The life of Organization 13

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Roxaspartanti, Aug 12, 2008.

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  1. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    ooc: phht. What kind of a member is Zexion anyway?!
  2. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Larxene inhaled as she didn't see Saix in the room, she left the room to try and carry on what she was doing. While walking she thought really hard on what she had been doing, most of her time was spent looking for Saix and then her hand went to hold Chen which was...MISSING! She stopped and widened her eyes, she looked as if a ghost had just walked in front of her and made a funny face. She walked down the halls in a hurry searching over them, she then felt a jerk in her mind telling her that maybe he was kidnapped by Saix again.

    Her eyes narrowed, if he kidnapped her Chen she would strangle Saix to death but of course she needed to find him now. She saw Xiggl-XIGBAR! Laying on the floor, she walked up and shook him. "Xiggles wake up! I need your help finding mutt face" Larxene said then stopped, she saw a glimpse of silvery hair and sprinted towards it assuming it had to be the one and only Saix.
  3. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Saix's ears twitched as he heard Larxene yelling his name. He pulled his hood over himself, just to make himself feel some what more safe. Saix then yawned and looked around, unsure where to go. Soon the diviner made up his mind and snickered silently to himself as he walked down the halls.

    Vexen was in a part of his lab where at the time being, he was on a break from his insane, stupid experiments. So he was sitting in a chair alone doing a sudoku puzzle. The chilly academic rubbed his eye brow and sighed, 'There's quite a bit of noise upstairs...' Vexen thought to himself. Unwary of Roxas within his lab without permission...

    Xigbar was waken as he heard the word 'Xiggles' and his eyes narrowed in a annoyed sense.
    "Once more, I will tell you! I will say this 10 times if I have to, but, I am not Xiggles!" He growled as Larxene jolted off.
  4. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Larxene caught up with him and pounced on him, she grinned and looked down at her prey proud as a lioness although it soon evaporated into stupid as a kitten. What she had pounced on was a innocent Zexion, their hair was both silver although some times it seemed Zexion's hair was other verities of blue and such depending upon the lighting. She sighed getting off him, she narrowed her eyes as she would have to find Saix some where and looked at the little schemer. "Number 6, have you seen number 7?" Larxene asked Zexion, she felt slightly stupid asking the poor boy she had tackled. Perhaps he would be willing to help her find Saix, at least so that she may go away.
  5. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine laid on the floor. "Ouch!" She rubbed her head that she hit on the wall. She shruged and forgot about Xigbar. She walked to her room and changed into a clean white dress. After done getting dressed she walked out of the room to look for Roxas. She needed to say ''Sorry."
  6. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Ooc: Zexion is no. 6 and he is thee Cloaked Schemer... So I guess he is a Scheming emo =P (Idk really how to answer X_x; I tried)

    Xigbar rolled his eyes and walked off. 'Stupid Larxene and her lame nicknames and her running off and not listening issues...' Xigbar thought to himself in a ramble. The free shooter then appeared in the kitchen, he never had breakfast this morning...

    Saix finally snuck himself back into Larxene's room and began digging through her junk in a reckless fast matter. The diviner was searching for more of that fruit favored lip gloss...

    Vexen finished a sheet and then put a book mark within the sudoku book to mark his page. The chilly academic then got up and put away his book. The man figured he should perhaps do some more tests on his experiments. So, he headed over to the area where Roxas was with the aid kit. At first Vexen jumped and almost screamed but instead. He raised one eye brow and asked "Roxas... What are you doing in my lab? You should have told me you were here... I dislike trespassers you know..."
    'Geez and I thought he was a ghost...' The chilly academic thought with some dread.
  7. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Ooc: A emo member... lolz... I actually don't think Zexion is emo, but I'm gonna make him one...
    Bic: Zexion was in a shock of Larxene tackling him.
    "No. I don't know were number 7 is." he said a bit scared, if Larxene might tackle him again
  8. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    "Roxas! Roxas!!! Come out Roxas, I wont hurt you! By sight or physicaly! Roxas!!! Roxy!!! Roxas-chun!!! Sora!! I Mean Roxas!!!" Namien squeaked around the castle lookign for her Roxy.
  9. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Ooc: Aye I know... But yeah, Zexion's role played as one a lot ^_^ lol or so it seems (But that seems only due to his hair style, I guess...) *Shrug*
  10. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    ooc: this is why im crazy, this is why- *clears throat. Roxas dissapeared already! I cant change the past, Vexen! What do you think I am, dumb or something? (singing in the rain quote, Im not mad)
    Roxas heard Namine. He widened his eyes, trying to get off the bed but was stuck. "Samurai." Roxas said. His general appeared, and spoke Japanese. Roxas spoke back to him, saying,
    "Nobody comes near this room. Send your ninjas to get anybody who wants to hurt me. Larxene, for stealing Chen, Zexion, for stealing his pants, and Namine...for freakin me out! Gogogo!"
    The ninjas, which were dusks, guarded the inside of the room, while the samurai nobodies guarded the doors.
    Roxas rolled out of bed with a clinkclinkbang, falling off of it because of such heavy pants, and eventually got himself up. He took out a poster of Sting and the Police, turned it around, and made a plan of escape. Tonight...I must survive. Roxas thought. He showed the plan to the samurai nobody general and Twilight thorn.

    Meanwhile, Axel was tied up to a samurai nobodies weapon, being dropped slowly into a barrel of water. He had duct tape on his eyes and his mouth.
  11. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine got a sudden idea and hurried off to her room. She pulled out her sketch book and made Roxas forget he ever saw you know what. She smiled and drew a picture of them eating cookies together in her room. Namine added the fake memory to Roxas memory instead of the naked one. She waited..
  12. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    OoC: I could take Xaldin if you like :P

    Larxene nodded to the afraid Zexion, she begun to think to ask him if he had seen her priceless Shen. That's giving him Black Mail though, and last she needs is for him to ask her to clean his robes for months on end with the threat of her collection being discovered. Then again, she could just play it off cool and make it seem insignificant to her that she collects ball joint dolls. After all, she is a female and dolls are girly and many people collect toys. She finally looked at him with a calm look on her face, "Zexion, do you know anything about Ball Joint Dolls?" Larxene asked him curiously. There was nothing too suspicious about asking about something, after all he was rather smart maybe she was curious in how they were made!
  13. Ven The Keyblade Master Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 20, 2008
    Having fun locked in a closet with Kairi 8D
    Kevin saw Namine. "Hey Namine, watcha doin? Messing up someone's memories again?"
  14. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    "Maybe..." She said sounding inicont. "What you doign here anyway?" She asked looking at him.
  15. Ven The Keyblade Master Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 20, 2008
    Having fun locked in a closet with Kairi 8D
    "Why do you care? Fine...I wanted to tell you someting..."
  16. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    "What?" She asked and drew a random picture of one of Roxas's memories.
  17. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    are you listening ven? Kevin is a destiny islands resident, and he stays there. Thats the second time you broke that rule.
    Roxas blinked. He issued orders in japanese. The general nodded. Namine can come into his room now. Roxas thought on what to do today. He could ask Axel to play videogames with him...he could play sitar hero with Demyx...what could he do? He got bored of Chen and threw it down the laundry chute. Roxas sat on his swivel chair and looked at his calendar. September the 12. Nothing. Only school, but he skipped it.

    Axel was now closer to the water pot. His cries muffled by the duct tape, he remembered. He could burn through it. He burned through it, destroyed the nobodies guarding and holding him there, and fell into the water pot.
  18. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine stood up and walked off to Roxas's room. She knocked on the door and then waited.
  19. Shizzy Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 7, 2008
    hey, can i have sora? XD
  20. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    ooc: Yeah you can.
    "Who is it?" Roxas called from his bed.
    The general spoke Japanese back. "Its Namine."
    "Let her in." Roxas said back.
    One of the dusks opened the door quickly, then flew away unseen. All of the dusks were hiding somewhere. If their leader would be in danger, they attack.
    Roxas pushed his feet off from the bottom of the desk and swung around, looking up from his calendar. "Hey, Namine. Those cookies earlier were awesome. I'll make burgers for you."

    Axel got out of the pot, his red hair down across his face, and he engulfed himself in flames to fry his hair back and dry himself out. "THAT BOYS A GONER!" Axel yelled, portalling to Roxas's room in front of Namine and then got attacked by millions of dusks.
    He found himself chained down, being lowered into a swimming pool.
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