The life of Organization 13

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Roxaspartanti, Aug 12, 2008.

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  1. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    "Yeah." Roxas said, and smiled back. He turned his head over to look at a small island away.
    I know she controls my memories...maybe she knows that I'm thinking about my heart...Oh...crack...Namines feelings I have for her I fake, and so is Olettes...Dang...

    Axel wanted to fire a bolt of fire at Roxas, but he was afraid of hitting Namine. He got an idea. Threaten a guy who owns the seasalt icecream caboose, get it to the beach and then Namine will walk over to it, get icecream only for her, and while shes gone, I blast Roxas with fire. Ding ding ding!!! Axel teleported away, and teleported the icecream caboose to the beach.
  2. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine looked around to see a ice cream cart. Grinning she walked over to it and said, "One sea salt ice cream please." Namine looked up to see Axel. "Axel? Is that you?" She asked looking at his red hair.
  3. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Axel pretended he didn't hear Namine, then pointed somewhere away from Roxas and the icecream truck and yelled, "Oh my God!!!"
    When Namine was distracted, he pushed Brad Pitt into Namine, summoned his chakrams, and flung them.

    The chakrams, buring with flames but never were injured, sizzled and sparked as it flew across the beach, burning through umbrellas and hitting Roxas.

    Roxas flipped frontwards, flying into the water. "Aahhh!?" Roxas yelled as he flew upwards with two chakrams stuck in his back, pushing him. He skimmed the water, and then fell in. The chakrams dissapeared, and Roxas flipped over in deep water, eyes shut with pain.
    Axel coldly teleported away, saying, "Mission accomplished."

    Roxas swam up to the surface, and held his back. "Who the hell could've done that...?"
  4. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    A sigh escaped Xaldin's lips and looked to Xigbar, all he could come up with a stupid catch phrase. He could almost stab him but instead took a deep breath, "Vexen's fault... I think he did some sort of experiment when I left" Xaldin smirked to him, he still wanted to stab Xigbar but getting Vexen in trouble was getting interesting. "After all, the device may have interrupted his evil witch laughter... Also there's a chance he may have mistaken the PS as a ghost box, after all Vexen has so many screws loose... It makes me look sane" he said to Xigbar. "Anyways, I need to go find Namine or Larxene to help me with my... Little brow problem" he said to Xigbar, his forehead felt more empty without his brows...

    All on Larxene's mind was way of death for lunar mutt, was it death by electrocution, death by stabbing, or a combination? She also begun to wonder if Saix was doing room raids, if hes by Zexion's room could he had been just messing rooms up looking for something? Though this isn't very supported as he took her stuff, but then maybe he was thinking his room was to plain and boring and needed other people's stuff to jazz it up. "If that's so he could have asked Martha Stewart" Larxene thought narrowing her eyes, then stopped looking to Zexion now wondering if she did have to fulfill his bargain... She could always find some black mail and use it, but then again she would need some time for that. "So what tickets do you want?" Larxene asked curiously, she knew it was going to be the bands that wore girls clothes but wasn't sure which one.
  5. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    It is now nighttime!
    Roxas looked around. It was very dark.
    How the hell could someone stab me then put me in the future....Luxord!
    Roxas ran out of the water, like Sora did, but then got attacked not by Donald and Goofy, but 5 zillion Axels heartless. He teleported away, and sended his light poles from Kh Final Mix 2. He turned around, grabbed the cooler, burnt umbrella, he'd have to ask Axel about that, and his towel. He teleported away angrily, forgetting about Namine.
  6. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine stood up carefully and brushed the sand off her. She frowned as she teleported away to her room. "Stupid Axel." She mumbled angry. "He ruined my bikini!" Seeing her poor bikini has been ripped in some places.
  7. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Roxas changed back to his pajamas. He readied his keyblades and stationed an army of his heartless to attack Axels room.

    Meanwhile, Axels spies had found out that Roxas was preparing for war. They made an even bigger fleet, And Axel readied the floor he'd use for the fight, filled with heartless that'd come and assasinate Roxas's fleet. For Roxas, though, Axel prepared a treat. What he doesn't like-He'll get.
    But Axel doesn't know what Roxas likes.
  8. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Being forced into this final action Namine summoned her heartless and nobody fleet. (Never seen her do that berfore...) "With the power of memories he will pay!" Namine declared to herself as she changed into a white night gown. Namine had some preperations for her room. She drew in her scetch book her room only lookign for base like and with traps. When she was done with it her room started to shift into the drawing.
  9. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    ooc: what the heck....who are you battling at?
    Roxas marched his army in his pajamas, down the hallway. On the other side, Axel marched with a decoy army. This will definately get more hearts...
  10. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine summoned a decoy army of nobodies and heartless. She opened her door and marched down the hall with her vase army. The intersection hall was filled with armys she could tell. "Axel! You will pay for ruining my bikini!" Namine scowled at him. "I Declare War on You!"
  11. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Vexen heard someone's voice, which he could tell, Was most likely Namine. since when Larxene shouted through the house normally, the lights would blink on and off from her anger. Vexen sat up, still feeling a bit dumb about the dusk popping out of the wall. He made a long sigh and got up and brushed himself off. 'Why would Namine declare war though?' He thought for a moment, 'W-wait, what if I was correct? What if the organization really is going to kill itself?' He frowned, Vexen didn't wanna be a part of it in anyway. So he began to fast-walk down the hallways towards his lab. Really, he didn't like his bedroom so he slept in his lab. It merely felt more safe for the insipid poor paranoid chilly academic. he hoped he wouldn't run into the war, as he rubbed his left arm with a worried look upon his face. 'Oh my god, I don't want to die..!' Vexen whimpered softly and began to walk even faster.

    Finally the luna diviner got to Larxene's room. Saix gently but her lip gloss box down on Larxene's bed and walked over to the window. He moved the curtains enough so he could see out the window at the moon in the dark sky. He closed his eyes a moment and made a brief smirk to himself before leaving the girl's room. Saix walked down the halls now going straight for his room. He figured he'd just stare out his window at the moon as he ate some more of the lip gloss he kept. As for tomorrow, he planned to take Larxene's body glitter and perhaps a few other things he could fool around with. Either way, sharing is caring right?
  12. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Walking down the halls quickly with Zexion, she saw Vexen with a traumatic look upon his face. "He makes those faces when he knows something's wrong" Larxene mumbled, she grabbed the hood of his coat. "Vexy, what did you see?" Larxene said with a bit of electricity coming from her hand, she stopped and looked down the hall and her electric currents stopped as she saw the lunatic pass by. She grabbed Zexion's hand and charged at him, "SAIX!!!!" Larxene screamed at him, the lights flicker as she had been racing towards him. Vexen and Zexion in each hand, "you best not run, I'll just capture you" she said.

    He walked down the halls and heard both female members in distress, Xaldin sighed and begun to wonder if now was the 'best' time to bother either of them. He folded his arms and sat thinking a moment, Namine was probably the best to approach, Larxene would most likely mame him further. Xaldin thought to himself and begun to walk towards Namine. Either way, she mentioned war on Axel and he would more then help her win it, in fact he would just end it on arrival. As Dragoon's appeared marching beside him, ofcourse he had no idea Namine had ever controlled any of her own minions.
  13. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine looked at Xaldin mad. "What do you want Xaldin?" She asked grumpy. She was ready to attack if he stood in her way.
  14. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Axel signaled secretly to his heartless to assasinate Namine's army first before being seen by Roxas.
  15. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Namine was to mad to notice Axel's nobdies and heartless get into her decoy army.
  16. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    He stood watching Namine and Axel curiously, he smirked a bit and looked to Namine. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I helped at all?" Xaldin said to her, one of his lances appearing in his hand as he looked to the army. His Dragoon's charging towards it at full speed, after all he had to avenge his crooked brows! Namine could help him with that, and then help him draw brows on or something. He wasn't sure what exactly what to do about his brows, mainly because this had been the first time he lost his brows.
  17. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Vexen began to scream as Larxene came seemingly out of no where, grabbed him and started dash with him down the hallways chasing the luna diviner. The chilly academic was like a lifeless doll being dragged down the halls of their house. Vexen finally stopped screaming and closed his eyes trying to pretend he had just pasted out when he had first seen a dusk come out of the wall from before. She had asked him 'What did you see' he was confused at the moment, so could not answer the savage nymph. Lights were flickering he could tell and he was hoping he'd just melt like ice upon the floor and get away from the enraged Larxene. 'After this, I am NOT coming out of my lab..!' He thought. Either way, his lab had everything he needed to live... Though no kitchen, but, a nobody didn't really need to eat to live. Vexen frowned with his eyes still shut and figured maybe if he just helped the savage nymph, she'd leave him alone... That's it! Vexen then changed his frown into a smirk, he looked up and saw Saix... She was mad about Saix somehow, the chilly academic had a guess it was about the luna diviner taking her lip gloss and jacking around with it. He had seen the blue haired man do that several times and he merely tried to ignore it. Yet sometimes he was curious as to why he'd go to such stupid lengths of making Larxene angry all over some junk you put on your lips... Vexen then began to form a large ice puddle down the hall in front of Saix, hoping he'd trip and slip... Although, it hit his mind how this could have been the worst thing to do in 2 ways. I) Saix was going to most likely be very angry with him and he now in a sense dragged himself into the strange organization XIII war... and II) What if Larxene didn't stop and they all went slipping down the halls... 'Should have thought this all out...' Vexen thought and closed his eyes, bracing himself in hopes for the best out come!

    Saix soon heard his name being screamed by a angry savage nymph. He turned his head to try and see how close Larxene was to catching him. The luna diviner saw her changing and the lights were flickering. He turned around and toke up step, but, stepped on the ice Vexen had formed not to long ago and fell down flat upon his face and very slowly slid down the halls. Saix tried to get back up to his feet, but then slipped back down, falling on his face again. This time with some of Larxene's lip gloss falling out of his pocket...
  18. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    A grim smile played on Larxene's face as she charged at Saix, he had slipped up falling flat on his face. Although it seemed like he was still moving, she wasn't sure how that was happening while he was flat on his face. She finally saw the glossy floor, her eyes widened with realization it had ice covering it. She stopped only for the ice to make her fall on Saix, bringing her campaigns with her as they slid down the halls. It was like a demented pile of the members, from the bottom being Saix, herself, Zexion and the top being Vexen. They picked up speed as they slid and her eyes widened, it was almost like a roller coaster ride. "Vexy, make it stop! Make it stop" Larxene demanded of the chilly academic, if he wished to redeem himself for his stupidity it was now as they slid through the endless hall. In all of Larxene's evil witch career, she felt it was necessary to let out a scream of terror. She stopped and buried her head, blue hair being the only thing she could see which was Saix. His hair smelling of her shampoo, only adding to the fact when this was over she would kill him; If she was still alive. She took a peek curiously to see if the hall had ended, it had not and she put her head back down shutting her eyes tightly.
  19. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    ((Dude, I feel bad for them... X_X; lol))

    Xigbar left the room, but as he did, he slipped on his butt. The free shotter sat there for a few seconds and he blinked once before looking to his right, then his left. His eye widened as he saw Saix, Larxene, Zexion and Vexen speeding down the hallway straight for him. Xigbar tried to get up and go upside down but failed as he was hit by the organization train racing down the halls.
    "What is wrong with all of you!?" He asked annoyed.

    Saix stared blankly as they went going down the halls. It was quite fun, he slowly smiled to himself. A sort of wicked smile at that. Though the luna diviner knew he had clearly lost his lip gloss, he'd fetch it later as for now he'd enjoy the ride!

    Vexen was scared out of his mind, and felt like his soul had raced out of him. The chilly academic thought he was sure to die now. Like he thought before, I REALLY should have thought it out... But, Vexen was being a moron today and now he was screaming like Larxene down the slippery halls, until... He couldn't deal with it any longer and fainted as they went down the halls.
  20. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Axel sighed, annoyed, his heartless assasinating the first few heartless that came in to his army, and his other assasinators assasinating Namine's was too confusing. His plan was failing miserably. Roxas's army was taking out the trumpet men, signalling the war, the sounds echoing through the entire castle.
    "Decoys! Assasinate! Secret army! Attack! Leave the boy to me! Got it MEMORISED?!" Axels army apeared around Xaldin's, Namines, and Roxas's, and their continuous raids battered through the ranks.
    Axel hovered up, slammed a few bolts of fire down onto the armies, and flipped over, raising his chakrams and slamming them at Roxas.

    Roxas marched in, signalling to his trumpets. He spotted Xaldin helping Namine attacking Axel. "Good...more numbers."
    The trumpet heartless trumpetted away....though thats what Roxas thought the word was...he needed to go to school soon or he'd turn into Vexen.
    "Ooohhh..." Roxas said at his own dis.
    Out of nowhere, a few heartless surrounded his army. "What?!" He exclaimed, as the heartless flipped over, smashing through the ranks. He summoned his keyblades, slamming through some of these heartless. Heartless fell from the ceiling, and Roxas had to jump up, flipping around to crush some of the heartless that were attacking his army. But still, more came, and as he flew down, a bolt of fire pierced down onto him, slamming him away. He bounced down, and kept on bouncing, and slowly skidded away. He was about to go down the ramp where handicapped people were, and he believed that Axel was going to be the first to use it. Before he slid down it, he summoned back a keyblade that he dropped from the attack and slammed it down. He got up, wiped off the dirt and dust that got onto his coat. He pulled out the keyblade, summoned the other, and ran-
    But then got pummelled by Axels chakrams, which made him fly down the steps, bouncing on each one.
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