The Mimics

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Jul 24, 2008.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    I couldn't sleep....I plan on writting a story matter if this is bad or good...Boredom

    Read everything cloesly please.

    Everything was fine and going perfectly. The Phoenixs and Hunters signed a treaty to avoid war. The Hunters used to hunt and kill everything magically before they met the Phoenixs who they were evenly matched, reason why the made the treaty. The treaty made it so that the Hunter could only hunt threats to the world, evils and such, and in return they could make sure only five Phoenixs are active at a time. And seeing how Phoenixs really couldn't die the Hunters had to freeze or burn them into ashes and place the ashes into special jar that stopped them from coming back to life. And the humans thrived on their friendship. That's when strange beings appeared. They soon became known as Mimics due their abilties. They weren't veiwed as a threat until one of them lost control and went on a killing rampage and killed a whole village. Thus the Hunters were set on their mission to kill every Mimic, good or evil. And the result could be war when the Mimics learn of the Hunters' orders.

    Phoenix- They heal very well but they can only self heal. They can nver age enough to look older then a teen and when they die and are reborn they have to relearn a lot of stuff. Masters of fire and protectors of peace with the abilty to turn into Phoenixs (They bird form). Are confused as Gods or Spirits sometimes by humans.

    Hunters- This species have traits like very many other species due to the fact they drain energy from their victims. They're super strong and fast. Only a few can transform and all have power over elements. But it takes a while to master more then one element so either they master one first then move on the next element or learn the basics of all. (It's rare to met a young Hunter with the ability to master even one element.) Their lifespan is only a little longer then that of a human but they look younger longer.

    Mimics- Ever since they are born they naturally mimic anything and everything they can. First it starts out small like their likes and dislikes and personalities then emtions (some of them turn into emtional train wrecks). Later on they can copy things like dance moves and fighting styles, etc. The next step is appearances of animals or humans, etc. At first they have to see the person for a while then only for a few seconds before they can just look at a picture. After they master that they can copy powers but only if someone who can use them is close by. They start out human but after they learn how to control their beast form in them (they have spirits within them that when seen they look like beasts) they can become immortal (Immortal as in live for ever but they can still be killed of course). But there is a risk. If they fail they could get a bad case of amnesia or even worse the beast form could control them instead.

    Time setting-The places can be very medevil or acient Japan. Richer towns/cities normally have some sort of Royality or a Phoenix/Hunter living in them. And there are also towns filled with bandits, theives, bounty hunters, etc only.

    Classes (so some people might become humans)
    Feel free to add another (I just too random ones from games, movies, etc)

    They're pretty self explantionty but some are different then where I got them from...I got lazy at this point(obilvouisly)

    Bounty Hunters- People who capture crimnals for a profit
    Thevies-Known for their sealth(sp?) All steal for their own reasons
    Rouge- Outcast/banished from their home
    Warroir/Knight- Fight for royalty or someone for no money
    Mernaries(so totally spelt wrong...)- Same as warriors but fight for money
    Heavy Swords- People who uses swords known to use strength
    Ranger/Archer- Bowsmen
    Healer/White Mage- People who specialize in healing magic
    Black Mage- People who specialize in black magics (pision fire etc)
    Summoner- Like Yuna and such. Able to summon fiends, monsters, Aeon type creatures to a point


    No god-molding
    Nothing more then kissing and hugging
    All Mimics/Hunters/Phoenixs must follow the guidlines (expect that there may be more then five Phoenixs active but they will be hunted down and only seven really....the extra two will be outlaws)
    No killing without permission

    Oc Form

    Power(s)/Abilities- (All expect for mimics...they mimic yeah)
    Class- (Only for humans)
    Inactive or active- (only for Phoenixs. If they're one they may become the other later on)
    Beast form/spirit- (Mimics only)
    Additonal information-
    Played By-

    Name- Sam
    Age- 18
    Gender- Female
    Species- Mimic
    Personality- Used to be very outgoing and happy but now she's dark
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- She was the mimic who went on the killing spree. When she learned of her powers her parents disowned her which cuased confusion to her.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Lynn
    Age- 16
    Gender- Female
    Species- Mimic
    Personality- Can be a bit shy most of the time but very curious and acts like a little kid
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- She only just learning of her powers. She lived in a bandit town she she trusts no one and picked up a lot of tricks while there. She never knew her family either. Can't remember much thanks to the fact she couldn't control her best form and got amnesia
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Lora
    Age- About 1,000
    Gender- Female
    Species- Phoenix
    Personality- Doesn't talk much but has a sense of responablity
    Power(s)- Fire of course
    Inactive or active- Inactive right now but become active soon
    History- Mostly unknown at this point
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Zen
    Age- Unknown
    Gender- Male
    Species- Phoenix
    Personality- Bossy and always have to be in charge. Cocky but childish
    Inactive or active- Active
    History- Is one of the higher ranking Phoenixs due he's been around longer. Parents and kid sister are inactive at the moment
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- None
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Sojiro
    Age- looks 20
    Gender- Male
    Species- Hunter
    Personality- Very nice/outgowing. doesnt really have a temper
    Power(s)/Abilities- Weapon specialist/little fire
    History- Has no past..just wonders around
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Xiegin

    Name- Domon
    Age- Unknown
    Gender- Male
    Species- Mimic
    Personality- Shy..does not like to fight/bad sometime
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- has a brother who is Unkown
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Xiegin

    Name- Kyo
    Age- 439
    Gender- male
    Species- pheonix
    Personality- Always looking out for his kind, no matter what it takes. He will do anything, simply for the sake of the well being of all good hearted for people, even give up his life, or completely eradicate evil that stands infront of him. He always tries to be up lifting, no matter what.
    Power(s)/Abilities- Known as the 'crimson lightning', due to his ability to create and control lightning. The lightning is the color of blood, and is as hot as molten hot magma. He can only control it to a certain point, until it ends up going bolistic. He can use it in the form of a whip, or send lightning bolts at people. His abilities come from a strange relationship of his parents, since, though he does have fire related powers, it does most revolve into lightning
    Inactive or active- active
    History- He has a most interesting of histories, due to his relations with the hunters. His mother was indeed a pheonix, who was the mate of anouther pheonix, but, fell in love with a hunter. His mother cheated on her mate, and ended up giving birth to the child of both her, and the hunter who she had fallen in love, committing what was a type of taboo. In doing so, both her mate (once he discovered the babies exsistance), and the hunters (who had been informed by the pheonix male who was the mothers mate), killed both the mother, and the hunter. After that, the hunters wanted to kill the child, but the mate of the mother prevented them from doing so, since, technicly, it was the mother and the hunter who had done wrong, but the child had not done such a thing. And so, he was raised by the father, and was, indeed loved by him, even though he was not his actual son. In doing though, he learned from his father about the certain aspects of life, and the evils of hunters (this had been occuring during the time before the treaty. More detail of it can be explained during the story, in order to fill in some of the gaps), and as kyo learned, he also learned of the pain that the hunters were causing everyone. He had some what began to despise hunters, but he even despised more that the world dealt with so many troubles. And then, not soon after he turned 18, his father informed him of the truth of his birth, and what had happend. Hearing the story, he ran from the house, but only to end up returning hours later to find a hunter standing over his fathers body. He had almost killed the hunter, but, let him go instead, out of mercy. Ever since then, he packed up, and left his home, not really knowing where to go. Now though, he simply travles from place to place
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- If you were to lazy to read the history, then here is a little catch-you-up. His mother was a pheonix, his father a hunter. He gets the natural born pheonix's ability over fire, but due to the hunter part of him (which doesn't show that much, since he is mostly pheonix), he controls lightning. Not only that, but, he is unable to turn into a pheonix bird because of his human side.
    Played By- Deathsight44

    Name- Lulu
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Species- Human
    Personality- She don't really trust anyone, sarcastic, has an attitude problem, and protective of Vivi.
    Power(s)/Abilities- Black magic
    Class- (Only for humans) Black Mage
    History- Her and Vivi escaped from the village being attacked by the Mimics.
    Additonal information- Vivi's twin sister. She's the older twin.
    Played By- *Polka Dot*

    Name- Vivi
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Species- Human
    Personality- Optimistic, curious,
    Power(s)/Abilities- White magic
    Class- (Only for humans) White Mage
    History- (read Lulu's)
    Additonal information- Lulu's twin. She's the younger twin.
    Played By- *Polka Dot*

    Name- rexejon
    Age- 15
    Gender- male
    Species- hunter
    Personality- relaxed but as his eyes change then he acts insane
    Power(s)/Abilities- earth,fire, darkness, weapon making
    Class- rouge
    History- when he was born his family where slayed and was found by wolves and raised by them but he and his wolf family where banned cause he started to act like the predators them self trough that he gained nicknames as, the blood predator, the wolf warrior and the angel of the predators, after they where banned he trained and learned more and used his insane predator side against enemies.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- if he get's insane the onl thing he got is the bloodlust and to still that hunger he need victims
    Played By- overload

    Name- klarinette
    Age- 18
    Gender- female
    Species- mimic
    Personality- a nice one but can have a ego
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- she was already part of the wolf family but almost never returned to her normall form, she was also one of the who found rexejon when he was young she was the one who teached him everything
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- likes to be around others
    Played By- overload

    Name- geist
    Age- 18
    Gender- male
    Species- mimic
    Personality- a relaxed one
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- when rexejon came in the wolf family he was against it cause it was a hunter but trough the years he thinks it was a good idea that rexejon joined their family and sees the leader as a father
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- likes to play around and the brother of klarinette, but when he fights he can get insane
    Played By- overload

    Name- Rik Echo
    Age- 24
    Gender- Male
    Species- Human
    Personality- crude and arrogant
    Power(s)/Abilities- can summon dragon spirits in a long range slash like attack
    Class- Heavy sword
    Inactive or active- N/A
    Beast form/spirit- N/A
    History- After the death of his father Rik was treated by the people from his hometown like a complete faliure due to the fact that he couldn't do anything at the time of the incident where his father was killed.
    Additonal information- he uses a weapon called a Nodachi, a large katana that can cut a horse in half with force. This Nodachi he uses belonged to his father.
    Played By- Fayt-Harkwind

    Name: Kiko Wood
    Gender: Female
    Species: Mimic
    Personality: Lazy but can be Hyper when happy. Can be evil at times 2.
    Beast Form/Spirt:[​IMG]
    History: Kiko roamed the world not having a real plan or goal. She met Laxene later ans sticked with her.
    Aditional Info: Her eyes change color from yellow to red alot.
    Played By: ~Larxene_43

  2. xiegin Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 11, 2007
    hmm theres alot of stuff to be...hmmm

    ok so i can be a hunter..?
  3. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    of course you can
  4. xiegin Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 11, 2007
    Name- Sojiro
    Age- looks 20
    Gender- Male
    Species- Hunter
    Personality- Very nice/outgowing. doesnt really have a temper
    Power(s)/Abilities- Weapon specialist/little fire
    History- Has no past..just wonders around
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Xiegin

    Name- Domon
    Age- Unknown
    Gender- Male
    Species- Mimic
    Personality- Shy..does not like to fight/bad sometime
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- has a brother who is Unkown
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Xiegin
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    they are in and I'm adding them now
  6. xiegin Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 11, 2007
    ok thank you.....
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Name- Kyo
    Age- 439
    Gender- male
    Species- pheonix
    Personality- Always looking out for his kind, no matter what it takes. He will do anything, simply for the sake of the well being of all good hearted for people, even give up his life, or completely eradicate evil that stands infront of him. He always tries to be up lifting, no matter what.
    Power(s)/Abilities- Known as the 'crimson lightning', due to his ability to create and control lightning. The lightning is the color of blood, and is as hot as molten hot magma. He can only control it to a certain point, until it ends up going bolistic. He can use it in the form of a whip, or send lightning bolts at people. His abilities come from a strange relationship of his parents, since, though he does have fire related powers, it does most revolve into lightning
    Inactive or active- active
    History- He has a most interesting of histories, due to his relations with the hunters. His mother was indeed a pheonix, who was the mate of anouther pheonix, but, fell in love with a hunter. His mother cheated on her mate, and ended up giving birth to the child of both her, and the hunter who she had fallen in love, committing what was a type of taboo. In doing so, both her mate (once he discovered the babies exsistance), and the hunters (who had been informed by the pheonix male who was the mothers mate), killed both the mother, and the hunter. After that, the hunters wanted to kill the child, but the mate of the mother prevented them from doing so, since, technicly, it was the mother and the hunter who had done wrong, but the child had not done such a thing. And so, he was raised by the father, and was, indeed loved by him, even though he was not his actual son. In doing though, he learned from his father about the certain aspects of life, and the evils of hunters (this had been occuring during the time before the treaty. More detail of it can be explained during the story, in order to fill in some of the gaps), and as kyo learned, he also learned of the pain that the hunters were causing everyone. He had some what began to despise hunters, but he even despised more that the world dealt with so many troubles. And then, not soon after he turned 18, his father informed him of the truth of his birth, and what had happend. Hearing the story, he ran from the house, but only to end up returning hours later to find a hunter standing over his fathers body. He had almost killed the hunter, but, let him go instead, out of mercy. Ever since then, he packed up, and left his home, not really knowing where to go. Now though, he simply travles from place to place
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- If you were to lazy to read the history, then here is a little catch-you-up. His mother was a pheonix, his father a hunter. He gets the natural born pheonix's ability over fire, but due to the hunter part of him (which doesn't show that much, since he is mostly pheonix), he controls lightning. Not only that, but, he is unable to turn into a pheonix bird because of his human side.
    Played By- Deathsight44
  8. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Name- Lulu
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Species- Human
    Personality- She don't really trust anyone, sarcastic, has an attitude problem, and protective of Vivi.
    Power(s)/Abilities- Black magic
    Class- (Only for humans) Black Mage
    History- Her and Vivi escaped from the village being attacked by the Mimics.
    Additonal information- Vivi's twin sister. She's the older twin.
    Played By- *Polka Dot*

    Name- Vivi
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Species- Human
    Personality- Optimistic, curious,
    Power(s)/Abilities- White magic
    Class- (Only for humans) White Mage
    History- (read Lulu's)
    Appearance- Anime/WhiteGirlinfrontofaFountain1.jpg
    Additonal information- Lulu's twin. She's the younger twin.
    Played By- *Polka Dot*
  9. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    Name- rexejon
    Age- 15
    Gender- male
    Species- hunter
    Personality- relaxed but as his eyes change then he acts insane
    Power(s)/Abilities- earth,fire, darkness, weapon making
    Class- rouge
    History- when he was born his family where slayed and was found by wolves and raised by them but he and his wolf family where banned cause he started to act like the predators them self trough that he gained nicknames as, the blood predator, the wolf warrior and the angel of the predators, after they where banned he trained and learned more and used his insane predator side against enemies.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- if he get's insane the onl thing he got is the bloodlust and to still that hunger he need victims
    Played By- overload

    Name- klarinette
    Age- 18
    Gender- female
    Species- mimic
    Personality- a nice one but can have a ego
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- she was already part of the wolf family but almost never returned to her normall form, she was also one of the who found rexejon when he was young she was the one who teached him everything
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- likes to be around others
    Played By- overload

    Name- geist
    Age- 18
    Gender- male
    Species- mimic
    Personality- a relaxed one
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- when rexejon came in the wolf family he was against it cause it was a hunter but trough the years he thinks it was a good idea that rexejon joined their family and sees the leader as a father
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- likes to play around and the brother of klarinette, but when he fights he can get insane
    Played By- overload
  10. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc everyone is in and start whenever you wish. I shall post after adding everyone to the first post
  11. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    rexejon was walking around the place where he and the wolves stayed these days
    ''man there is nothing interesting to do and geist is away to get some food'' said rex and sat down
  12. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Terra walked through a town with a castle in it. She sniffed the air and then grinned. I love the smell of vunerble humans... And royality. She thought to herself before placing her hand on her chin. But it would seem another Mimic, Phoenixs, and Hunters are close by...
  13. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    rexejon saw that a human came on the wolves terretory so rexejon walked to him ''what do you want'' rexejon said to the man ''well i'm a bounty hunter and i am searching the blood predator'' said the bounty hunter and when he said blood predator the sky turned dark red and wolves surrounded the man ''well you've find him but if you will get him is a other story'' said rexejon with a evil smile on his face and turned away from the man and jumped on a stone and howled like a wolf and the wolves who surrounded the bounty hunter began to slay him
  14. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Terra then turned into her beast form and started to attack the citizens
  15. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    when rexejon came on the sleeping place he saw klarinette in wolf form ''hey rex what are we going to eat today'' asked wolf klarinette ''well i don't know but half of the wolfs have already eaten'' said rexejon ''oh so that was that howl'' said wolf klarinette ''go hear work'' said rexejon and walked to his sleeping place
  16. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Name- Rik Echo
    Age- 24
    Gender- Male
    Species- Human
    Personality- crude and arrogant
    Power(s)/Abilities- can summon dragon spirits in a long range slash like attack
    Class- Heavy sword
    Inactive or active- N/A
    Beast form/spirit- N/A
    History- After the death of his father Rik was treated by the people from his hometown like a complete faliure due to the fact that he couldn't do anything at the time of the incident where his father was killed.
    Additonal information- he uses a weapon called a Nodachi, a large katana that can cut a horse in half with force. This Nodachi he uses belonged to his father.
    Played By- Fayt-Harkwind
  17. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Name: Kiko Wood
    Gender: Female
    Species: Mimic
    Personality: Lazy but can be Hyper when happy. Can be evil at times 2.
    Beast Form/Spirt:[​IMG]
    History: Kiko roamed the world not having a real plan or goal. She met Laxene later ans sticked with her.
    Aditional Info: Her eyes change color from yellow to red alot.
    Played By: ~Larxene_43

    (will do 2 later)
  18. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc both of you are added
  19. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    ooc- Ok.

    Kiko walked though the streets of the town she just arrived in. She examined all the items people were selling on the streets.
  20. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik was sat in a secluded part of an inn in the slums of the city. He couldn't help but over hear two guards speak of stragne looking people and occurances around the city.
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