The life of Organization 13

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Roxaspartanti, Aug 12, 2008.

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  1. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Saix nodded his head with a smile. Really he thought whatever she was going to him wasn't really that half bad, he smiled and toke the white dress and looked with much question in his head.
    "You want me to wear this?" The luna asked with a smirk upon his face.
    He thought it looked lovely and was curious if there was more Larxene wanted to show him, he didn't know she had this much stuff that was as great as eating lip gloss!
    "So..." Saix began to speak, "What else you got? I don't think this looks beautiful enough"

    ((So very sorry I've not spoken in a while O_o;;; but I'll try harder ^_^; ))
  2. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Roxas woke up, hearing the sound of laughter. He spat out a...marker?! Out of his mouth, which landed into someones eye, and the person ran away screaming. "My EYES!!" The rest of the group turned quiet, and backed away, knowing this guy had deadly aim. Don't get him mad!
    Roxas looked around the crowd. "Can someone pass me a mirror?"
    No one volunteered to get near him.
    "Ok.." Roxas walked through the crowd, they opened for him. He went to the washroom, and-"Oh my God...It's a me, MARIO!!"
  3. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine decided to get a puppy for thanksgiving. She had woken up from her nap in her room and walked outside with her new dress on.
  4. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Roxas double taked, and whenever he did, it seemed like he slipped, and flipped over. His face went into full anger mode, and he formed a plan. "Hack into the schools computers." He got up, placing his organization coat on....which was switched with a mario suit, and placed his mario hat on, "Survey the surveillance system." Roxas got up, walking out the washroom. Some people commented on him, saying he was the new mascot for basketball.
    He got out his keyblades, which were switched with a baseball bat, "Find out who did this to me.."
    He whacked them in the head, and they ran away, saying baseball mascot, and he ran through the halls, jumping on everyones head, "Beat the living-"
    The intercom sounded through the halls.
    "May the new baseball mascot not jump on peoples heads."
  5. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine walked down the sidewalk to the pet strore. She walked it and heard the door bell ring. She walked to the puppy dog area and looked at the puppies. There was a heartless puppy, a golden retriever pup, a black lab pup, a white husky pup and a mother pug. Namine had her eyes on the adorable husky pup. She picked it up and pet it softly. She walked it to the cashier, paid for everything she needed and the pup. She walked back with her pup on the leash who was trying to bite it.
  6. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    ooc: oy...wheres Roxas's money?!
    Roxas found out that those weren't students. His ultra evil grudge glare had gave him bad sight. They were janitors. That were cleaning up since it was Thanksgiving.
    Roxas double taked, falling down the high school steps.
    I have to donate 3000 cans! Its my schools project!
    "Xaldin!!!" Roxas yelled, running down the street, jumping on cars, looking like mario. There were so many people glancing his way.

    Axel, since he was so occupied in putting stuff on Roxas, ended up in the janitors room. He looked in the calendar. "ThankSGIVING?!" Axel double taked, and when he does that, something burns up. It turned out to be the calendar.
  7. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Zexion brushed his hair so it would cover the back eye. He put lots of gel and hairspray on it. He walked out side his room, but the hairspray was still in the air and decided to follow him(ooc: I'm very smart). Zexion coughed. Then he coughed twice. And soon he was coughing nonstop.
  8. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Roxas ran down the street, and soon attracted attention from Princess Peach. "Are you busy tonight? Are you busy tonight?" Roxas tried to get away, but she hung on to her umbrella and floated beside him. If he tried to swat her away, she floated out of the way.
    Axel ran to the grocery store, buying a large turkey. He ran from store to store, getting the right ingredients.
  9. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    OOC- lol axel cooks xDD


    Namine saw Princess Peach and a familiar looking Mario come running behind her. Choc, her pup, started barking and soon she fell over by the Mario. Choc barked at him mad.
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