The new and improved Orgy

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by ♦Demon♥Angel♦, Dec 5, 2008.

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  1. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Ok. After kingdom hearts 2 and the orgy was destroyed. Kairi, Sora, and Riku thought that everything would go back to normal. I laugh at their hope. Haertless don't rest, and people have strong hearts. A new orgy has formed, and wants the keyblade master to die so they can do what the first orgy did: get hearts. i'm going to be num. 1.

    *you can't take other people's characters.
    *you can curse, I don't give a heck.
    *you can kill people if they want you to or if they say yes.
    *if you are from light don't use that darkness.
    *have fun (lame I know)

    Orgy members
    Superior- Xessie: The Silent Killer(yes, I suck!)
    member 2- Xellon: The Nobody Knight
    member 3- Marix: The Dark Enchanter
    member 4- Xeron: (no title at the moment)
    member 5- Xigma: Keeper of Destiny
    member 6- Xero: The Souless Prince
    mmeber 7- Alexis: The Silent Shadow
    member 8
    member 9
    member 10
    member 11
    member 12
    member 13

    Keyblade masters and other people
    Sephorith- King of Darkness

    (I will take ocs)
    User name:
    OC name:
    what do you look like:
    (if orgy member) title:
    OC people
    User name: Roxas24Sora
    OC name: Xellon
    what do you look like: black skater-style hair, wears pure black Vans shoes
    weapon: A keyblade named Nobody's Resort
    personality: Cheerful, optimistic
    bio: Xellon is Squall Leonhart's Nobody, but neither he or anyone knows that. What's amazing is that he is much younger in age than Squall.
    other: Loves all kinds of rock music, wears a checkerboard wristband like Roxas, and skateboards

    User name: Xanatos
    OC name: Marix
    Gender: Surprisingly, a male
    what do you look like:
    weapon: Rapier
    personality: Marix may act cute and cheerful but in reality he is cold and calculating, has often used his looks to get what he wants.
    bio: Marix's other, Mair, was forced to work as a maid for a wealthy family for his parents debt. He eventualy freed himself from that life but became a nobody soon afterwords.
    other: it's almost impossible to know what he is thinking
    (if orgy member) title: The Dark Enchanter
    Element: Darkness

    User name:Roxas 95
    OC name:Xeron
    what do you look like:Red hair,flirts with girls,blue eyes,also loves skateboards.
    weapon:Oblivion and Oathkeeper
    personality:nice,bright,funny,carefree at times.
    bio:Reno's nobody,he turned into a heartless while he made a visit to Radiant Garden

    User name: Labomba
    OC name: Zigma
    what do you look like:
    weapon: Judgement and Punishment
    personality: Caring and outgoing but when given a mission he will do his best.
    bio: Cloud and Sephiroth's nobody. After the clash between the two their energy created a 3rd body mixing the twos abilities together.
    other: His two swords have spirits that talk to him.
    (if orgy member) title: Keeper Destiny

    User name: GREE06
    OC name: Xero
    what do you look like: Buzzed black hair. Red eyes. Wears Org. cloak. Scar across his forehead.
    weapon: A katana called 'Deathbringer'.
    personality: He is a dark spirit but has some charm and mercy in his heart.
    bio: Xero has a dark side to his life. After he lost his heart he joined the organization in hopes to regain his heart. He is a calm and collected person. Even though he has a love of battle he is easy to get along with. He uses his charm as his advantage.
    other: Is an easy person for anyone to get along with. Even if they are enemies. But don't be fooled.
    (if orgy member) title: The Soulless Prince.

    username: darkblademaster 907
    OC name: Alexis
    Appearance: Long blonde hair and icy blue eyes.
    Weapon: A staff called "The Red Shadow Staff"
    Personality: Alexis is pretty stubborn most of the time, and doesn't interact with others that much. She's mostly quite and secretive about stuff.
    Bio: Alexis's memories were erased when she was little so she doesn't remember much except she hates everything for some reason.
    Other: She can move things with her hands and mind
    (if Orgy Title): The Silent Shadow
  2. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    I'll join! :D

    User name: Roxas24Sora
    OC name: Xellon
    what do you look like: black skater-style hair, wears pure black Vans shoes
    weapon: A keyblade named Nobody's Resort
    personality: Cheerful, optimistic
    bio: Xellon is Squall Leonhart's Nobody, but neither he or anyone knows that. What's amazing is that he is much younger in age than Squall.
    Loves all kinds of rock music, wears a checkerboard wristband like Roxas, and skateboards
  3. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Thank you, bro. Your member 2.
  4. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    Total sweetness!!!

    *does air guitar*
  5. Xanatos Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 10, 2008
    User name: Xanatos
    OC name: Marix
    Gender: Surprisingly, a male
    what do you look like:[​IMG]
    weapon: Rapier
    personality: Marix may act cute and cheerful but in reality he is cold and calculating, has often used his looks to get what he wants.
    bio: Marix's other, Mair, was forced to work as a maid for a wealthy family for his parents debt. He eventualy freed himself from that life but became a nobody soon afterwords.
    other: it's almost impossible to know what he is thinking
    (if orgy member) title: The Dark Enchanter
    Element: Darkness
    Edit: Longer Bio(if intrested)
    Marix's other, Mair, had been born in a family that were in debt to the richest, and cruelest family in that world, the Narcians. Mair's parents had nothing to give the Narcians so when the head of the family learned that Mair's parents were due to have a baby he offered them a deal. He would forgive them of their debt if they would give the child up to him as a servent. If it was a boy, he would work long, painful hours in the heat, but if it was a girl she would work inside the Narcian Mansion as a maid. When Mair's parents gave birth to a boy they feared he would be worked to death. To save Mair from that fate, his parents dressed him like a girl, and he became a maid in the Narcians household. During his time their Mair learned of the darkside of humanity, and since he believed that his parents had abandoned him grew up hatting humanity. He grew up in a world of lies and deception, and soon deceiving people became second nature to him. When Mair was 16 he devised a plot to kill Raphael, the head of the Narcian family, and free himself from his life of servitude. He seceded, but his hatred had brought the heartless to his world, and he ended up pairing along with it.
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    User name:Roxas 95
    OC name:Xeron
    what do you look like:Red hair,flirts with girls,blue eyes,also loves skateboards.
    weapon:Oblivion and Oathkeeper
    personality:nice,bright,funny,carefree at times.
    bio:Reno's nobody,he turned into a heartless while he made a visit to Radiant Garden

  7. Labomba Moogle Assistant

    Jun 7, 2008
    Twilight Town
    User name: Labomba
    OC name: Zigma
    what do you look like: [​IMG]
    weapon: Judgement and Punishment
    personality: Caring and outgoing but when given a mission he will do his best.
    bio: Cloud and Sephiroth's nobody. After the clash between the two their energy created a 3rd body mixing the twos abilities together.
    other: His two swords have spirits that talk to him.
    (if orgy member) title: Keeper of Destiny
  8. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    You guys are in! Well started as soon as we get a keyblade master!
  9. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    User name: King Of Darkness
    OC name: Xark
    what do you look like: White hair and a black cloack. Has a black wing like Sephiroth.
    weapon: A Masamune, fire, darkness, and flight.
    personality: Has misery. Has anger. Likes to taunt people and try to put them down.
    bio: Somebody wished to continue the Jenova experiments with Sephiroth's DNA with a project called Ark. While he was growing up he told his father was Sephiroth and his mother was Jenova. He was feared by the proffessors and workers that created him so he grew to hate them. Eventually that hatred grew along with his misery. Haunted by dreams he one day decided to take his revenge. He escaped the lab after killing everyone who had created them and those who had helped. He leaves the lab in flames and walks out into the world so that he may claim what he thinks his fate is.
    other: Has strange dreams and hears voices talking to him.
    (if orgy member) title:
  10. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Okey dokey. Your in. you no orgy member?
  11. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    I would prefer it if he was not a Organization member.
  12. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Just askin. Ok.
  13. Labomba Moogle Assistant

    Jun 7, 2008
    Twilight Town
    lol typo XD change my title to Keeper of Destiny lol sry
  14. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Thought that was weird looking. will do!
  15. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    I know this might be some trouble but I thought if I was going to ask I should ask before this thing really started. Could I have Sephiroth and Cloud? If so please delet Xark from the list. If I could just have Sephiroth please delete Xark from the list. I wanted to ask that before this thing started.
  16. GREE06 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 19, 2008
    Twilight Town.
    User name: GREE06
    OC name: Xero
    what do you look like: Buzzed black hair. Red eyes. Wears Org. cloak. Scar across his forehead.
    weapon: A katana called 'Deathbringer'.
    personality: He is a dark spirit but has some charm and mercy in his heart.
    bio: Xero has a dark side to his life. After he lost his heart he joined the organization in hopes to regain his heart. He is a calm and collected person. Even though he has a love of battle he is easy to get along with. He uses his charm as his advantage.
    other: Is an easy person for anyone to get along with. Even if they are enemies. But don't be fooled.
    (if orgy member) title: The Soulless Prince.
  17. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    Can I join?

    Here's my bio!

    username: darkblademaster 907
    OC name: Alexis
    Appearance: Long blonde hair and icy blue eyes.
    Weapon: A staff called "The Red Shadow Staff"
    Personality: Alexis is pretty stubborn most of the time, and doesn't interact with others that much. She's mostly quite and secretive about stuff.
    Bio: Alexis's memories were erased when she was little so she doesn't remember much except she hates everything for some reason.
    Other: She can move things with her hands and mind
    (if Orgy Title): The Silent Shadow
  18. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Can do bro!! You can have Sephy. I think it would be fair if somebody else had Cloud.
  19. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Thanks and your right that does sound fair. Thanks again.
  20. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    Heyas, can i add as
    Liolex (liox for short)

    and use Illusions and light as my element
    and my weapon with will be 1 single sword :P
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