the most irretating thing you know

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by sinister, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    ops... sorry for the misspell
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Evangelical Protestant Christianity. The movement has irritated me since a lot of problems have stemmed from it to include abuse of children, education rights, Bush being one and saying Atheists should not be considered citizens of America, Ted Haggard saying he cured himself to being straight and all the money people sink into the fanatical movement that is really just baffling to me. The religious movement seems to hate anyone including other Christian groups and just ticks me off to no end. My apologies to anyone who might be evangelical but the leaders of it are so corrupt and the hatred of gays, anyone not Christian and even Christian groups has just turned me off of them and I hate having to hear how their 'vote' in the elections matters.
  3. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Humanity has PHailed me.

    Goodness, I can go on about this . . .

    Rude people, for starters. I cannot even stress how rude the people are these days. Whatever happened to manners and chivalry? Has it really become ~that~ hard to be a little well mannered? To show some class? Yes, it's a dog eat dog world, but it doesn't require one to tell someone off to survive. Respect has practically disappeared from this world. I see people on the streets ranting about respect when they themselves don't show it to others. Hypocrisy? Heck YES. Everyone's a hypocrite these days. Today, one cannot even talk to a person without having to start an argument, which ultimately leads to a fight of some sort. Heck, you can't even ~look~ at someone without being it considered “Mad Doggin'.†If kids today see adults acting this way in the streets, then what can we expect of them in the future? I can blame parents for this, that they aren't looking at their children's behavior. But by and by, parents are becoming too afraid to even look at the matters of their children. Violence is rising due to this, and we dream of a world without violence. Heh, what irony . . . What exactly are the people thinking when they are being rude? That they are looking all cool and awesome? That they look “hawt� That women would come and screw you in second because they seem all macho? Well, I beg to differ . . . it makes me think and want to do a lot of things, but thinking that the person was hot and sexy is not even the last thing on my mind, and I think I can safely say the same for others.

    Women today cannot walk down the street without being whistled at, honked at or being said explicit stuff to. Really, guys? Really? And men wonder why women run from them. This is another form of respect, guys. Because of this kind of stupidity, a woman cannot even walk down the street without having to think that they'll be jumped and raped at any moment now. Pulling something like that is NOT cool, and doesn't really make the woman fee any better either. But there are females out there who believe that showing off their sexuality is the only thing they can do, and that's just sad. As for males, showing physical strength, and the act of making a child has become the only way to show masculinity, as of late. Showing physical strength is nothing. So you are strong . . . your point being? Male machoness has become all about strength now, and all that's good for is to open that jar of mayonnaise or go squish that spider in the other room. Using force or making babies prove nothing about masculinity if the male is not willing to take responsibility for it, and run. What does that prove to the child? Or the mother? Or any other young kid who was watching? It only shows weakness and you have hundreds of young ladies raising a child on their own. I'm not ranting about equality here, but just the stupid sh!t I see out in the world.

    Religious converters [from ALL religions]. Good God, people it's free will. Let it be. People have their own rights to believe in what they want to believe. Why use force to MAKE someone have the same views as yours? Everyone . . . I mean EVERYONE has their own choice and will to believe in what they want to believe in, whether it's Allah, Durga, Buddha, Christ, Atheism or whatever/whoever else you believe in. It's one's right to believe and trust in what they chose, not what someone is telling you to believe in. Of course, it is also your choice if you want to believe in what others are telling you to believe in. Also, believing in one religion doesn't make everything else insignificant. All religions are just as significant and true as the others. Being Christian doesn't mean that it's the only GOD GIVEN TRUE religion out there, and neither does being Muslim mean the same. As far as I know, respect for the other religions is something that's a very important part of every religion . . . Funny how no one really cares for that. Why let what religion you are get in the way off living our lives. Eery religion says “love thine neighbor,†then do it . . . love thy neighbor people!

    Fake people . . . ah, the joys of life. Nice in front of you, the masked stabber in the back. Oh joy! Oh goody! What has the world come to? No, more like humanity? I can list down so many things that are wrong with humanity, but I'll probably just die doing so. Fake people amuse me. If you are going to be a b!tch to a person, then do so up in front and out. What are you gaining but hiding in the dark? A good rep? Really now? If one is already being a fake, then he is probably known to be like that. He is only fooling themselves. And this only retraces my steps back to the respect thing, so I'll leave it at that.

    This is more of a pet peeve than an annoyance, but it irradiates me nonetheless. Grammar. It's hard I know, but practice makes perfect. PRACTICE!! Grammar is not so hard as long as you remember the rules. I want to choke people when I see grammar mistakes, but I refrain. Also the silly little things such as “then :: than,†“should of :: should have,†“a lot :: alot,†“me and she :: she and I,†“it's :: its,†“your :: you're,†and I can go on. Also that text talk thing. Use it online, or on the cell phone or whatever, it's fine . . . just DON'T bring it into the school papers. I weep when I see them, and want to smack them back to yesterday.

    And AHH!!! DD8 I didn't finish my coffee because of this! Oh noez!! THIS is also an annoyance!!! >.< I keep forgetting to drink my coffee in time because I was doing something else! And now my coffee is ice cold. *cry* *cry* It's just not the same if you heat it back up in the microwave. Sajkdfhsdjkf!!! D<
  4. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    i'm sorry if you see all guys in the same way....
    but it feels good to say what's on your mind right?
  5. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
  6. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    The fact that I continuesly forget what I'm about to do.
  7. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    The fact that I know so much useless s*** like the fact that hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobia is the fear of long words.
  8. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    The what of whatey is what now? If you don't know it this is a line from the comic "Calvin and Hobbes" which is about a 6-year-old and his stuffed tiger who he believes to be real.

    Teacher: Calvin could you answer this math question for the class?
    Calvin: No but I can recite the entire oath of every member of Captain Nalpalm's League of Justice!
    Teacher: So, who else didn't do their homework?
    Calvin: I'm not dumb I just have a plethora of useless information.
  9. len Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 29, 2008
    rude people

    Racists they get in my nerves ..


    annoying little kids



    forgetting most of the important stuff

    remembering the things i shouldn't ...

    bully s


  10. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    pyromaniac!, that was a lot of writting

    if there's one thing i hate....well actually , i've taught myself not to hate things.

    but things that bother me.


    people telling me to do something, that i am about to do.

    or people who talk behind your back , if you want to say something , say it to my face, instead of telling everyone around me, and making me look wrong.

    if a person says something to my face, ill get mad, but i will comend them for not going around, spouting off nonesense.

    and people who always try to look better, it bothers me , because they start going all superfcial, thinking the're "cool"

    or people who jugde you, according to what they think.

    the latter one really bothers me, the other day i found out why a person, always treated me so badly.

    it was because he thought i was a showoff, and i was really mad at this person, for always misunderstanding me and portraying me as something im not.

    its not my fault im good at something, you cant bent your frustrations on me.

    another thing, is feeling unconfortable.

    if im in a place that makes me feel like that.
  11. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle &lt;3
    Sexist and racist hypocrites.
    People keep trying to cheat off of me because I happen to be smart.
    Rude b*stards.
    My horrible memory.
    Guys that don't leave me alone, I have to punch or kick them for them to leave me alone.
    People that think they can treat you like sh*t and get away with it.

    And getting woke up at 7 in the morning.
  12. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    well, youre lucky

    i have to wake up at 5 am to go to school

    and the funny thing is that, i live like 10 minutes from school.

    but, my parents take me so, i have to go when they go
  13. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    The telephone (damn you, Alexander Graham Bell).
  14. sinister King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2007
    i don't live...
    um guys?
    i'm sorry to interupt but i hope i don't give any of you annoyance by making this thread....
    it's just.... you seem so angry...
  15. len Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 29, 2008
    no you don't actually i'm glad you made this thread , we might seem angry cause we hate those things ,no need to be sorry

    oh yeah and i forgot to mention arrogant kids
  16. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Little kids.
    PNC Bank. I hate PNC Bank! They call us like every day!
  17. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
  18. len Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 29, 2008

    that's normal for any father :3 or step father

    i hate people that don't brush there teeth.... i mean there's something called a toothbrush
  19. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    i dont like it when people are too laidback in a situation , they canot afford to be.

    and plastic girls.

    "like omg, my nail polish isnt pink, its red-pink, omg, that is like so wrong"

    arghh, thats the worst,they are so pathetic

    exaggerating about nail polish.....
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Stereotypes and sexism. How did I forget to talk about these two last time? Oh well, so I continue my rant now... Next to my irritation of the lack of respect and manners these days, these two things would actually come immediately after. As sad as it sounds, stereotypes do exist in this world, and one way or another, we are familiar with it, and along with stereotypes, sexism exists as well.

    I believe that stereotypes are one of the biggest issues that stop us from truly understanding each other as the unique cultures and people we are. Making pointless stereotypes cause harm in society and it degrades the self pride of the people and their cultures. Due to this, many cultures and its people are looked down upon today, and because of this, it ultimately reflects on us, the kids of this generation. As the dangerous and demeaning stereotypes are slapped onto certain cultures, giving them the title of what they might not be, the kids of the generation take them to be real as they grow up, constantly hearing them over and over, and actually become what the stereotype says once they're older, making the false accusations into facts and reality. Can you imagine what will happen if this continues to happen? How often have you been told by your parents, NOT to hang out with a certain person merely because of his culture or ethnicity, because of a lame stereotype? We know and understand what parts of a claim are stereotypes and what are facts; unfortunately, it still does not stop US from making our own stereotypes as we go along. Now not all stereotypes are negative, as some of them rather celebrates a certain aspect of a culture, but it still is not true in any case.

    Now, the sexism... Again, I'm not here to rant about equality between the two sexes, but the simple ideas that separate the men from the women, based on some stereotypes. Equality is just fine these days as a man and woman stand shoulder to shoulder, working together and sharing each other's ideas to make a better world. Yet, there are certain ideas that restrict woman from doing certain things, not because they are not capable of doing so, but because of some existing narrow view of others, or in other words, stereotypes. Now, these said stereotypes do not necessarily come only from the men, but women contribute to it as well. â€All women are girly-girls.†is one of the few stereotypes that demean the women. Sure, there are a few who are, but it does not necessarily apply to ALL women. Just because one woman squealed and hid herself from a passing basketball, doesn't mean that the next twenty women will do the same. Now I don't think I'm able to make myself really clear on what I'm trying to get across here, but I hope that it's a little understanding...

    It's pretty amazing how stereotypes and sexism coincide with one another. Stereotypes such as the “girly-ness†of someone extremely feminine contribute to such petty sexism ideas. No two females are alike; one can squeal and scream all they want over some inane matter, while the other just might find enjoyment in the said matter.

    LOLZ, this REALLY does not make so much sense, does it? xDDD If anyone is confused or soemthing, I'll gladly attempt to explain it all. lololol. 8D