The meaning of life

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by AlphaBetaGamma, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007

  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    There is no real meaning to life. It has, however, created it's own purpose (not meaning), which is to survive, breed and succeed through time.

    I don't think there is a meaning to life. If there was, it would apply to everything, and not just life in a singular form.
  3. Elemental Queen Destiny Islands Resident

    No human will ever have a correct answer for this.....

    I believe there is a meaning but we don't know and never will know til the end.

    Has anyone ever believed they saw the most beautiful thing in the world but they don't remember it? This has got to have some relation to it...maybe the beauty is a hope to see such a thing? Or maybe it was heaven before earth?

    I really don't know.........:(

    But there is a deep meaning somewhere i know it.
  4. Shark Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 11, 2008
    In a home
    This person is the chosen one. He who bears the truth, those of weak mortals can not comprehend of this great speaking; the great speaking of this holy one's words cannot reach to those of the devils minions and weak mortals who capitulated to those of the darkness.

    Translation: that is SOOOOOOOO true. You eat, have sex, and then die. Classic
  5. TheKingdomCame Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2008
    at my house.
    everyone has a different goal, but in the end no one really achieves it. Some people keep setting higher goals, an unsustainable practice that will ultimately lead to their downfall. Some people are content to just live, and some of them achieve peace in that. But it is in human nature to expand one's horizons as much as physically possible, as can be evidenced by the civilizations of past. They grow and they grow and they grow, and then they collapse. Then there are some who seek to escape this fate by forever carving their initials into the annals of history. in the end, I think the goal is to survive day by day, making what you have count. In the end, it doesn't matter whether people thousands of years from now remember your name, what matters is that you don't forget about who you are.
  6. mokeyman q Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2008
    Betwixt and between.
    The meaning of life is 42. It makes no sense, and that is only because we do not know the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. If anything discovers the question AND answer, the universe will be A Splode and replaced with something much, much weirder.

    Some say this has already happened.

    I say: Big... A Splosions Bangs... Hm, where have I heard that before?
  7. wareya Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 20, 2007
    Somewhere I Belong
    Personally, I think that life exists because it can, and it's goal is to remain existing. I don't think there's any real "meaning", unless you count if you believe in other-worldly beings creating life as experiments.