Simple DS Series Vol. 14: The Jidousha Kyoushuujo DS: Gendouki Tsuki Jitensha, Futsuu Jidou Nirin, Oogata Jidou Nirin, Futsuu Jidousha, Futsuu Jidousha Nishu, Chuugata Jidousha, Oogata Jidousha, Oogata Jidousha Nishu, Oogata Tokushu Jidousha, Kenin Would this be the game with the longest tilte? Or is there one with an even larger title?
Lets make it easier and only use ones in english. I would have to say its eithar Dragon Quest Eight: The Journy Of The Cursed King, or The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past. Theyre both pretty long if you ask me, but I like Zelda better than Dragon Quest, so ZELDA WINS!!!