In this game, you have to make a cheat code........that is never ending, I'll give you an example. Poster 1: You must enter the cave of hojo and kill the dimigod, once you do that it will open a portal to New Jersey Poster 2: When you enter New Jersey, find the old man with one eye and one arm, he will tell you the secrets of the forbidden candy cane. You see? It has to be connected and random, and with that I will start first: When the moon is full, find the girl who gave you her number on Tuesday, call that number insted of the girl calling back you will summon a bus get on the bus and tell the driver to go to lane 978, the driver will give you a look and drive to lane 978.
Take the Stilton cheese and feed it to a hobo using only your feet. He will give you a shiny key used to unlock a warehouse on the South side of town.
When you are in the warehouse you will see some chocolate covered pancakes eat them and you will start seeing in infrared, when, when you see in infrared you will see a empty can of coke.
This empty can of coke has a safety pin in it. Take the safety pin out and the coke can will start beeping. It's a bomb which you must throw down the drainpipes on the right hand side of the warehouse. This will cause the pipes to explode.
The substance inside the pipes will form together to make a giant monster who looks like Leonardo Di Capreio, you must defeat him in order to get the holy bowl of piss.
At the bowl of piss you will notice a spinning top that never topples. This will cause you to realise you're dreaming which follows a cutscene of you waking up.
When the cutscene ends, go back to the warehouse and wait for a few minutes in game time. A clown will walk down the alley towards you. Start talking to him.
The clock tells you to change its time an hour forward , you do so and the clock turns into a teleportation device and transports you to mexico.
When you get to Mexico you will see a homeless man, tell him that Joe sent you, The hobo will glare at you and get out a box switch which opens a secret underground door.
If you just woke up after dreaming for so lond, it makes sense you'd be halucinating. You obviously percieve the clown changing into a clock as you begin talking to him. ON TOPIC: This underground door is a trap. If you enter it, you will lose forever. Go outside, and... PUNCH TREES, GET WOOD. (This must be done in all caps) Use that wood to construct a tuna can. This will allow you to find the wormhole in the doorknob.
Once you find that wormhole go through it and take the tuna can as it's still useful. On the other side you will see an empty and abandoned kitchen.
Go into the kitchen and you will find a can opener, put the tuna under the can opener and open it, inside the tuna you will find a letter read the letter.