The Most Interesting Games

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by The Fuk?, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    Have you ever found a game, or a set of games, that you loved so much, that you didn't just enjoy, but that you had to find out as much as you could about it? Where you read every bit of lore, find out the details of every character, place, etc. Every detail about everything.

    For me it's Fallout. I could tell you every bit about it's universe, right down to the name of the company who made 9mm bullets in Germany in the game. I just love the game so much, that I found it interesting enough to research everything about it, what's yours?

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    I agree about Fallout, it was so interesting to learn about the 'purpose' of each vault.

    I will say DA:O. I dunno, Bioware did such a good job of establishing the religon and issues of Ferelden.
    Also Mass Effect series.
  3. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    DA:O definitely. It's got a huge backstory that seems rather unnecessary but it does open up a good amount of paths for DLC, sequels and prequels.

    Onimusha, I'm a huge fan of the series (even the crappy Dawn of Dreams and the GBA game). Me and my friend read every piece of document in every game and found all the little nudges about the past Onimusha games. I even tried to find out if Blade Warriors could be cannon and if so how the plots of each character fitted with each other. Shame it's not cannon, it gave Marcellus some badly needed direct focus instead of a pair of documents that not everyone will read. I still have no idea what Gargant was meant to be for Onimusha when they made Blade Warriors, I think he was going to be a boss but ended up just being a cutscene enemy, but then came back as a boss in the 4th.

    Devil May Cry. This with Onimusha was my ps2 years biggest things. I enjoyed reading where the enemies designs come from and everything.

    Shadow Hearts. I've read and seen everything in the two games of the series I managed to get a hold of but without the first I won't be able to learn everything. I did like finding everything with the sidequests though.

    Final Fantasy IX. Since it was my first FF and I didn't get another FF for years I was rather into this one and learned everything about the setting, races, characters, etc.

    Jade Cocoon. I never played the second but I played the first over so many times the plot eventually sunk in and I was trying to figure out for ages where the main character's dad went all that time, whether the dark forests where the inner worlds of the people in the forests and the elemental guys where their inner darkness or something.

    Samurai Warriors. I was already into Shogun: Total War from a friend so it was more looking into the history of people than it was of the game.

    There's more but I can't be bothered writing more lol.
  4. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    The only game that I have played that was like this other than the Fire Emblem series is The Legend of Dragoon. I have a terrible habit of exploring every corner twice or three times looking for details or item descriptions, talking to every person at least once to get every piece of lore, trying every combination in puzzles, and so on. I take three times as long as other people to beat my games.
  5. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    Legend of zelda:
    Twilight Princess
    Ocarina of time.
    Majora's Mask
    Kingdom Hearts (1 , 2 & BBS)
    Devil May Cry 4
    Final Fantasy Crisis Core.
    Assassin's Creed
    Red Dead redemption
    Prince of persia
  6. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    Kingdom Heats(all of them)
    Final Fantasy
    Pokemon(I know the names of EVERY pokemon,what their types are etc)

    And more..........
  7. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    I practically do this will all games that I love.
    Tales of symphonia - there are a lot of side missions that I missed the first time around and had to play several times just to get them all. Online, I would look for the manga, find character bios, saved random images etc. =)
    Sonic series - I seriously kept looking at sites that contained everything sonic
    Kingdom Hearts - I'm on KH-vids....I think that's enough hahaha
    Pokemon - looked up strategies, got merchandise, looked at for anything new about Pokemon everyday, etc. x-x
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I tend to go into phases with games, where I'll look up everything about them for a while, then eventually leave them. So far it's happened with LoZ: ALTTP, Pokémon, SA2B, Animal Crossing WW and most recently, Cave Story.

    I suppose, plot-wise, I'm doing it a bit with Kingdom Hearts, but I'm far from knowing everything about the games.
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    From the top?

    The Mass Effect series:
    I can tell you the average lifespan of a male salarian, the social rituals displayed by the vorcha and the reasons behind them, as well as the religion of the quarians and the ultimate objective of the synthetic race of the geth. This series sparked the sci-fi lover in me, but the story and how it was told was a piece of gold that makes it undying in my heart.

    Kingdom Hearts series:
    Well, the rason I love and know an incredible amount about KH is because of my love of Disney films. Put that in with a quirky kid that never gives up and I feel in love with the detail of every heartless, every FF character, etc. THis is probably the most complex story I have ever experienced I'll admit, and it really makes me want to know more as a result.

    Dragon Age series: I only realized how much I knew about this series until I was speaking to my friend over xbox live and directing him where to go in order to get quests or weapons or something like that. But I was able to name every character and enemy he faced as well as quotes from the characters themselves. He even liked how I used the in-game name for gold pieces (fyi, they are called Sovereigns! :D)

    Assassin's Creed series: I love history and these games really pulled me in to love the eras of time I was unfamiliar with like the Third Crusade and the Italian Renaissance, but it also brought my love of sci-fi into the mix. I know the history of almost all the characters now! :p

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 is a series I know too well of, but it's been so long that I proberbly not as knowledgable as I once was.

    But yeah, I absolutely love role playing, as you can see. And sci-fi, apparently.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. The series as well as the 2008 game. It took me awhile to understand Warrior Within with all its retconning within retconning(part of what a good chunk of the series is)...but after everything stuff just smoothed out and the Sands of Time series is probably one of my favorite action/adventure games of all time. As for the 2008 game, that thing is so streamlined and beautiful...and the characters(all nine of them) were really great.

    Secret of Mana: Best. RPG. Ever. ...Okay, one of them. I've looked up a few things of the Mana series but since I've only played Secret of Mana(which is agreed by many to be the best in the entire series) I'm content with knowing what I do. I've spent so long stalking places for anything that would hint at a full remake of this game but all that's happened is a re-release of it and the last game to come out in the series was Dawn of Mana which looks to have a good story, good characters, possibly good music...but the gameplay is just awful. D:

    Megaman X/Zero/ZX: I know nearly everything there is to know about those three series. >> I'm disappointed with the fact that Megaman 10 was released when there was an obvious lack of interest in potential for the original Megaman series since Megaman 9. << All four series take place in the same universe but they've never been completely tied together. Still, I stalk a few places for information about any sort of continuation of the X or ZX series.

    Kingdom Hearts: I'm here, aren't I? XD

    Zone of the Enders: A series that needs to be continued. Stupid Metal Gear wasting time when the greatest fighting Mech game ever deserves a new game. >> The art-style of the series(especially the second game) really drew me in. Mix that together with fluid controls, a fun combat system, a game that actually takes some skill to beat, and extra awesomeness and you get a really heated action-packed game. The first game was pretty good as it is but when the second game came out, it just completely blew the original out of the water. Especially with its multiplayer. I've never had so much fun with a multiplayer game ever. >>
  11. orlando. Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 1, 2011
    Where the wild things are
    For me it's Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. I've played that game countless times and memorized the entire storyline and like every dungeon. I must've burned a good 300 hours on that game as a kid lol
  12. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    The Kingdom hearts series mostly, I've been studying all aspects of the games for 5 years now, I can even tell you how much EXP an enemy will give you at different stages. I enjoy finding out about the character backgrounds and all the different stories behind them all.

    L4D2: I just loved this game, well there isn't much to find out but I went through and read all about the characters on the L4D2Wiki just because I spent a lot of my time playing as them so I wanted to know more about them. Especially Nick, he was my favourite :D

    Final Fantasy Dissidia: I've just found both games now very entertaining to the point where I want to know about the characters and the backstory. I haven't played any of the other Final Fantasy games so I feel there is a lot to learn.

    Team Fortress 2: There are basically 9 characters, but they all seem to have a different personality which is very fitting, I just wanted to know more about them and some of the different quotes they say, because some are just pure genius.

    I mostly look up information when I just want to know about the characters, that's what gets me interested.
  13. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    For me it's the entire Zelda series. I could kill hours (actually have) trying to tie together events and characters from the different games, and of course clocked several hundred hours total into the games, trying to get every last tidbit out of the game.

    The Professor Layton's a close second and ought to be a first, really. I enjoy the games a lot, but there's also a Ghibli-esque movie out called the Eternal Diva that I'd love to watch at some point.