This thread does not exist. You're not supposed to post lies. Everything in here is the truth. How good are you at lying?
You're lying..about lying, about lying, about lying. I used to lie allot when I was younger, but thanks to some events I no longer lie unless it's sarcasm. The damn cricket bludgeons me over the head if I do now, but I can.
This reminds of that drinking game, 'Never have I ever...' You make a statement like, 'I've kissed someone of the same sex before' and if you have you drink and if you haven't you don't. I never want to admit my faults to drunks. Or is that a lie?
Everybody lies. So how do you know what's the truth? What if I'm lying right now? What if I'm lying about lying? What is the universe seems to say no, but it's lying about that? What if the universe is just fooling around and lying about lying too? Everybody lies. Everybody tells the truth.