The Meaning Of Life, Death, and the Universe as theorized by me

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Xeitr The False Image, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. Xeitr The False Image Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 5, 2006
    your tummy
    The meaning of all existence is to explain the existence of any universe based on the alternate universes, theorized to exist by the Membrane Theory or M Theory for short, being infinite in number ,the sum of everything that exists within it being the defining feature of the existence of any particular universe, We can also theorize that the individuality of everything be it rock, hog, cat, dog, or human is infinitely important to the existence of that universe, because though you might simultaneously exist within another universe your particular individuality does not, and though it may not exist in an alternate universe, here it does.

    The entirety of this causes you (the word and the person) to become a thing of infinite complexity the logic of some would claim not to exist including the death, destruction, or otherwise loss of a single particular of anything within the spectrum of that particular universe down to the most minute is of exceeding import to define our universes existence.

    In short the meaning of Life, Death, and our universe (from the time before and of your birth, to the time of all events and live's occurring within your time frame ,and yes even unto your very death,decomposition, and beyond) is You.

    and that is why we should be allowed to use second person in essays....the end. =P

    Please feel free to break my theory down examine all its parts and come back to me with the things you find wrong with it...i love working on an idea until it is complete.

    Thank You
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    First off, it's not a theory. It's basically a hypothesis.

    The meaning of life, death, and the "universe" being "you" doesn't really have a basis in practical science. Also, when you mention alternate universes...that's when you need to calit a multiverse. This "theory" is just an opinion without much(if any) evidence. Interesting but nothing I'd believe because I have my own opinions too.
  3. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Whilst i have to agree with Arch above me, you do have a point. The meaning of life only has meaning to an individual, the whole point behind your existance is to find a meaning for your existance simple as that, this is all you had to say beside's quoting theories.
  4. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    The assumption here is that given the infinitely possible worlds/universes that exist, there can be can a single, seemingly insignificant difference--such as my having green hair instead of brown hair-- that makes it completely different from this and any other possible universe/world. That is certainly acceptable.

    Different and absolutely essential are two very different things. You're claim is that contingent things such as my possible hair colour are a necessary component in differentiating that universe from another. This is incorrect. My hair colour is a contingent thing-- that is, it could have been any colour. And while there might be as many different universes in which my hair is coloured differently, it is not necessary for universe 135 to have a version of me with green hair. Our infinite differences across all possible universes distinguish each one within the multi-verse they do not define it.

    The problem here is the assumption that counter-parts are actually ourselves. While my counter-part in universe 135 with green is certainly similar to me, the fact that he made the decision to colour his hair green and I decided to keep mine my natural colour means that he is nothing like me. He is only an entity that is similar. He is not me. More over, to assume that counter-parts of an individual refer to that individual is to claim that, assuming that the multi-verse is a physcially existing entity, each of us is located in more than one point of space and time. And this is a physical impossibility.

    This part is a little weird. But given that the "you" you're referring to is a contingent entity, any meaning to it is empty. If we're to consider your multi-verse approach it's certainly possible for a universe to exist where none of us were born. how would there be any meaning in that?
  5. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    I'll agree with all the comments above me.
    You were presenting this from a specific, logic-based point of view, and comes across as more of a hypothesis.
    You are expressing this from your own point of view, not really from all angles that others can relate to.
    I recommend using a bit more references if you wish to continue working on this in the future.
  6. Xeitr The False Image Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 5, 2006
    your tummy
    its more philosophically based on the ideas behind the membrane theory in physics, then it is an actual scientific theory in itself...when i said theorizing i didn't mean as in the scientific meaning of the word...i realize i flip flopped between the meanings as i was explaining my thoughts....

    the whole point is that...your individuality is one of the defining feature of this universe

    the part about you being a thing of infinite complexity was merely stating that your link to our universe normally seems trivial till you start unwinding the strings...

    i didn't want to have to sit here and write out everything about M theory...but the basic idea is that...its a unifying theory behind string theory where originally there were 5 seperate string theorys M theory unified them in many scientists eyes

    and in response to

    "This part is a little weird. But given that the "you" you're referring to is a contingent entity, any meaning to it is empty. If we're to consider your multi-verse approach it's certainly possible for a universe to exist where none of us were born. how would there be any meaning in that?"

    there is alot of meaning in it...just as there is a universe where minute differences are all that differentiate it...there also those that are so different...they are absolute nothing...

    there are universes where all there is gravity...(which some theorize is where our gravity leaks from explaining the weakness of it compared to other forces)

    its the fact you exist in this universe that gives meaning to you not existing in another....

    and as far as the fact you exist not being the meaning of this it not the parts that make up the whole...words themselves have meaning simply because a group of other words are associated with them
  7. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    It's certainly possible that I could not have existed in any universe at all. That is, everything about me in this universe is contingent. Moreover the assumption is that my counter-parts or versions of me in other universes are me. But they can't be me or else I would be spatially and temporally located in more than one place, and that is physically impossible. So I can't be any of those other "White_Rooks" in those other universes because I'm the White_Rook of THIS universe. That being said, all my counter-parts/other versions of me can only ever be entities that are similar to me because I only exist in the space and time of this universe. Someone that's only similar to be does nothing to define MY existence

    You're confusing the significance of the whole with the significance of each of its parts. Any one of those alternate universes derives it's meaning from the sum of all of it's parts, not individual parts. There's still meaning in a universe in which I do not exist. Thus to say that I provide the meaning to this universe doesn't provide any motivation to think so.
  8. Xeitr The False Image Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 5, 2006
    your tummy
    the first part, i know they aren't you the individual i'm saying you for simplicity instead of having to write out "the you that isn't you thats in the other universe" my concept is that...the fact that in the you that is in this universe...existing in this particular one is in fact the meaning of life...not to say the meaning of life is to revolve around you...but that the meaning of your life is found in the fact that you exist in this particular universe...while the other "yous" don't...

    and the fact you don't exist in another universe is just as important as the fact you do exist here the point being that if you didn't exist would exist in another...due to the infinite possibilities...its only logical to realize that there was never any chance of you not existing because the universes are infinite in number

    also...M theory could possibly make reincarnation a possibility as well because theres infinite chances for you (you you not someone that looks like you and acts like you) to be born into a new universe after death in this one

    M theory could also mean...all religions are right...infinite possibilities. each universe has a different make up and logic...
  9. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    But technically I wouldn't exist. It would only be the case that someone like me would exist. It's like saying that in some universe green is orange. In that universe there would be no green if it were orange. There would just be be orange. So if i didn't exist here I wouldn't exist in another universe. it would just be the case that someone similar to me would exist

    If the possibilities are infinite then there's nothing unreasonable about each and every single universe not having someone like me in it. It's 50/50 either something akin to me is there or not. That being said it's not unreasonable to conceive of an entity that does not exist in every possible universe. And it's perfectly reasonable that any and all contingent entities could fit that description. Sure the odds of something akin to me existing with subtle tweaks here and there certainly outweigh the possibility of non-existence, but it doesn't entirely rule it out. Because I'm contingent it is certainly possible that I could have never existed in any universe. Again, the odds are small but not impossible.
  10. Xeitr The False Image Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 5, 2006
    your tummy
    But technically I wouldn't exist. It would only be the case that someone like me would exist. It's like saying that in some universe green is orange. In that universe there would be no green if it were orange. There would just be be orange. So if i didn't exist here I wouldn't exist in another universe. it would just be the case that someone similar to me would exist

    as i was trying to say, yourself not someone that looks and acts like you but yes you yourself had no chance to not exist...because of infinite probability of you way or another you were going to...yes you your individuality the you that you are here...was always going to exist in one universe or another...

    and yourself don't exist in every universe...there are some where a you does exist and others where a you doesn't...just as theres a universe where you have a twin...due to the infinite probability anything is possible

    where there is infinity...there is also the are a fact...not just dust in the were always going to exist...regardless of how or where or in what dimension and as i said you as in the you i'm talking to was always going to exist
  11. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Had no chance to not exist? As in I was meant to exist, or that I could have not existed? The double negative is throwing me off. Unless it's a typo. would you mind clarifying that?

    The assumption here is that my individuality is a necessary part of some universe. But if we're dealing with infinite probability--that is EVERY outcome is given a chance in each universe-- then it is probable for me to not have existed in ANY universe. It's possible that anything close to being/resembling White_Rook could not have existed anywhere at all.

    Again if anything is possible I and any of my counter-parts could have never existed anywhere.

    But the me that you are talking to right now is a contingent entity. Again you're assuming that we're necessities to any universe. It's possible for me to have never existed anywhere at all such that we would never have a conversation like this. That is to say this conversation could never have existed anywhere.
  12. Xeitr The False Image Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 5, 2006
    your tummy
    the chance of this never having happened is only true to this particular universe...this particular multi verse even...cause...if theres multiple universes...then there would be as well multi multi verses...meaning this goes on forever...

    thought just came to me...that means theres a multiverse where nothing exists at that point...are they at all...
  13. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Not entirely. The existence of an infinitely expansive multiverse would allot a probable occurrence of all possible outcomes. To say that there are multiple multiverses is redundant, as the multiverse includes all probable permutations.

    And again, nonexistence of an entity is probable in every possible universe. Just as there are an infinite number of reasons for my existence as well as my counter-parts' existences there are an infinite number of reasons for our non-existence. So it's not just that I could have not existed in this universe. I could have not existed in any universe.
  14. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    Ussually I try to stay out of arguments like this, but for once I will make an exception. It is true. First of all looking at this through a biological stand point : We first have to ask what are the possibilities of White_Rook's father's sperm matching up with the egg to make what we call White_Rook (minutley slim)?
    Then we must also ask what is the possibilitie that White_Rook's parents would ever meet up? Then we start all over again asking about the fertilization of his parents.
    Biologicly we partake in sexual reproduction, which is one of the most random forms there is. You never know who will mate, and what will be the end result.
    So as White_Rook said it is surley plausable that he will not exist if there are other Universes.
  15. Xeitr The False Image Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 5, 2006
    your tummy

    your leaving out the major factor in all this though is there are infinite end to the possibilities so that minutely slim chance becomes a 100% chance that somewhere his parents would birth him in one of the universes
  16. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Infinite probability doesn't necessarily imply a guarantee for something. All it ensures is that every possible outcome has some chance of manifesting somewhere at some point in time. As I mentioned previously this means that in every universe for every one thing that contributes to the existence of an entity there are just as many things that contribute to the non-existence of it. And since this isn't finite we're not limited by any real constraints. Non-existence might range from a miscarriage all the way up to a purple hippopotamus eating the parents.
  17. Xeitr The False Image Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 5, 2006
    your tummy
    yes in one of the universes he may die before birth, but, he was going to survive in one of the realm of infinity that chance you speak of gets increased to the point you were going to inevitably be born everything you imagine exists somewhere you think up a person in your head...they exist somewhere...not because you thought them up...but because they were going to exist to begin with...each universe in itself has a chance of you not being born...but there are so many it was going to happen eventually. in effect making the probability of your birth in at least one of the universes 100% everything that could have happened to you in your life has happened somewhere
  18. MandyXRiku4ever Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2009
    Yeah but the cycle is still unknown to use. There hasn't been any proof if there is another universe. And if there was wouldn't we have figured it out or not?

    I think maybe that when people die there souls go
    To where they are destined to go I suppose. But that's just me and a Theroy I have.
  19. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Well even if we were to take the difficulty of proving infinite probability, given the number of choices in our daily lives it's not unreasonable to think that the world would be slightly different if we had chosen to do one thing instead of another. That being said we could conceive of an actual place where we did that one thing instead of the other. In some other possible world, for example, I haven't made this post.
  20. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I can already see this debate, which being based on Physics, is way farther than my education standards can take me. I am however putting in my own little note on this hypothesis, since free speech is something I kinda like and actively do.

    First off, the very meaning of infinite is truthfully too complex for the human mind to understand with its current capabilities, thus any mention of infinite could mean we lack suffecient understanding or capability in order to process the vast amounts of information that is in effect from the meaning of infinite. this means any scientific hypothesis that uses infinite is subject to mass scrutany because baically we haven't enough data from suh a vast amount of information to make a valid claim, whether you like it or not. However, if you use this in a philosophical sense in order to describe existence, claims can be made without any evidence, but again a certain faith or belief is needed in order to accept this concept.

    Second, the multiverse is again to large for us to quantify this large amount of data into something coherent for a human mind. The fact that a new universe is 'born' because my hair flops the opposite direction to what it is in this universe, or my choices to go on this website, or my choices to look up at the clock, or when to have food, or what to eat., drink, sleep... it's too expansive for the mind to give a scientific meaning. Ergo, a this hypothesis would be hard to prove or disprove since any evidence gathered would have to come from data that is currently too large for any man or machine to process. Just gonna have to play the waiting game in order to find out whther this theory is wrong or right.

    Lastly, I do believe in this concept in some sort of philosophical sense, in that matter is connected through greater things than time and space, whereby existence is a extremely multi layered component. But scientifically it is a little far fetched without evidence, and many evidence that is present is subjective or too small to apply to a concept so large.

    Anyway, that was my little input, please enjoy.