The Middle Realm

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xendane, Nov 24, 2007.

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  1. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    I have absolutely NO IDEA where this RP came from, only that it's from the darkest, deepest, most private and securely locked off parts of my brain. The imagination area of the brain, that is.

    Back to business.


    There was once a time where the worlds of the middle realm were always at war. They called that area the middle realm because it was in a loophole between the Light realm and the dark realm. Nobody really knows what type of middle realm this is, but they don't ask.

    In this realm, there are ten different worlds, each with a new type of technology:

    Alegasia: This is the strongest and most definable realm, and their technologies further compliment their control over everybody else, boasting new types of human powers by fusing Neo Gems into first borns' hearts, sitting right beneath the heart itself. These people have the ability to do amazing things when they want to. Alegasia is the base world for the creation of Neo Replica Knights.

    Zhundasia: This is a lower class planet with little advance in technology, other than the effective weaponries, like Gear Swords or Laser Cannon Bazookas.

    Neorasia: This is where Neo Gems are grown and harvested by the millions, and the technology in this world far surpasses that of Xenduasia.

    Xenduasia: New types of human being are born here with a special Psionic energy that they can use to fly, fight with, defend themselves with, or whatever they use it for.

    Geogasia: This is just under Alegasia's technologies, spare the few resources Alegasia sends them often. Little is very known about this place.

    Kanzudasia: The brother planet of Neorasia, this planet frequently makes new upgrades in technology and tests them out in the space dimensions of the middle realm.

    Marusasia: This is the lowest planet, no technology whatsoever and all the inhabitants are primitive type people. This planet is never paid attention to, leading to the reason they have won many wars.

    Senjogasia: This planet is about equal with Zhundasia, spare the fact that they don't have a good technology as Zhundasia does, but they are able to boast Scryer Magitek outfits, which is a Magitek armor reinforced to be better than the original.

    Jendogasia: This planet is almost non existent, but its advances in technology beat that of Alegasia by a mile.

    Hiyogasia: This planet is closely coordinated with Senjogasia, and its technologies prove so. Boasting a mechanical Angel Knight armor, this planet has also developed a way for young Neo Angel Knights(Produced in Zhundasia)to train the special effects on their weapons without the risk of their demise.

    anybody who lives on any of these planets was always at war with somebody. Now a days, people have learned to cope, and eventually, the middle realm may fuse into one planet of its own, just like the Light Realm and the Dark Realm. But, anything can happen.
    In this story you are allowed to come from any of these planets, and you can have at least eight special weapons(But you'd have to find a way to carry them)from your home planet. You can be one of the following races:

    Neo Angel Knight: Not exactly human, nor are they alien. These are humans who have been reinforced. The more common names for these people are Geo Banshees, Arberiters, Neo Drive Hounds, and Special Operations Neo Genesis Angels(S.O.N.G.A.).

    Warlock: The casual Dark Overlord.
    Rogue: This time around, Rogues have been given the ability to drain an enemy's energy because of a special reactor hidden in the palms of their hands.

    Warrior: These warriors are not the normal kind, boasting a new found power of a special ability known simply as Mystic Magics.

    Martial Artist: These guys are the most feared type of fighters because of their enhanced special abilities around this time.

    Alchemist: Potions, Pentacles, Sorcery, what more is their to talk about with these guys?

    Dark Gunman: A black magic user who can use a gun is very dangerous, right?
    Light Gunman: Whereas a Light Gunman can use Holy Magics and use a gun at the same time, becoming a contradiction of terms.

    Mercenary: Your common "Give me twelve bucks and I'll get the guy" type of person.

    Assassin: See Mercenary.

    Artisan: Not the Russian Painters this time, these guys are professionals at just about every type of combat, except for Sambo, they've never heard of that.

    Militia: Shotguns, swords, highly armored outfits, army boots, ninja-esque personality, is there any more to say?

    These special classes can be upgraded too:

    Militia->GHOST special forces
    Artisan->God of Combat
    Assassin->Sniper General
    Mercenary->Neo Gunners
    Dark/Light Gunman-> Black Heart gunner/Enlightened Soul gunner
    Rogue-> Ninja
    M.A.-> Master
    Warlock->Dark Sorcerer(Stronger than Warlock because they have complete control over Darkness.)
    Neo Angel Knights: Neo Angel Guardians
    Here's the set up:

    Race(Type of Fighter)

    PS: You might have noticed every planet ends in -ia, this is normal for the middle realm


    Name: Samueal Harkisan(Sam for short)
    Age: 18
    Planet: Zhundasia
    Race: Militia
    Weapon: A sniper rifle that can turn into a hand held cannon
    Appearance: Blond spiky hair, blue eyes, mouth and chin(Not entire lower face) are always covered by a white mask, wears opposite color Militia garb(Cloak with hood, army boots, black pants with zillions of pockets, black shirt with shoulder pads and a built in bulletproof vest.)
    History: Undisclosed, try somebody else.


    Name- Katiaso Hikario(Kat for short)
    Planet- Jendogasia
    Race(Type of Fighter)-Martial Artist
    History- n/a

    Dark Roxas

    Name: Xionix (Xen for short)
    Age: 23
    Planet: Xenduasia
    Race(Type of Fighter): Assassin
    Weapon: Shadow's Blade
    Appearance: Xionix
    History: When a child, his parents were slaughtered for not joining the planet army to fight the other planets, as effect he was left alone. Scavenging to survive, Xionix found a man on the verge of dying, and wishing for help. Xionix helped the man, and took him to his home. Xionix fed, cured and helped the man, but he ended up dying anyway. The man, before he died, said the following words to Xionix: "If you need something to protect you by, my friend, you may have my sword, taken from the darkest depths of the shadows..." Later, Xionix had found out that the man, was the keeper of the shadows, Dalrix Zionin. Xionix, from then on, became an assassin to gain the money needed to survive, and to keep the shadows secret.
  2. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Name- Katiaso Hikario(Kat for short)
    Planet- Jendogasia
    Race(Type of Fighter)-Martial Artist
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    History- n/a
  3. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Cool, you're in.
  4. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    Name: Xionix (Xen for short)
    Age: 23
    Planet: Xenduasia
    Race(Type of Fighter): Assassin
    Weapon: Shadow's Blade
    Appearance: Xionix
    History: When a child, his parents were slaughtered for not joining the planet army to fight the other planets, as effect he was left alone. Scavenging to survive, Xionix found a man on the verge of dying, and wishing for help. Xionix helped the man, and took him to his home. Xionix fed, cured and helped the man, but he ended up dying anyway. The man, before he died, said the following words to Xionix: "If you need something to protect you by, my friend, you may have my sword, taken from the darkest depths of the shadows..." Later, Xionix had found out that the man, was the keeper of the shadows, Dalrix Zionin. Xionix, from then on, became an assassin to gain the money needed to survive, and to keep the shadows secret.​
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