The Love of a Nobody

Discussion in 'Archives' started by twilit_shadow, Apr 10, 2007.


Where should Nex go to recover her lost memories?

  1. Twilight Town

    12 vote(s)
  2. Hallow Bastion/Radiant Garden

    13 vote(s)
  1. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    I kinda figured you'd say that. ^-^
  2. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Well, duh...this is me we are talking about. :rolleyes:
  3. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight

    *hugs Twi*

    Hehe, sorry about that....

    but I'm serious! There IS something about torture fics that I love so much! I'm reading this great one called 'And Shattered They Fell'. You want the link to it? It makes you cry. No kidding. I did.

    Axel: *cough* Baby *cough*

    Axel, shut up!


    No problem! Take your time writing :)

    Tues? I gots a guitar club concert that day :D You may just end up making my tuesday-day! :D
  4. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    We are SO lost sisters or sumpthin!!!!

    Oooo, definitely! Where can I find it?

    Axel, don't push your luck. You're hot enough already so don't make it harder for the rest of us, kay? Kay.

    Don't worry, I try as hard as I can to take my time. That's why it takes a few days to dish out a chapter or two.

    Alright! I hope I do! Be expecting a good chapter! (I hope....) ^-^
  5. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight

    Here it is:

    It hadn't updated in a while, so I pm-ed the author, and she said she was going to continue it, but she just wanted to give her attention to some of her other stories first :) So if it doesn't update in a while, dont she she forgot about it, kay? :)

    Yeah really Axel.

    Axel: Grrr....

    Every chapter is a good chapter! :D
  6. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    Alright! Thanks!

    Aww! He's so cute! I think he'll get over it though.

    I hope it's good. As soon as ya'll read it, you'll be able to tell I love my mushy stuff. ^-^
  7. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    So... Am I just the red-headed step-sister of the "Axel is HAWT!" group, or what? XD;

    ( Says the ex-Axel complete fangurl who has now converted to Xigbar-ism...

    Xigbar: DAMN STRAIGHT! >D



    Where'd that come from?! XD;
  8. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    Awww!! Poor Foxxie!! *hugs*

    You're rockin it too girl! We're all fangurls on this site!!

    And that's okay. Xigbar rocks too. (just not as much as Axel)


    Axel: HA!!!

    Me: SQUEEEE!!
  9. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Correction: Xigbar is not as HOT as Axel. ^-^

    Xigbar: ................................ (*shock*)

  10. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    Hmmm....Do I want to get into an arguement here?


    Axel: I feel so loved!!!

    Xigbar: What-ev.
  11. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Awwww, Xiggy, ya know I still love y--

    Xigbar: Don't... Touch me... >.>;

    Me: Fine then! Be that way! >\

    Xigbar: .................. *sulks off into emo corner*

    Me: ....................... I'll huggle him later. Oh, yeah! When'd you say the next part would be ready, again? I'm not gonna rush you or anything, I just want a general idea if that can be provided. =3

    *makes a commitment to work on fanfic the rest of the night* >.>;
  12. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    I'd say sometime tonight or REALLY EARLY tomorrow morning. I put my LONG short story for school off till real late so I have to get it done tonight. So that mean's the next chapter may be a bit delayed till the weeee hours of Wednesday morning....Sorry!

    Axel: WHO CARES?!?! As long as I"M in it, I could give a crap when it comes out.


    Axel: So? I'm still in there aren't I?

    Me: Oi.....Men....

    Xigbar: Seriously. Why ya gotta be so mean to the girl Axel?

    Me: Look who's talkin! Go hug Foxxie....NOW.

    Xigbar: Fine! *sulks away looking for Foxxie*

  13. Hunted Hunter Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 4, 2007
    Nowhere... really. Gender: FEMALE
    This is a really cool story! I read the whole thing last night and stayed up until WAY later than normal to finish it. I fell asleep right after that. xD

    Awesome. Can't wait til the next part.
  14. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    Aww! I appreciate that!

    And don't worry. The next half should be up late tonight or early tomorrow. But I shall forwarn you that it's full of mushy stuff. I hope you're prepared!
  15. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    YAY! Mushy stuff! XD

    I think I can handle it... Even though I don't specialize with the mushy stuff in my own fanfictions... XD;

    I'm more of a comedian... ._.;

    Xigbar: >.>; How come I have to be the butt of all\most of your jokes, though?! >.<;
    Me: Cuz I LUV ya, Xiggy! =D
    Xigbar: ............. *sigh* *rolls eyes* <insert awkward hug here>
    Me: HOO-RAY!!!!! XDDDDDDD *squeezes him like he's some kind of life-sized stress toy*
    Xigbar: ARE YA HAPPY NOW, SYD?! D<
  16. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    Me: YUP! Thanks Xiggy!!!!
    Axel: Hey! Where's MY love?
    Me: You actually want hugs now?
    Axel: Well, if I'm supposedly the hottest one around (next to Xiggy of course), then why shouldn't I get hugs?
    Me: AW!!! *hugs*
    Demyx: Aw....I didn't get a hug....*puppydog eyes*
    Me: AHHH!! Hugs all around!!! *hugs*

    That's okay, I think I'm fairly mushed out right now. I need to work on my Roxas story and start being mean to everyone....>D

    But yeah, it won't be over the top mushy, but it'll be building up Axel and Nex's relationship a bit more.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Yeah yeah, I've heard it all before. WHY THE HECK DID I TAKE SO LONG?!?!?!?! Well, let's see, if I were to list all the things that happened to me between now and the last section, I'd be awake for about a week.

    Now, speaking of sleep, as soon as I get this up, I'm going straight to that heavenly place called BED! Anywayz, yup, mushy stuff to follow as well as extreme longness. And I know ya'll have pretty much heard all this "Number XIII" stuff already, but make sure you actualy read through this section cause it deals with Axel's feelings on the situation. Hope ya like, and spread the word that I've got the new section up!

    The Love of a Nobody... (section 11)

    “Sorry but we’ve only got one room left. One of us can give ours up if you want.”

    “That’s okay, we’ll be fine,” answered Axel. Nex was relieved. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to be all alone in a room that wasn’t her own. That and she wanted Axel by her side, just in case.

    “And there’s only one bed.”

    “I’ll sleep on the floor.”

    “You don’t have to do that,” said Nex.

    “It’s alright, I don’t mind.” Nex looked at him quizzically.

    “Okay, come on. I’ll show you your room.” Leon walked steadily down the long hallway and passed several wooden doors before he stopped at one. The door was a bluish color with a light hint of black and white. It seemed a bit out of place here. Leon took out a small set of keys from his jacket pocket and opened up the lock. The room inside was a little ordinary; a long bed with white sheets and a few pillows, a chest of drawers, a bathroom to the side, a long mirror beside the bed, and a window off to the left that looked out on the skyline. But for now, neither of them cared. All they wanted to do was sleep. “I’ll have Yuffie bring in some extra clothes and blankets for you two.”

    “Thanks, for putting us up Squall. I mean, Leon,” Nex said correcting herself.

    “It’s no big deal. You two are our friends. You deserve it.” And with that being said, he walked out of the room.

    Nex and Axel gazed at their surroundings and slowly took it all in. Axel walked right up to the window and found himself staring at the outside world. The remains of Radiant Garden’s castle stood off in the distance, right in front of the setting sun.

    “So much has changed since we left.”

    Nex contemplated to herself in the corner. She knew it too. A lot had changed and their memories could prove it. Unfortunately, their memories weren’t theirs, but their Others’. They didn’t have anything to miss, to enjoy, or even to love. She felt a dark presence entrap the place where her heart should have been. She did miss this place but she knew that feeling wasn’t really there. It probably never would be.

    She turned off to the side and walked into the bathroom, readying herself for an extremely long, hot shower. She felt as if she needed to cleanse herself. Maybe this could do the trick.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    For nearly an hour Nex let the hot water run over her protesting body. The aches and pains of the past few days had taken their toll on her. It was amazing just how much had happened in that short period of time. She had learned so much but there was still a lot she didn’t know. She wasn’t sure if she even wanted to know.

    She wrapped up her body with a long, blue towel and starting drying her hair with her hands. Slowly walking out of the fogged bathroom, Nex noticed a pair of baggy cotton jeans and a white tank top lying on the bed. She smiled. Her old friends had some consideration after all. Throwing off the towel, she pulled on the outfit and looked at herself in the mirror. Her violet eyes glanced at each detail, critiquing every mistake. Her hair was too long, her nose was too big, her shoulders were too broad. Everything that Nex saw in that mirror was wrong. She began to despise her reflection with a burning passion. How was it that Axel could love this thing in the mirror? This pale mirage of a person? Nex felt like she wasn’t even there.

    “I think you look just fine.”

    Nex recognized the voice but kept her eyes on the doppelganger girl that stood in front of her. Axel walked up to Nex after shutting the door behind him and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

    “I don’t think staring at yourself is going to change anything.”

    “Neither do I.”

    “Come on, you don’t look that bad.”

    “Oh yeah?” Nex swiveled and finally looked directly at Axel. He had changed clothes too. Unfortunately, they were not to her liking and probably not to his either. His chest was bare and rippling with his lean muscles. Nex started blushing when she saw him but it didn’t last for long. His bottom half wore a pair of slack jeans with small bird-like creatures revolving around them. Nex remembered them as something called chocobos. But what caught her eyes the most? The small birds were pink.

    “What the heck are you wearing?” Nex’s sour attitude instantly started laughing. She fell hard on the bed because of her hysterics.

    “Hey! It was all they had, okay? I’m just glad I don’t have to wear that damn cloak anymore.”

    Nex was still giggling, but managed to suppress it long enough to talk. “Where’s your shirt supposed to be?”

    “Oh that? Squall tried to talk me into this really freaky looking thing but the pink pants were already crossing the line.” The redhead made his journey from the door over to the window. Underneath it were around ten blankets and pillows. He grabbed the first sheet and started arranging his bed on the wooden floor boards.

    “Are you sure you don’t want the bed? I can take the floor if you want,” she asked. Her laughing had stopped and now she lay comfortably on the bed, watching Axel as he worked.

    “You kidding? I’m fine Nex, don’t worry about me.”

    “Alright.” She wanted to protest but she also didn’t want to argue. In truth, she wasn’t in the mood. Placing her hands behind her head, Nex leaned back as far as she could until her spine touched the wall. Suddenly, a thought from the back of her mind leaped to the forefront. Something that everyone back at the Castle seemed to know; everyone but her that is.



    “Who’s Number XIII?”

    Axel went rigid. His face was totally blank with the exception of his eyes. Extreme sadness was reflected in them. He dropped the blanket in his hand when he heard her words.

    “I don’t want to talk about it.”

    “Is it something I shouldn’t know? Is he dangerous?”

    In a flash of red, Axel had whirled around to face her. “No! It’s just,” He rubbed his temples and sighed deeply, “I just don’t want you involved, okay?”

    Nex dropped her head onto the nearest pillow. What was he trying to hide? “Demyx knew something about it,” she muttered.

    Another sigh. He couldn’t keep this away from her for very long. Eventually, she’d have to know. The only downside was his participation in Number XIII’s affairs. They had been friends after all. Sucking in as much air as he could, he prepared himself to retell the saddening story that had put him in this situation. He calmly walked over to the bed, lifted his feet over the edge, and sat down cross-legged on the sheets. Nex leaned up from her position.

    “Nex, I really shouldn’t be telling you this but,” Axel seemed to be talking to the wall instead of to Nexydys. His eyes looked like they were off in their own world, in a completely different place.

    “You don’t have to tell me anything Axel. I probably shouldn’t have asked.”

    “No, you need to know.” He sighed again. This was going to be hard on him, but it needed to be done. “I’ve got to tell somebody.”

    Nex perked up, listening intently to his every word.

    “You were there in Twilight Town, remember?”

    “Twilight Town?”

    “It’s a world with a never-ending sunset. It was made that way. You saw me there.”

    “Oh! Yeah, I remember. What about it?”

    “The kid I was fighting? Well, he…” Nex could tell that this was painful for the redhead. He looked like he didn’t even want to be here right now. “He’s Number XIII. I was ordered to bring him back to the Organization, but he fought me for it.”

    “Huh? He was apart of the Organization?”

    “Yeah, he was our final member. But that was a long time ago. About a year actually. He was in Twilight Town the day that I found him.” Axel laughed a little as he reminisced over these old memories. “That was the beginning of our friendship. I took him up to the top of the Town Tower. I even bought him some ice cream, just to show that I was trying to help him out. We hung out whenever we got the chance. But…” Axel closed his eyes. Nex was going to prod him for more information, but she held back. “He kept on pulling away from me as the days wore on. He acted like we had never met or even been friends before. I tried as hard as I could to keep him from doing something stupid but, eventually…”

    Nex finished the sentence for him. “He left, didn’t he?”

    Axel nodded. “He wanted to find his Other so badly, and there were so many things that I had to keep from him because of Xemnas’s orders. His whole life was a mystery to him. He didn’t even know he had an Other until I told him. He just thought he had a Heartless and that was it. In a way, I don’t really blame him for leaving. I just wish he would’ve said something.”

    “But why were you fighting him? Did he do something bad before he left?”

    “No. Xemnas, well, he ordered me to bring him back to the Organization or…Or kill him.”

    Nex gasped at this. She understood that Xemnas would want to rid himself of a rebel member, but he wanted to kill a kid? Why would he do that?

    “He was a keyblade wielder too, just like Sora.” Now that made more sense. Xemnas would want a keyblade wielder on his side, on the Organization’s side.

    “He’s actually Sora’s Other, but I don’t think he knew that. They ordered me to destroy him, but I couldn’t do it.” Once again, Axel seemed to be extremely distant. He was looking at a faraway place that Nex couldn’t see. He acted like he was talking to himself. “I just, I couldn’t do it.” He held his head in his hands with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Nex wasn’t sure what to do for him. She picked herself up and plopped down next to him.

    “Axel, what can I do to help? I didn’t really know him, but I don’t want you to be upset over his decision. He made the choice to leave on his own. There was nothing you could do.”

    “But I almost killed him! I can’t believe…” There, in that moment, Axel woke up from his trance and looked right at Nex.

    “The fact is you didn’t. You should be happy about that.” Nex gazed at her lap. She didn’t mean to bring up painful memories. They were too much for him to handle. “I’m sorry for asking you. I didn’t mean-”

    “Nex, it’s not your fault. It’s mine. I wanted to keep his friendship so badly that I was willing to do anything to keep him in my life. I over did it. But I’ll get him back somehow.” His emerald eyes narrowed. “I’ve got to try.” Axel started laughing off the aches that he was feeling in the pit of his chest. It didn’t do him much good, but it made him feel better when he laughed. Even if the emotions were fleeting and gone in a few seconds, they were better than nothing. He looked up at Nex and saw that she was still pitying herself. Her violet eyes had gained the same sadness that he had just let go.

    “Hey,” he started, “Let’s get some sleep okay?”

    “Yeah,” Now Nex appeared to be in her own distant place. When Axel told her about Number XIII, she thought about some of the things she could’ve done when she was surrounded by the Organization. Why didn’t she do the same things? Why didn’t she just get up and leave? If it was possible, she could have probably found her Other too. She could’ve been whole again…

    - - - - - - - - - -



    “Oh, um, nothing. Just wondering if you were still awake or not.”

    “Well, it’s kinda hard to sleep when Squall snores so loud.”

    Her laugh. It echoed through the room gently and lay on the air even after she had finished. Axel bathed in that laugh. But it was over just as quickly as it had begun. He relished that moment when she would laugh again, like the way she did earlier. She had so much life in her when she laughed.

    “I didn’t hear him snoring. Does it rumble through the floor boards or something?”


    Nex laughed again, but not as hard this time. Her difficulties still plagued her. Everything swarmed her and swallowed her up like she was nothing more to them than a childish play thing. Rolling over in her sheets to face him, she propped her hand up underneath her head. They each listened to the sound of the other breathe.



    “What are those tattoos on your face?”

    “Oh, these?” replied the redhead, touching several fingers up to his cheekbones. The scar-like paintings had adorned his face ever since he could remember. “I’ve had them for a while. Why do you ask?”

    “Nothing. Just wondering. Ela had them too, so I figured they might mean something.”

    “Really? Well, I remember Vexen always wanting to know what they were,” Axel snorted at the thought of the brainy Nobody. “He kept asking to surgically remove them so he could perform neuro-whatever tests on them. I don’t know how much crazier that man could have gotten. But it’s weird that you mention it. Even Zexion wanted to know how I got them, but I never could give anybody an answer.”

    “Ela used to have crescent ones, right underneath his eyes and up around his cheeks. He was constantly smiling and every time he did, you could see those tattoos as bright as day,” Nex answered, partially in her own little fantasy world.

    “Hmm…I guess since Ela had crescent ones, they could refer to happiness. That particular spot on the face is where the jaw muscles connect to help us smile.”

    “Wow, I didn’t know that.”

    “Like I said, too much time around Vexen.”

    “But, yours are tear-shaped. Does that mean something bad?”

    “Nah, I doubt it. Besides, I haven’t had too many bad things happen to me lately.” Axel stared straight at Nex with a whole-hearted grin. She blushed as he spoke.

    “But really, do you think they mean something?”

    “Well, tear-shaped or not, they won’t change who I am. I hardly even notice these tats anyway.” But, deep within her heartless heart, Nex couldn’t help but have a sense of foreboding. It was like Axel was destined for something far worse than anyone could realize. Somewhere in the future timeline, he would be experiencing the worst of all his emotions; pain. And she was right there in the middle of it all.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Yeah, that was long. And I'm sorry bout that. Ugh, I don't love that last part cause it was thrown in their very last minute. I had it all written up a while back and I couldn't find it anywhere, so I had to make it all up from scratch. Anyway, it's not too horrible. Just a lot of fluff. Like or don't like? And seriously people, I need a real review! Not one of these little doohickies: OMG! I LUV YOUR STORY!!! Tell me what I need to fix, okay? There's no such thing as a perfect writer and/or story.

    Okay, that was mean. Sorry but it's almost 4 in the AM over here. I"M FREAKIN TIRED! Night!
  17. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight

    Umm....I don't see anything wrong with this....but I really like it! :D Great job! :D
  18. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    I luv it Twi!!!! This was a really good section since Nex got to learn more about Axel and so on and so forth. It was reallly great!!

    And I couldn't find anything wrong with it, you used the correct grammar and I couldn't find any spell check errors or anything else like that. Nice job! *high fives*
  19. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    That should be something like...

    There. Critisism.

    Now that THAT'S done...

  20. Hunted Hunter Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 4, 2007
    Nowhere... really. Gender: FEMALE
    I do... love your story. Some missing commas that irritated the crap out of me when I read where they should have been, but now I can't find them. That shows how trivial the errors I notice are. Not much help, huh? I tried.

    And, come to think of it, they may not even be missing commas, just somewhere that I would put a comma, to make the sentence a little more organized.