ok so he's not really all tha nice but deep down everyone kind of likes Itachi. he's just a lovable kind of a guy.
If you mean lovable as in a sociopath, then I would agree cause the world isn't complete without him.
Donuts? Later!!! We need to find some decent Itachi fanart online decipting him in smexy poses and make an Itachi fan club to boot to express our fandom.
an idea alrighty guys. I have an idea. We can be the Itachi Fan Club. Its a totally original name i know!
But if we want to be original we should call ourselves something like 'Ita-chan's stalkers' or the 'Mangekyou lovers' or even 'Tsukoyomi Fandom Mania' but my fave to pick would be 'Ita-kun's Lovers'