No problem" said one them. They both swam away and I swam in the opposite direction. I tried to find out what world I was on but I found no one. Then a fish swam by. "Hey what world is this" I asked. "This is Atlantica" said the fish. "Thanks" I replied. I swam until I ended up in the city of Atlanitca. I went around looking for a nice place to stay the night and find a way off the world. I don't like to be a fish much. I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard fighting not far from the Kingdom. I went to take a look and found merman soldiers and King Triton fighting off the heartless. No doubt I knew that the heartless came to this world because of my keyblade. I quickly swam away as far as I could. I soon found a port that beams anyone to a gummie ship. "So somebody else has a gummie ship and his hear" I said. I took the port to the gummie ship. Once on the gummie ship I flew away from the world as fast as I could. Since I was not watching where I was going I soon was on a colision course with a world. I tried to pull away so I won't crash but I was too late. The gummie vessel crash and was smash to pieces. I regain consiousness and looked around. I was in a blacksmith's shop. "Hello there welcome to Port Royal" said a man. I laid back down hoping I was just sleeping. Once I re awoke I stood up and talked to the black smith of finding a way out of Port Royal. Unfortionately there wasn't anyway off his world but perhaps to a different location of his world. "A ship is going to set sail soon, I have no idea where it is going but you might be able to find a way off this world" said the black smith. "Thank you" I replied as I walked out. I found the ship that was leaving harbor and I stow away on it. It came to another island called Tortuga. Once we were in the harbor I snuck off the ship to find a way off of Port Royal. I found someone there with a gummie ship. "You have a vessel that can leave this world" I said. "Yes" replied the man. "May I come aboard I don't care where you go" I said. The man paused. "Yes I don't mind but this is a one way trip" he said. "Understood" I replied. We went to his gummie ship. Once aboard we went off to another world. As we were on our way the gummie ship was under attack. It was under attack from Monstro. Monstro came out of no where and ate us. The vessel went to its belly. Once it reached Monstro's belly the ship lost an important gummie. It was the navigation gummie. Without no one can pilot the ship. "Stay here I'll go find the navigation gummie" I said. "Thanks" said the man. "No problem besides if I don't help you neither of us will get out of here" I said. So I went to go find the navigation gummie.
  7. blazeknight Moogle Assistant

    May 21, 2007
    kickass! kay lemme think...

    name: phen
    keyblade: warp needle
    looks: normal body with short black hair and silver eyes.
    side: light

    it was a normal day. I was at home reading a good book when a dark cloud started to hover in the sky. "rain? oh crap! mom told me to bring the laundry in! it'll get all wet!" I dropped my book and dashed out the door to the back yard. suddenly, gigantic blobs began falling from the cloud and landed next to me, and took on the form of somthing that resembelled a big ant. (i'm talking about the shadow heartless.) they began to slowly walk towards me. I started to panic. I tried to run, but tripped. the sky turned pitch black. these creatures would murder me if I didn't do somthing. Then there was a bright flash of light. I was in a white room with a strange man holding what looked like a key covered in spikes. "time to start your training..." the giant key disapeered from his hand and reapeared in my own, and the white room disapeered and i was back in the yard with the creatures standing over me. I heard the man's voice again: "this is the power of the warp needle keyblade..." I felt my body vanish and reapear behiend the creatures. "whoa, teleporty. keyblade huh? this things a weapon? worth a try." I accepted the power, and knowlage of the keyblade began to flood my mind. I focused and began to teleport next to the monster, and unleashed a giant slash. with each teleport came another slash, and soon the monsters were no more. the strange man reapeered in a portal of light. "well done. come, it is time to begin." I thought to myself and said: "i
    don't know... will there be snacks?" "of course" "sweet. i'm in." i followed him into the
    portal, and thats when my adventure began...

    i had a pic of my keyblade, but i couldn't attach it.:(
  8. Doxyc Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 2, 2007
    in a box
    as Doxyc walked down the path of his heart he came to a door. after a long time doxyc finally left and appeared in the world of traverson town. "well...that was unexspected." he said to himself as he got up.
  9. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    i'll join

    Name: topaz
    Keyblade: one-winged-angel
    Side: dark

    topaz was sitting on a rock in the middle of the river then suddenly darkness was all round her, topaz opened her eyes and found that she was somewhere else. "i have a gift for you." a voice said, topaz smirked, a keyblade appeared in her hand; topaz looked down at it and just nodded. the darkness disappeared and she found herself in hollow bastion.

    here is what my keyblade looks like:[​IMG]
  10. Jec86N Moogle Assistant

    I searched up and down monstro's belly and found nothing. Then I heard a sound like someone calling. "Oh my god where am I, I was late and now I'm here and I should be there I'm was late late late." Once I saw him I ran after him to see what the problem was. Once I caught him I settle him down. "So how did you get here?" "I was in the royal court of her majesty the Queen of Hearts, but something gravely happen. Creatures came about creatures that is not native to our world. Then more creatures appeared but these weren't like the others. These were shadow creatures I regret to say that I fled my world and was ate by this beast" said the white rabbit. "Wait a sec, you couldn't make it off your world without some kind of a ship" I said. "Well I escaped with a gummi ship and it fell completely apart" said the white rabbit. I looked at the white rabbit with a sparkle in my eye. "But what is left?" "Oh nothing much just a few parts for the engine and outer hall plus the navigation gummi" said the white rabbit. "Your in luck it just so happens that I have a gummi ship still intact we just need a navigation gummi" I said. "Here you can have it" said the white rabbit as he handed me the navigation gummi. "Whats wrong?" "I still have failed her majesty." Then the white rabbit fell backwards as if he was in pain. I went to him to see if he was alright. His heart lifted out of his body and floated towards darkness. A heartless appeard soon after. I pulled out my keyblade and charge at it. But I was stopped by a force and was thrown into the wall of Monstro. Then the heartless shop fire but I sliced the blast. Then used blizzard to freeze my blade then shot a lightening bolt at me and freed my keyblade from the ice. Then I jumped up in the air and was stopped again and my keyblade deflected out of my hands and I was again thrown into the wall of Monstro. The keyblade appeared again in my hands I decided to run. I ran all the way back to the gummi ship and installed it. The owner was too frighten to do anything. After that I fired up the engine and took off as we were getting closer to the mouth of Monstro the ship suddenly stopped. It was that heartless that took the white rabbit's heart. "How does a being like that have so much power" asked the guy. "It's the white rabbit's heart it would have stood strong for his majesty but it couldn't. Since the rabbit couldn't defend his world he fell into darkness but he would have done anything for the his queen. Thats how this heartless has so much power, his heart was strong but not strong enough to find his light." The ship began to lower. I turned down the engines so it wouldn't overload and possibly explode. The owner of the ship panic so badly his heart to fell into darkness. Then another heartless appeared. But his heartless was only a minion I picked it up and threw it at the other heartless. The heartless fell on the ground as the minion landed on it. The I powered the engines and flew off out of the mouth of Monstro as quickly as possible. The navigation gummi had no radar of where we were so I was flying blind again. I flew in the ship for awhile until I came across another world it was called London 1. Once I landed I decided to explore the world as much as possible.
  11. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    I would like to join, but could you guys not post things that long please? considering out of my 3-4 months I;ve been here, I just made one of my rp posts that long but i didn't mean to.

    And why do you guys have such cool keyblades????

    Name: Rexyggor (Gregory)
    Keyblade: Will be Shadowed DAwn (Will post a picture after school gets out and I have time to draw one)
    Appearance: short brown/dirtyblond hair, and bluegreen eyes. wears a white T-shirt with a short-sleeve Blue plad overshirt. Wears cargo-looking shorts. He had black shooes with tan colored stripes on them (he wears this stuff when he leaves, and it apparently never gets dirty, like Sora's clothes). very tanned skin. Usually wears a green hat. ANd has a thin body, but with some muscle-age.
    Side: Light then turns to dark (turns to dark with many badgering from dark sided people)

    Rexyggor was at his home world. It was a beautiful tropical place called Ibara (sound familiar to anyone? I hope so) It was sometimes attack by strange outsiders and he always was around to protect the Tribunal council. He always dreamed of something new, but he never dared say anything because if he did, he would be taken by the Tribunal and then would be most likely killed. That's what happened to the others. He was approached by a boy named Siry who wanted him to join the Jakills. He heard the schpeel about what they were and he agreed. He was now a part of an organization of teens in which their main mission was to reveal the secrets of rest of their world.
  12. Jec86N Moogle Assistant

    I explored London 1 the first London world that was created. I decided to move on so that the heartless wouldn't be able to find me and I wouldn't have to fight them again. I returned to my gummi ship and tried to find a new world to explore for the time to keep the heartless moving. I explored space for many awhile until I came across another world. I landed my gummi ship on the world. Once I landed I asked what world this is it happens to be Beast's Castle.
  13. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    I would like to add something, but I havent been "OK-ed" yet. I would really like to dothis one
  14. Doxyc Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 2, 2007
    in a box
    ooc: what is it?
  15. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    I mean taht I havent yet beenok-ed to do the rp... I wasnt sure if I was good to continue or not
  16. Doxyc Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 2, 2007
    in a box
    ooc: Sure go ahead! XD
  17. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    I will join

    personality: quiet and dark sometimes, he is friendly once he trusts you,, he is very loyal, he is stubborn and never backs down, he loves adventure and isn't afraid to try something new
    appearance: short spiky dark blue hair with black streaks and long bangs and green eyes, he wears baggy jeans and a loose gray tee shirt with a black jacket over it, he is very tan and somewhat muscular, he wears a cream colored band around his right wrist, and he has black and silver sneakers
    keyblade: Dark Moon, it is black with red stripes around it
    other:he lives on Destiny Islands, he also has a wolf friend
  18. Doxyc Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 2, 2007
    in a box
    ooc: Yupp sure you can join!!! XD NOw lets get this show on the ROAD!!! lol

    rp: Doxyc walked along the first district of Travers Town, his hands followed the curvey lines of the buildings around him. As he walked a voice came from around him, " are the of many...that will help..." Doxyc became confused as the voice faded away. He scratched his head then held out his hand causing his keyblade Redemption to appear in his hands. Keyblade...? He thought, he brought it down by his side and kept walking forward.
  19. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    OOC: Ok, I'm joining in for good now.

    BIC: rexyggor was doing fine being a part of the Jakills, until one day...
    It was a day like any other day and he was feeling restless. He wanted to go explore the world, but there was currently no way of leaving the island without being caught.
    Suddenly when he looked out at the water, he saw a long black line at the horizon. It slowly became thicker as time went on and if seemed to look like it was moving. He looked more claosely and found that there were A LOT of many strange black creatures that were creepiung toward the island. He got up and ran to find the Jakills... His world was going to be engulfed into darkness.
  20. Doxyc Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 2, 2007
    in a box
    ooc: am i suppose to put something?
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